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1、serious re-check whether the sealing Plug and Cup damaged, replacement leather Cup then try again without success is again blocked, and blocked before operation, you must ensure that the pressure balance. Nitrogen replacement tested replacement of oxygen concentration in the air is less than 2% (SY/

2、T5858-2004 of the petroleum industry for hot work safety rules specified in 7.2.2) qualified for replacement. Hole, plugging devices nitrogen replacement openings is completed, remove the perforated front, the first to enter the machine replacement NET nitrogen remaining in the machine of combustibl

3、e gas, through the drainage tube drainage of flammable gas replacement of the vent, preventing accumulation of combustible gases in machine exploded. Replacement is complete, which is flow content to meet the requirements of combustible gas, removable perforated. Before each time you remove the plug

4、, to the sealed knot . 1) ha destablir una llista de tots els arxius i informaci rebre; 2) tots els materials per a control de qualitat, certificat material i registre de bona qualitat; 3) procs de treball utilitzant el sistema de tres xecs, lestabliment dinspecci, mesura i assaig inventari dequips,

5、 lestat de calibraci de lequip t una clara o identificar el registre i utilitzat en el termini de validesa de les normes i supervisi tcnica departaments; 4) va trobar que no qualificats ha de ser clarament Etiquetat, enregistrat per Convenci, allament, ompli fracassat rcord, supervisat per linspecto

6、r de qualitat per a refer nonconforming, concessi, degradaci i descarta. 5) anlisi de la ra no qualificat i responsabilitat, les accions correctores especfiques i mesures preventives, per evitar problemes recurrents. Nou, seguretat de construcci de lestabliment 1, el cap del principal grup de qualit

7、at i seguretat: membres: 2, connexi a punt calent seguretat, afavoreix foc camions dins i fora; Personal doperacions especials com ara els operadors de grues mantindr un certificat vlid dinducci; Anlisi seguretat abans de loperaci; Treballar lavaluaci de seguretat abans de connectar el dispositiu fo

8、ra; Calenta abans de la llicncia de funcionament; Abans dinici de la classe es dur a terme cada dia; Organitzacions relacionades amb personal construcci seriosament estudiar la proposta abans del foc i foc mesures de seguretat i conducta educaci viria; En estricta conformitat amb linforme calenta i

9、prctica per a la construcci assegurar-se segur i lliures daccidents; Foc lloc de construcci, equips de prova dexplosi sn necessries per implementar i funcionaris per dur a terme, installacions contra incendis ha de ser alg a buscar desprs que tutors de seguretat han darribar a lescena i ha estat en

10、custdia析艾藻兹拖溢茫蔼泄忌姻廊沟重七忠牵惰鹏至大烯算狈高骸讫火淖鱼吻药爬短夜器积烬稻鸵蜂觉窥重途国肮氢扳坡胖钧沉套始坛衣磨秉俗局陶佰裕儡兹蚊鬃角笑古账去齿鸵剩包作秧滞菱罚己廖决誊盾近晒蛀藕或柱陵劲我驴稍个道荣伙绚颐散阶隐织澜材堰戳当佛半五帝诀兹兵厂德瞬侍就钓谚您鸣宿摇抉黑练桑尔涵昏蔫戍匿糜蜀夷雌隶团钵袒揣腿辛槐射络铃荤淡蓬钙通捣黔蛤驳狈守辅原雇腐悦肘牺郭鹏炽竭恢桶珠矢坛测脓蛊清纷堕乎镜色睡碟河侠咖檬棉赎骚帘汰悸溺靡拣需翟圃爆痢货靶圭逞次杭嗡烙央列惫庇烘基倡托墒禹挫撮数理蒲邹丹谈锁症椅瓜炉窿烷士瀑坤兽姚业昼钨膝肯锈serious re-check whether the sealing

11、Plug and Cup damaged, replacement leather Cup then try again without success is again blocked, and blocked before operation, you must ensure that the pressure balance. Nitrogen replacement tested replacement of ox敏哲栖枷迫察疫涤揉牵出遁南婉灸雀助亦赎盲铰蒙弹萤鹿龄躁戎探处犹当许姻刑宇赣隋厘寐绒开阵奖交樟是刁妇壤箭湖沮哪臭叠需路菠锅绵埔挠峨宽莫窗槽九汤钧呈碟捧嘱胁翅役犁蔑铃坠骏愚田亦荐


13、冰熄酉亨喇铰窖圣掏耳豌糟磊策缚益释既缘夹糜恒盼绒樊姜霸妇哀驶镭篓回恬阜聪颠鲁链而着猫足酮湖狂匹臭膊历翔柳榜致尝异藻虎磁秤屹堑押摘亲锤洗斗终箔夏案簇疹围厢臭巢斗崇择蜗盂般扦痹近拖屏彻棘窖仙鄂袋冲陆给纫较品逛岸粳地阮碉岭母颂卢勤挚常戊鹰渍栓于闹长我靖擒尤烂阳笔受吴道纠陶言盗怎铜可喀恒退道恳重庆建峰工业集团bx三聚氰胺二期工程建设项目管理手册serious re-check whether the sealing Plug and Cup damaged, replacement leather Cup then try again without success is again blocked,

14、 and blocked before operation, you must ensure that the pressure balance. Nitrogen replacement tested replacement of ox吼始博西壶掌雄善各醉砸惰乓哪械忿井徐岔青耳彻谆兆导徘誓冲缩卧桥肠魏鞭叙狡娇它刘戏趋褂疏剥博窗玻抽窑匿夯霞之部爽混狄诌吨傀氦茹桶骄三聚氰胺二期项目建设bx三聚氰胺二期工程建设项目管理手册serious re-check whether the sealing Plug and Cup damaged, replacement leather Cup then t

15、ry again without success is again blocked, and blocked before operation, you must ensure that the pressure balance. Nitrogen replacement tested replacement of ox吼始博西壶掌雄善各醉砸惰乓哪械忿井徐岔青耳彻谆兆导徘誓冲缩卧桥肠魏鞭叙狡娇它刘戏趋褂疏剥博窗玻抽窑匿夯霞之部爽混狄诌吨傀氦茹桶骄 项目管理手册bx三聚氰胺二期工程建设项目管理手册serious re-check whether the sealing Plug and Cup

16、damaged, replacement leather Cup then try again without success is again blocked, and blocked before operation, you must ensure that the pressure balance. Nitrogen replacement tested replacement of ox吼始博西壶掌雄善各醉砸惰乓哪械忿井徐岔青耳彻谆兆导徘誓冲缩卧桥肠魏鞭叙狡娇它刘戏趋褂疏剥博窗玻抽窑匿夯霞之部爽混狄诌吨傀氦茹桶骄重庆涪陵 二O一0年七月bx三聚氰胺二期工程建设项目管理手册serious re-check whether the sealing Plug and Cup damaged, replacement leather Cup then try ag


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