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1、The Socetyand Cultue Major nglishSpakin Countries Book Rpot 题 目: imls frAtalia 学生姓名: 纪亚露 学 号:101111017 专 业: 英语 班 级: 10英语() 所在学院: 外国语学院 212年月6日AnimalsfrmAutaliaDistintve nmls minom srli leave a pfound iessonon e admake mannothelp falng n lve ith thecuntryrstof all,the two nimswhichappa on the stralan

2、 oat of Arm-e emu ad ago。Th mu i a kino larebrd hat s imlar o Aica osrih .Though hasg,it cano fly Th angaro hs hortfron egsd long,owrful hind lgs.Was more ,t ussts ta to kep the bancBotof tem hae stronges ,so he emu a r at speedup to48kmh(u,27:10)whl a lare kangaoo can ver ditace o m in ingle lp(u,2

3、007:84)eauehe em ust aance an cantgo ak,Astraln quite areciate this aecour hi ind of sprt。 Secondly,n Jauary97, a uch elorr-Willem de Vamingfirst repted the weste old bublc wan inuralia,bt peoledon believeimOebac an h ts fxd spseoevr,itusullyneti olois ,wich is diferen rom many other sans.(u,2007:0)

4、Iddition tohis,he aypus,wit it duck bill a webed feet,s notheruniquusralinanim,It is niir nor as。Iand the two is of cda ar t nly notrees oreglyng mmls to b ond on theearh .(L,200:109)ast butot lst,koala aybeon of te mos wllknwn and lvely animal arud he wrl 。Kaa eas th leav an youngots ofomkndsof eua

5、lyptus ree.I speds amot lis ime in the trees using th sharp,curved clawsn logtoes t cli bot and to old to e reebras。oala sleep about0 hos a dynd tdoesntdrk water 。It jst gt misure fomeuclytu eves.he word koala comes from a Astali Aborigial word ming“odi”.(,207:13)nque nrencrets uniue anials.ecu of h

6、is,ustralia trcts marveous nuber vsitrs ry ye.Lif isfullfsurprsesandwaitng forus tfndmiracleAs the d saying goes,genuine knoledge coe rom pracce.If weve te opportuny to travel vese,e beero to Australiato enrich our xpeiences and knowlege. am firmy cniced that hesley aimls ca big us a varit of oy nd

7、isiratins.Nevertheless,a quantity f itntive anils are ndange ue to peopes nlimted ustDeseriaion,nvioenal pllution and global ring,alof thhaveerious influeceson anials vig envinet,suhashe dereaseofo ,th destrcton of home and soonA a huan beng,itis ac ofus tht sle responibefor t ptection of te endaner

8、ed animals。nly yth gloal cooperato a uman uceed in savig tee rre nialsom xticti.Theosstar is emotbeauiul and vable starWe cant regrt not treasuring te tings ntile lse tem ihe end。Regretca hlp g bak te pat to cange te histr ,d it een can asist us inhanging the eent circmstanc。lwe cn o is just tod everthing possibe to pec our envirnfro esrong any rthr norr to ive a better life n he future.Refence 珍稀动物。鲁芳。西方文化风情路澳洲篇西北工业大学出版社:陕西宝石兰印务有限责任公司,2007文中不足之处,请您见谅! /


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