高二人教版英语必修五练习:Unit 4 Making the news section 2 Word版含答案

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1、 精品资料Unit 4 Section .单词拼写1He didnt live off other peoples faith, and that is _ (令人钦佩的)2All information must be _ (提交) through the online application.3He still feels quite _ (内疚的) when he looks back on the past.4I was _ (故意地) trying to annoy him.5My boss _ (控告) me of being too careless.6This _ (科技的)

2、innovation will save us much time and labour.7In order to ensure success we must have a complete and _ (彻底的) plan.8Do you want to have your first book _ (出版) by next year?9History is by its nature a critical, _ (怀疑的) discipline.10Seek information about the new skill you want to _ (获得)答案:1.admirable2

3、.submitted3.guilty4.deliberately5accused6.technical7.thorough8.published9.skeptical10acquire.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空publish, deadline, assess, amateur, meanwhile,unusual, submit, editor, photographer, assistant,colleague, sceptical1Jerry is an_who dances because he feels like it.2I went to college._, all my

4、friends got wellpaid jobs.3I have never heard of such a thing.Its very_.4Id like you to be the photo_of the magazine.5I have to_a report on the big fire last night.6She couldnt attend the meeting so her_took her place.7She is a talented musician as well as a _.8. Marlin is getting along very well wi

5、th his_.9Im extremely_about what I read in the press.10I have a March_for the novel, i. e. , it must be finished by March.11A representative of the company will call on you to_the damage.12After much delay, the results of the survey were_.答案:1.amateur2.Meanwhile3.unusual4.editor5.submit6.assistant7.

6、photographer8.colleagues9.sceptical10.deadline11.assess12.published.句型转换1He didnt realize the importance of English until he began to work.Not until he began to work_ _ _the importance of English.2The earthquake was so serious that the UN sent medical supplies to the area.So serious_ _ _that the UN

7、sent medical supplies to the area.3Though they were brave, the danger made them afraid.Brave_ _ _, the danger made them afraid.4If you had told him the truth, he might have made some suggestions._you_him the truth, he might have made some suggestions.5Jim had hardly entered the house when it began t

8、o rain.Hardly_ _ _the house when it began to rain.6Some old men from village were sitting at the back of the classroom.Sitting at the back of the classroom_ _ _from village.7A boy who dropped out of school lives in the shabby house.In the shabby house_ _who dropped out of school.8Im a night owl and

9、I seldom go to bed until after midnight.Im a night owl and seldom_ _ _to bed until after midnight.9The days are gone when we played together free of worries.Gone_ _ _when we played together free of worries.10I had no sooner stepped into the room than I heard a scream from the next door.No sooner_ _

10、_into the room than I heard a scream from the next door.答案:1.did he realize2.was the earthquake3.as/though they were4.Had;told5.had Jim entered6.were some old men7.lives a boy8.do I go9.are the days10. had I stepped.完成句子1_ _ _ _(他虽然是个英雄),he has some shortcomings.(as)2Only in this way_ _ _ _ _(我们才能学好

11、英语)。3Not only_ _ _ _ _ _ _(护士们不仅想加工资),but also they want reduced hours as well.4I went to the conference yesterday._ _ _.(我也参加了)(so)5No sooner_ _ _ _(他一到那儿)than he fell ill.6Never_ _ _ _ _ _.(我从未看过这样的演出)7Not until his father came back_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (小男孩儿才上床睡觉)8_ _ _a happy holiday.(祝你拥有一个愉快的假期)9_ _wh

12、at he said.(他就是这样说的)10Across the street_ _ _ _(住着一位老人)答案:1.Hero as he is2.can we learn English well3.do the nurses want a pay increase4.So did I5.had he arrived there6.have I seen such a performance7.did the little boy go to bed8.May you have9.Such was10.lives an old man.阅读理解Sometime in the next cen

13、tury, the familiar earlynewspaper on the front porch (门廊) will disappear. And instead of reading your newspaper,it will read to you. Youll get up and turn on the computer newspaper just like switching on the TV.An electronic voice will distribute stories about the latest events, guided by a program that selects the type of news you want. Youll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear.Want more information on this brief st


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