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1、卷式卷卷总分题号一二三四五六七八九总分一二三总分得分评卷人A卷 100分听力部分一、辨音选出你在句子中听到的单词。(5分)( )1 A park B duck C book ( ) 2 A six B finish C fish ( ) 3 A minutes B with C fifth ( ) 4 A rend B river C reach ( ) 5 A near B hear C hair 二、反应。(5分)( ) 6 A what time B Id love to C yes, I can ( ) 7 A sure! B Yes ,I think so C see you tom

2、orrow ( ) 8 A About a quarter to five B On Monday C next time ( )9 A Good idea ! B certainly C No, thanks( )10 A Its Tuesday B May Ist C sometimes 三、理解,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。(5分)( )11.A At one oclock B Only one kilometer C Im late ( ) 12.A Li Hua B Liu Ying C Wei Hua( ) 13.A To go and see uncle Wang B To fly

3、 kites C To go shopping ( ) 14.A A cup of tea B A glass of milk C A glass of water( ) 15. A At. 6:15 B At. 7:15 C At. 7:45 四、听写,写出你听到的短文中所缺的单词。(5分) Tomorrow is Sunday. We are going to 16 in a factory. The factory is 17 near. Its only 18 kilometers from here. Im going there by bike. But the other stu

4、dents are going there by 19 Uncle Wang is going to meet 20 outside the factory gate.笔试部分 80分五、词汇。(10分)1. invent(发明家) 2.teach(过去式) 3.die(现在分词) 4.photo(复数) 5.see(过去分词)_ 6.far(最高级)_7.They fried a_(第五)time, but without luck, they failed again.8.Evrybody knows that Chinese names are _ (不同于)fromEnglish na

5、mes.9.The_(颜色艳丽的)flowers are in the garden.10.what do you think is the most_(传统的)food.六、选择。(30分)( )1. Ive lost my English book, Have you seen it _? A everywhere B anywhere C nowhere D somewhere( )2.A: Where is Tom? B: He _ home. A has been B has gone C has been to D has gone to ( )3 Have you ever _

6、Lanzhou? A gone to B been to C come to D arrived ( )4.His grandpa_for two years. A die B has died C was dead D has been dead( )5.Marys never been to China ,_ _?A is she B has she C isnt she D hasnt she( )6.Our geography teacher told us that the earth _around the sun. A goes B go C went D going( )7.W

7、e have studied at this school _ two year ago. A for B since C from D a bout( )8.Uncle Wang didnt want them _ lost.A got B get C to get D getting( )9.Listen ,the children are _ so much noise . A taking B getting C doing D making ( )10.what about _ football next Sunday.A play B playing C to play D pla

8、ys( )11.Two months _quite a long time.A are B is C be D were( )12.well go to the Great Wall if it _ tomorrow. A wont snow B dont snow C doesnt snow D will snow( )13. A: sorry , I dont know the way, Im new here.B:_.A Not at all B Thank you all the same C Yes, please. D Im glad to hear that ( )14.I th

9、ink he _back next week.A come B will come C came D has come( )15.“could you give me a hand”_.A Im glad to hear that B Thank you C Thats all right D with pleasure( )16.Which subject is _ interesting of all?A more B most C the more D the most( )17.Man cant live _air or water. A Except B without C with

10、 D not( )18.Youd better _at once ,or youll be late.A to go B go C went D going( )19.The policeman asked the drivers _the cars too fast.A didnt drive B not to drive C not drive D not driving( )20.Whats that _English?A on B in C with D to ( )21.The radio is too loud, Youd better_.A turn it on B turn i

11、t off C turn it down D turn it up( )22.Which language is the most widely spoken in the world?A English B Chinese C Japanese D Japan( )23.Its too late ,why _ now?A not to go B not going C not go D dont go( )24.please dont forget _ to me ,will you?A to write B writing C write D writes( )25.We are not

12、sure _.A when to leave B when leave C when leaves D when we leave ( )26.The old man was _ tried _ go any farther.A too. to B so as C very ,to D so to ( )27.There is no difference between the two words ,I really dont know_.A what to choose B which to choose C to choose which D to choose what ( )28.Many


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