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1、牛津英语模块6第一单元测试题 Unit 1 Module 6 I. Translate the phrases below. (20)1. 取笑 11. be supposed to2. 对.做出反应 12. howl with laughter3. 主要因为 13. make appropriate comments4. 对.有影响 14. a vital form of entertainment5. 作演讲 15. take on a new look6. 意味深长地看着 16. tear.in two7. 一叠文件 17. bump/ walk into8. 突然冲入 18. from

2、 both home and abroad9. 追寻.的足迹 19. queue up for the bus10. 绊倒 20. especially in crosstalk showsII. Multiple choice. (20)1. Im not familiar with this place. Its the first time I _here, you know.A. am B. was C. have been D. had been2. _ about the storm, we all strengthened our houses.A. Telling B. Tol

3、d C. Have told D. Having told3. We _ very much to meeting you again.A. looking forward B. expect C. excepting D. are looking forward4. He wont apologize to me unless his mother _ him to.A. asks B. asked C. will ask D. has been asking5. Im pleased to say that all of you _ greatly _ our spoken English

4、 so far.A. had, improved B. have, improved C. /, improved D. are, improving6. Dont get off the bus until it _.A. stops B. stopped C. has stopped D. will stop7. By the time he _ home, his father will have left for Paris on business.A. got B. getting C. gets D. has got8. No one is willing to make frie

5、nds with those who _ always _ lies.A. is, telling B. /, tells C. /, tell D. are, telling9. The film is amazing. Its better than any other film I _ before.A. had seen B. have ever seen C. saw D. have never seen10. Writing is tough work, but Im sure it _.A. worthwhile B. worth it C. is worth D. is wor

6、th it11. A good friend should be kind and helpful. _ is my mother.A. Such a friend B. Such one friend C. No such friend D. One such friend12. My cousin _ me not to take weight-loss medicine, but I just wont listen.A. is advising B. advised C. advises D. has been advising 13. Frightened by the snake,

7、 the girl _ crying near the well.A. burst in B. burst upon C. burst into D. burst out14. He _ dead, for many people saw the truck hit him badly last night.A. must have B. must have been C. cant be D. must be15. Indeed he found nothing _ in my lesson, because he only had great _ in computer games.A.

8、amused, interested B. amusing, interested C. amused, interest D. amusing, interests16. He again made a mistake in solving the maths problem _.A. somewhat B. somehow C. anyhow D. anyway17. -John, I must _ - I have an important meeting at 8 oclock. - OK! Take care!A. run B. walk C. dash D. exit18. Mar

9、y wasnt satisfied with the blue dress, so the shopkeeper _ another dress for her to try on.A. held on B. held to C. held out D. held up19. As I pulled the sheet out of the typewriter, it _.A. tears B. is torn C. tore D. is tearing20. He _ his hand and _ to report his answers when asked to.A. rose, r

10、aised B. raised, raised C. raised, rose D. rose, roseIII. Fill in the blanks. (20) 1. One _(鲜为人知的) fact is that he was once a _(备受喜爱的) comedian.2. Zhao Lirong was an _(热情的) _(女演员). Shell live in our heart for ever.3. Bi Fujians _(受欢迎) with all age groups is due to his h_ (幽默的)hosting style.4. He say

11、s sitting on an _(看不见的) bench is very _.(舒服的)5. The teacher looked _(恼火的) when his student _(漫步) over to the courtyard instead of following him.6. Father often makes us burst into l_ by telling us different j_.7. D_ is a person in c_ of the performance of a drama.8. He observes peoples b_ in everyda

12、y life and acts out on s_.9. Crystals a_ to improvise leads to his s_.10. C_, a u_ art form in China, has developed a lot of foreignersin recent years.IV. Complete the sentences. (20)1. When is your new book _ on _(上市)? 2. He should have _ _(挪点地方) for the old man.3. Here you are at last!We have _ _(一直在等) for you for hours.4. _ _(后来), he got a job as a government official.5. She never goes out witho



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