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1、高一英语必修3期末考试题第一节 单项填空 语法与词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. With the quick growth of home-schooling, nobody knows exactly how many people _ at home.A. will teach B. taught C. are being taught D. are teaching2. English is a free site _visitors can not just learn the English language but also chat online.Awhere

2、Bwhich Cthat Dwhat3. Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, expressing mainland peoples hope for _ reunion (团圆) of all the Chinese people, which is considered to be _ great step forward.A. a; a B. 不填;a C. the; a D. 不填;the4. Look at the price of that bike! It is practically the same as _ of a new motorcycle.A. one B

3、. this C. it D. that5. The storms did a lot of _and caused some_.A. damage, deaths B. damages, deathsC. damage, death D. damages, death6. _ all the required papers, he didnt answer the questions fluently in class.A. Not having read B. Having not readC. Not to have read D. Not to read7. The way he su

4、ggests to us doesnt make_A. meaning B. opinions C. use D. sense8. I find these problems are easy _.A. to be worked out B. to work outC. to work them out D. to be worked them out9. -So you know Della?-Yes, it was last week _ I surfed the Internet. A. that B. when C. why D. whom10. Owning an animal al

5、so makes _ easier for her to make new friends and contacts, particularly children. A. it B. one C. him D. this11. Dont get discouraged. You have another chance_. A. at all B. after all C. above all D. in all12. -The air smells terrible here.-Well, across the river there _ two factories and each of t

6、hem _ paper. A. lie; make B. lies; makes C. are; makes D. is; make13. It seems that we wont find any _ of life on the island. A. symbols B. signs C. marks D. signals14. -How are you getting on with your work?-I havent made _ I should. A. so more progress as B. as much progress asC. so many progress

7、as D. such much progress as15. After a successful operation, Catherine is beginning to_ and will soon come back to school.A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Its Saturday morning. Tony is sitting at the kitchen table, 36 into space and playing with a piece of bread.

8、 Hes not even 37 . Is he ill? No, but he does have a 38_. He has nothing to do because the Internet is down.When he 39_ up this morning, Tony was feeling_40 . He jumped out of bed full of plans for the weekend 41 . It would be a weekend like any other-a great weekend. But that was 42 he turned on hi

9、s computer and 43 he was unable to go online. Having no Internet changes everything.Every weekend, Tony 44 goes online to email friends, read the 45 to keep up with whats happening in the world and play a few online chess games with his cousin Helen to 46 the weekend off. The perfect weekend-online!

10、Just as Tony is 47 how he can possibly have a 48 weekend without the Internet, his mum walks into the_49 . Cheer up, Tony. Dont think about the Internet any more, OK? Tony makes no answer but 50 . Go and play chess with Helen Tonys mum 51 .Oh, yes! Helen lives just around the _52 _ . We can meet and

11、 play chess face to face for a _53 .Maybe this weekend wont be so bad. Tony 54 , as he walks to the phone. There is life 55 the Internet after all.36. A. getting B. staring C. turning D. coming37. A. hungry B. angry C. tired D. sleepy38. A. fear B. problem C. business D. thing39. A. rose B. rang C.

12、looked D. woke40. A. great B. disappointed C. unhappy D. worried41. A. also B. above C. ahead D. ago42. A. after B. before C. until D. when43. A. thought B. guessed C. decided D. found44. A. usually B. nearly C. especially D. already45. A. letters B. news C. reports D. contents46. A. pay B. take C.

13、finish D. put47. A. proving B. wondering C. realizing D. remembering48. A. secret B. difficult C. normal D. strange49. A. living-room B. hall C. kitchen D. study50. A. sighs B. cries C. shouts D. apologizes51. A. requests B. replies C. tells D. suggests52. A. edge B. distance C. corner D. end53. A.

14、chat B. time C. lesson D. change54. A. continues B. smiles C. reads D. watches55. A. with B. about C. against D. beyond第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) A Geena David knew she wanted to be a movie star when she was very young. She was not sure what gave her the idea, but she wanted to look like a movie

15、star. I have a lot of pictures from my childhood of me wearing sunglasses, she says. I used to wear them to watch TV. Early movie actors started wearing sunglasses not because they looked good, but because their eyes hurt. The lights used on movie sets were extremely bright and could cause a painful problem known as Klieg eyes. It was named after the Klieg brothers who invented the lights. Actors wore sung


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