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1、Rainy days make me sad.直击课标要求1语言目标Talk about how things affect you2重点词汇tense owner scientific pink lighting knowledge serve design uncomfortable smoke mysterious shiny silly skin cream toothpaste aim specially useful product confuse mislead careful lead plane wedding co-worker orange vase host hoste

2、ss arrange feminine consider proper acceptable tradition embarrass qualityaim at for instance lets say ahead of time3关键句型Rainy days make me sad.Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I am eating.Waiting for her made me angry.Loud music always makes m

3、e want to leave.It was so sad it made us cry.How do you feel about pollution? 4语法宾语补足语课前学习提示一、词汇1 owner un n.所有者,业主。它是由动词own+er构成的。同时own还可作形容词用在所有格后以加强语气。【例】 (1)Who is the owner of this building? 谁是这幢大楼的业主?(2)His grandfather was the owner of this farm.他祖父过去是这个农场的所有者。(3)She was bold enough to own her

4、 mistake.她鼓起勇气承认了错误。(4)Many farmers now own motorbikes.现在许多农民拥有摩托车。(5)The boy owned to having done wrong.这男孩承认自己做错了事。(6)I saw the scene with my own eyes.我亲眼看到了那一幕情景。(7)She worked on her own.她独立工作。2knowledge n lid n.知识,学问,认识,了解,知道。它的动词形式是know。【例】 (1)There can be no knowledge apart from practice.离开实践的

5、认识是不可能的。(2)I have no knowledge of his whereabouts.我不知道他的下落。(3)It has come to my knowledge that you are a doctor now.我听说你现在已经是医生了。(4)She doesnt know how to drive.她不知道怎样开车。3serve s :v vt.& vi. 为服务,招待,供应,(发)球,送交,符号,对有用等。【例】 (1)How is it that the waiter seems reluctant to serve me? 服务员似乎不愿接待我,这是怎么回事呢?(2

6、)They serve good Chinese food in this restaurant.这家饭馆供应美味的中国菜。(3)Its your turn to serve the ball.轮到你发球了。(4)The court served him with a summons.法院向他送了传票。(5)This excuse will not serve him.这种借口并不能帮他的忙。(6)He served in the army between 1978 and 1988他于1978年至1988年期间在部队服役。(7)A board placed on his lap served

7、 for a desk.在膝盖上摆的一块木板成了他的写字台。4uncomfortable nk mf t bl adj.不舒服的,不合意的。它是由comfortable加前缀un构成的,而comfortable是由comfort加后缀able构成的。【例】 (1)She felt uncomfortable with strangers.她同陌生人在一起觉得不自在。(2)We felt very comfortable at the hotel.我们在旅馆住得很舒服。(3)He has a comfortable income.他收入可观。(4)His words gave her much

8、comfort.他的话给了她很大的安慰。(5)Be of good comfort.振作起来!5smoke sm uk vi.& vt. 吸烟,冒烟。它可作名词用,而smoker则是“吸烟者”。【例】 (1)When I came back I found the generator smoking.我回来时发现发电机在冒烟。(2)My dad doesnt smoke.我爸爸不吸烟。(3)The young man smoked himself ill.那年轻人吸烟吸出病来了。(4)Such coal produces little smoke.这种煤燃烧时生烟不多。(5)He had a

9、smoke before setting to work.他开始工作前抽了一支烟。(6)My uncle is a heavy smoker.我叔叔烟瘾很大。6 aim eim vt.& vi.瞄准,针对,目的在于。它可作名词用。【例】 (1)He aimed his gun at the hare.他把枪瞄准野兔。(2)My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你说的。(3)We must aim high.我们必须力争上游。(4)The young man aims at becoming a writer.这年轻人有志成为作家。(5)He achie

10、ved his aim.他达到了目标。7 useful jusf l adj.有用的,有益的。它是由use加后缀ful构成的。use可作动词用,也可作名词用。【例】 (1)That is a useful book.那是一本有用的书。(2)John is a useful person to have around on such occasions.在这种场合有约翰在身边是很有帮助的。(3)Will you kind enough to let me use your electronic typewriter? 让我使用一下你的电子打字机好吗?(4)This telephone numbe

11、r is no longer in use.这个电话号码已不再使用了。8mislead misli:d vt.把引入歧途。它是由lead加前缀mis构成的,它的过去式和过去分词是misled, misled。【例】 (1)He was entirely misled by her words.他完全误解了她的话。(2)The travellers were misled by the guide.旅游者们被向导领错了路。(3)We had a guide to lead the way.我们有一个向导带路。(4)the general led his troops to battle.将军率领

12、部队去作战。9careful k fl adj.小心的,仔细的。它是由care加后缀ful构成的,它的反义词是careless,而care则可作动词或名词用。【例】 (1)Be careful not to make any noise.注意不要有响声。(2)He is a careless person.他是个粗心大意的人。(3)He said I should have given more care to my work.他说我本该更认真地工作。(4)He cares a lot about his appearance.他很讲究外表。二、交际用语。1某物对情绪的影响Rainy days

13、 make me sad.Loud music makes me want to dance.Waiting for her made me angry.That made me annoyed with myself.2表示意愿Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.I would love to jump out of a plane! 三、语法1宾语补足语宾语补足语和宾语一起称为复合宾语,可作宾语补足语的有:名词,代词,形容词,副词

14、,分词,不定式,介词短语,名词从句。【例】 (1)We call him Jim.我们叫他吉姆。(2)Whom do you think of me? 你以为我是谁?(3)Please keep the room clean.请保持室内清洁。(4)He found her out.他发现她出去了。(5)She found the book interesting.她认为这本书很有意思。(6)Youd better have your shoes mended.你还是请人把鞋补一补吧。(7)Make yourselves at home.不要受拘束。(8)We made him what he

15、is.是我们使他成为现在这样。2宾语补足语的注意事项1)作补语的形容词应放在宾语后,若放在前则变成了定语。【例】 (1)We found the man honest.我们发现此人很诚实。(宾补)(2)We found the honest man.我们发现了这个诚实的人。(定语)2)在动词elect, choose, make之后用作补语的名词,若是表示“身份,职位”则不带冠词。【例】 They elected Li Lei monitor last week.上周他们选李雷当班长。3)有些动词后通常跟“to be名词或形容词短语”作补语,但to be常省去。这些动词有:think, consider, believe, imagine, suppose, see, find, feel, etc.。【例】 He thinks himself (t



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