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1、AHow to Make a Budget(预算)Most likely, you arent the family breadwinner. But doing a small job or getting a weekly allowance(零花钱) would put some money in your pocket. For kids and grown-ups alike, money is easy to spend. If you arent careful, it can be gone in no time.Being responsible with your mone

2、y is an important skill to learnand the sooner you start the better. Whether you are tracking your spending or saving for something special, creating a budget can help you deal with your expenses and plan for the future. All you need are paper and a penciland some self-control.First, take a look at

3、our sample monthly budget. Then, use a separate sheet of paper to plan your own. In the first two columns(栏), list your sources(来源) of income and how much you expect to earn form them. In the third and fourth columns, list what you expect to spend your money on and the amount.Sample Monthly BudgetMo

4、nthly IncomeAmountMonthly ExpensesAmountAllowance$ 20.00Snacks $ 26.00Money earned Selling drinks$ 25.00Music downloads$ 12.00Money earnedbabysitting$ 12.50Movies$ 18.00Money earneddelivering newspapers$ 30.00Video rentals$ 10.00Total:$ 87.50Total:$ 66.00The left-hand total should be more than or eq

5、ual to the right-hand total. If it is, you have an effective budget.Budgets are not complex, but sticking to them can be tough. When planning your budget, be realistic about your expenses. If you know that you drop $ 18 at a movie, dont write $ 12 in that space simply because you wish you were spend

6、ing less.If you are eyeing a big purchase, such as a $ 150 skateboard, spend less and save more until you have the total amount. No matter how attractive it may be, avoid spending your savings. One day, you will thank yourself?56Who is the passage written for?AChildrenBParents.CBreadwinners.DBank ma

7、nagers.57The purpose of making a budget is to help people _.Alearn to be realisticBincrease their savingsCmanage their money wellDtest their power of self-control58What should people do when planning a budget?AFill in the expenses as they really are.BAvoid spending money on expensive things.CSet asi

8、de a fixed amount of money as savings.DList income and expenses on two pieces of paper.59Which of the following budgets is effective?BI was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1944, but I can remember my mothers words as if it were yesterday: “ Kerrel, I dont want you to take food

9、 from your father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him.”AIDS wasnt something we talked about in my country when I was growing up. From then on, I knew that this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he could take

10、 care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My fathers other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him.We couldnt afford all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldnt even buy food for

11、 dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely lost, the teachers words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.I did not share my burden(负担)with anyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be

12、cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret. I was completely unprepared when he reached his final day

13、s. Sad and hopeless. I called a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to find someone who cared. She saved my life.I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. H

14、e didnt want to call attention to AIDS. I do.60What does Kerrel tell us about her father?AHe had stayed in the hospital since he fell ill. BHe depended on the nurses in his final days. CHe worked hard to pay for his medication.DHe told no one about his disease.61What can we learn from the underlined

15、 sentence?AKerrel couldnt understand her teacher.BKerrel had special difficulty in hearing.CKerrel was too troubled to focus on the lesson.DKerrel was too tired to hear her teachers words.62Why did Kerrel keep her fathers disease a secret?AShe was afraid of being looked down upon.BShe thought it was shameful to have AIDS.CShe found no one willing to listen to her.DShe wanted to obey her mother.63Why did Kerrel write the passage?ATo tell people about the sufferings of her father. BTo show how li


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