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1、选择题:Jack _the office at 8:20 every morning.A.reachB.arrives atC.gets答案:B讲解:从every morning判断句子为一般现在时。主语Jack,动词要用三单形式。reach后面可以直接跟地点。arrive后跟地点要加in或at,arrive in(到达大地方),arrive at(到达小地方)get后跟地点要加to。I like Miss Fang very much.She is _first teacher.A.myB.my aC.my the 答案:A讲解:序数词前有物主代词,不能再用冠词a,an,thePlease

2、dont stand _there.A.atB.onC./答案:/讲解:there为副词,类似的用法有come here, go there, get thereHow_she feel now ?A.isB.doesC.do答案:B讲解:feel“感觉”是动词,句中有动词,构成疑问句,要加助动词do,does等,第三人称单数用does.His story made all the children in the classroom_.A.to laughB.laughC.laughed答案:B讲解:make sb. do sth.“使得某人做某事”September 10th is _Tea

3、chers Day.A. /B.theC.a答案:A讲解:节日前面一般不加冠词a,an,theThe womans name is Mary Joan Shute . You may call her_.A.Miss JoanB.Miss ShuteC.Miss Mary答案:B讲解:Miss后面要么跟一个人的全名,要么只跟姓,不能跟名或者中间名。There is _“s”in the word “sense”.A.aB./C.an答案:C讲解:使用a还是an,要看后面内容第一个发音是什么。s第一个音是/e/,元音,所以要使用an。There _ a football match next m

4、onth.A.is going to haveB.hasC.is going to be答案:C讲解:从next month“下个月”判断句子是一般将来时态。There be 句型的将来时态形式是There is going to be Mr. and Mrs. Read are _ in Beijing now.A.bothB.allC.either答案:A讲解:里德先生和里德太太现在都在北京。both和all 都解释成“都”both指两者都,all指三者或以上的都。Thank you_ us the good news.A.tellingB.for tellingC.giving答案:B讲

5、解:thank sb. for doing sth.“感谢某人做某事”She failed to find the answer _ the question.A.toB.ofC.with答案:A讲解:她没有找到问题的答案。the answer to the question“问题的答案”类似的用法还有the key to the door“门的钥匙”the road to success“成功之路”My dream is _ a dancer.A.beB.to be C.become答案:B讲解:我的梦想是成为舞蹈家。放在be动词is后面的句子成份是表语。动词不定式可以作表语,但是动词原形不

6、可以。选项C.become如果改为to become 也可以。Mr. Johnson is always the first_ to the office.A.comeB.comingC.to come答案:C讲解:约翰逊先生总是第一个到达办公室的。the first to do sth.“第一个做某事”类似的用法还有the second to do sth, the third to do sth.Whats_television tonight ?AinB.onC.at答案:B讲解:今晚有什么电视节目?on television“在电视里”,是固定搭配。television是TV的完全形式

7、。I will tell you _ about me and my school. (完形填空)A.anythingB.somethingC.sometimesD.someone答案:B讲解:我会告诉你关于我和我学校的一些情况。sometimes“有时候”,someone“某人”意思不符。anything用于否定句或疑问句,something用于肯定句。Im in _ at Jinling Primary School. (完形填空)A.Grade Five , Class ThreeB.Grade five , Class threeC.Class three , Grade FiveD.

8、Class Three , Grade Five答案:D讲解:写“几年级几班”,要先写班级,然后写年级,首字母都要大写,中间用逗号隔开。My father is an_.(完形填空)A.farmerB.teacherC.doctorD.engineer答案:D讲解:从an可以知道,横线上单词第一个发音是元音,只有engineer“工程师”满足这个条件。Theres a house _ that river.A. in B.onC. overD.between答案:C讲解:在那条河上有幢房子。A和D意思不符,B.on(在上面)指上下有接触的Jacks family _big and his fa

9、mily _ having supper now.A. are ; are B.are ; is C.is ; is D.is ; are答案:D讲解:family作为家庭来解释是单数;作为家人来解释是复数。She sits between _.A.you and he B.you and himC.he and youC.him and you答案:B讲解:you“你”和其他内容放在一起,要第一个说。between是介词,后面要使用宾格。They are arriving _Guangzhou_the sixth of July.A. at ; at B.in ; inC.in ; onD.

10、at ; in 答案:C讲解:到达大地方要说arrive in, 到达小地方要说arrive at 在“几月几号”前,介词要用on。September is _ month of the year.A. ninthB.ninethC.nineD.the ninth答案:D讲解:第九ninth要注意是没有字母e的序数词前加the根据句意和提示写出单词,完成句子:Monday is the s_day of a week.答案:second讲解:一周的第一天是SundayIn the hotel , _(洗手间,厕所)are very modern.答案:toilets讲解:从横线后are判断,横

11、线上要用复数。H_ of the students are on the playground.答案:Hundreds讲解:hundred(百)thousand(千)在表示确切数字时不能加s,如:three hundred 三百 four thousand 四千在表示模糊数字时,要加s,如:hundreds of 数以百计的thousands of 成千上万的My birthday is on the _(二十)of June.答案:twentieth讲解:“几十”的数字改为序数词要把末尾y改为ieth,如:thirty-thirtiethforty-fortiethninety-nineti

12、eth“几十几“的数字改为序数词,十位不变,个位变,如:twenty-one twenty-firstninety-nine ninety-ninthEvery day , I have a s_ in the bathroom.答案:shower讲解:have a shower“洗个淋浴”have a bath“洗个盆浴”We were glad to celebrate our motherland ,the Peoples Republic of Chinas s_ birthday on October 1st , 2009.答案:sixtieth讲解:我们非常高兴在2009年10月1日,庆祝我们的祖国,中华人民共和国的第六十个生日。The dog n_ her barks and jumps happily.答案:near讲解:在她附近的狗高兴地叫着,跑着。near her修饰前面的dog.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:Would you please _( play ) football with me at the weekend ?答案:play讲解:如果是would like,后面要跟to do sth.这里是would you please,后面应该跟动词原形。My daughter_(enjoy) _(drink) milk.答案:en


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