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1、Unitl Welcome back to school第一课时一、情景选择。1、班里来了一名新同学,你应该说: A. Welcome. B. Tha nk you. C. Oh ,no.2、 早上,你的同学对你说:“Good morning你会说: A. Good eve ning. B. Good morni ng. C .Good after noon.3你想介绍自己是从加拿大来的,你应该说: A. Im from Can ada. B. Im Chi na. C .My name is Chi na.二、我是小小翻译家。()1.同学们!A. Boy and girl!B. Boys a

2、nd girls!()2.今天我们班来了两位新朋友!A. I have a new frie nd !B. we have two new frie nds today()3.我是艾米,我来自英国。A. Im Amy.m from USA.B. Im Amy. m from UK.()4.你呢?A. What about ?B. What about you?、Choose the right answer.( 选择填空。)()(1)Hi! I mA. Zha ng PengB. zha ng peng()(2)Hell! I mthe UK.A. toB. from()(3)We have

3、two newtoday.A. frie ndB.frie nds()(4) I havefrie nd.A. aB. an四、活动运用,任务落实Make a survey姓名年龄籍贯运用所学句型,如:Im Zhang Peng. Im 7 years old. Im from Shandong. What about you? 询问同伴,完成表格。第二课时一、我知道(写出几位同学所属的国家)。A. Zha ng Pang : rm from Chi na.() B. Amy: rm from the USA.()C. Mike: rm from Can ada.()D. Sarah: rm

4、from the UK.()二、我来选()1.USAA.美国B.英国C.中国()2.newA.好的B.新的C.旧的()3.stude ntA.朋友B.学生C.教师()4.heA.他B.她C.男孩()5.UKA.英国B.美国C.加拿大选择()(1)Im fromUK.A.aB. the()(2)Im fromCh inaA. aB. /()(3)Im from theA. usaB. USA()(4)Im fromA. CanadaB. Canada四、读读写写catbaghanddad五、活动运用:语篇提升AmyWu Yifa nSarahMikeUKChi naUSACanada看表格,说一

5、说Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK第四课时情景反应:1. 班里来了一位新同学,你想问他你从哪里来? ”你应该说: A. How are you?B. Where are you from?2. 向别人介绍自己的朋友,你应该说: A This is my new friend , Amy.B. I m Amy.3. 向别人告别应该说:A. Goodbye.B. I m sorry.二. 选择1. -are you from? - I m from China.A.WhatB. WhoC.Where2. Thismy new frie nd, Amy.A.isB. amC.ar

6、e2.my mother.A.ShesB . HesC.She三、Choose the right answer.(选择填空)()1.你想问对方来自哪个国家时,你可以问:A. Where are you? B. Where are you from ?()2.Where are you from ?A. This is Ch ina. B. I am from Chi na.()3. 3月8日,你想对你的妈妈说:A. Happy Teachers Day! Happy Women s Day!四、活动运用,任务落实姓名年龄籍贯工作性质用所学句型,如:I m Amy. I m a student

7、. I m from the UK. What do you WMfere are youfrom?询问你的同伴,完成表格。第五课时一.写出下列单词的汉语意思。m from融进对话he teacher she student ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二 . 火眼金睛。(找出不同类的词。)1()A heBboyCgirl2() A oneBstudentCtwo3() A teacherBCanadaCChina4() A UKBUSAC.She、活动运用,语篇提升两人一组,模仿对话,将 Where are you from?I第六课时 一 . 我来选。() 1. friendA. 老师

8、B朋友 C 妈妈() 2. teacherA 老师B学生 C 今天() 3. ChinaA 中国B 美国 C 英国() 4. sheA 他B 她 C 女孩* 找朋友()1. This is Miss White.A. 他是我的朋友。() 2. He s my friend.B.我叫迈克。() 3. She s a teacher.C.我来自加拿大。() 4.My name s Mike.D.这位是怀特老师。() 5.I m from Canada.E.她是一位老师。Unit 2 My Family第一课时一、 我会排。 (将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话) ()He s my father.( )

9、Nice to meet you.()Who s that man?()Hi, Dad ! This is my friend , Amy .( )Nice to meet you, too.二、活动运用,任务落实 任务活动中运用:我是小记者 请学生采访,相互了解家庭成员。 参考句型: Whos that woman?Whos that man?三、利用手中的照片或其他道具,自编对话。Nice to meet you.第二课时我会连。1. woman2. mother3. dad4. mum5. man6. fatherA (口语)爸爸B. 女人C. (口语)妈妈D. 母亲E父亲F.男人()1

10、fatherA. mom()2manB. girl()3boyC. dad()4motherD. womanRead and match.读一读,将对应词的序号写在括号里。)三我会找对子(找出下列单词的对应词)。1.mom 2.woman 3.father4.mother 5.she A. motherB. heC. manD. fatherEDad四、活动,介绍自己的家庭成员照片。 拿自己的家庭照片,介绍家庭成员。This is my family. Look at this woman, she smy mother. Look at this man, he my father, I l

11、ove my mother.smy father. I loveU2 第三课时一我是书学小能手tenlegpenred小小检察官:请把不同类的单词选出来。) 1.A. redB. penC. pencil) 2.A. fatherB. CanadaC. mother() 3.A.tenB. legC. Seven三、Read and tick or cross(读一读,判断每组单词中字母的打1. redleg( )2. teneight( )3. sevenpen( )4. eggcake( )(e 发音是否相同,相同的打“v,不同A. Nice to meet you .B. Hes my

12、brother .C. No, he isn t .D. Shes my sister .E. Shes my mother .、介绍家庭第四课时一. 我会选。()1. Who s that boy()2. This is my frie nd .()3. Whos that woma n()4. Is he your friend ?()5. Who s that girl二、情景反应。1. 当你想询问照片上的女孩是谁时,你应该说: 2. 当你想知道对面的男孩是不是你朋友的哥哥时,你应说: 3. 当你见到新朋友时,你应说4. 当你向别人介绍你的妈妈,你应说: My familyHi! I Annam from(A.China B. Canada). This is my(A. family B. home).Theman is my father. The woma n is my mother. Who s that boy? Is(A.he B. she) my brother? Yes,he is.Who s that girl


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