Unit2Discoverusefulstructures名词性从句导学案- 高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、-Revision of Noun Clauses & its application in writing (名词性从句复习及在书面表达中的运用)Teaching goals:1. Enable (he Ss to grasp the definition, kinds and use of Noun Clauses through revision.复习并掌舞名诃性从句的扣关概冬.)2. Enable (he Ss to know how to choose coirccc coiljunctions for Noun Clauses.掌握名词性从句三类方1导词(连接词.连接代词.连接副词

2、)的用法,并能够在只体语境中灵活运用.)3. Enable ibe Ss (o know hew le Noun Clauses in writing.(学会将名词性从句运用到书面表达中.)Teaching important t& difficult points:1. How to use correct conjunctions for Noun Clauses.(如何正偷使用引导诃)2. How to use Noun Clauses in writing.Step2. Observation 盘 I)iscoven (观察发现)ni.klc.ii ir.ilcrid( nuke Ji

3、 *t bun h is sj d ir.iS- u i、 Ch ii.is tlrt ?niccrn nj rcwuc Chinese chizcns and fbre汝n naiionals from a ikiioiul Middle East country. h also iclls lhai Jiaolonc managed to prcvciM a tcrrorisl dIqi from obuinina2.名诃性从句的分类:成分;位TT多在.或山作形式主语(句)1( is a pity that we can*t go.()I wonder what he has done.

4、()Wc think it our duly that we should help others. (The question is whether it is worth doing. ()剑 have no idea where be comes from. ()Step 3.Important points inquiry (重点探究)连接词的辨别与考查考点一:连接词Obnerviition:1. Our resolve in this opcrulion is o Id the terrorist groups know that n。Chinese can be harmed.2.

5、 Whether Chinese cilizciu can be rescued or nx depends on the sense of mission and obligation of Chinese soldiers.3. Tku movie i、filled wilh revnexwar givex grval sbexk (u (he public.4. The hoMiigcU 人质)1如 whahcrAf (hey can li (hrou#h Ihis cri、i* .Concluxion:名词性从句的连按词有个,分别姑、。that ftJ中含义,充当句子成分 if/whe

6、ther点思姑.在句子中充当句子成分.恩考:whether和if在任何情况下都可以互换叫?Observation:1. Windier we will lx)ld a jxirty in the open air toinoirow depeixh on (he weather.2. Were worried about whether be is safe.3.1 dont know whether or not he is well.4. The queMion is whclher be should do it5. The doctor can hardly answer (he qu

7、estion whcihcr (be old man will recover soon.6.1 dont know whether co go.7. Whether yoi arc right, only lime will tell.Conclusion: whether 与 if 用法小结1. 引导宾i从句位于介词后只能用,2. 与ornom cibuuninu nuclear materials to make dirty when th” will take action . and wheie1心 will gaiher after ihc mission.11. Why OpmS

8、m RrdSm hi “i ehii、auihwicei Iw in ilN spiril i( llw Chnese nation Conclusion:引导名诃性从句的连接副同,在句中做状语.主要包括:“怎么样”,么”为什么”W去什么地方”“在什么时候”W加理山咨彩*辑堤础蹈:Practice: Fill in the blanks with proper conjunctions 1.(全国 I 卷)My uncle is the owner of a rescauram close toI live .(仝国 I 卷) We now realizeimportant family is

9、, especially when youre raising children.(全【司【卷)Tlie summer holday is coming. My claKvniatex and I arv Uilking abcmlwe will do dunng (hv holiday.(全国 11 It)Members kavc books on p;irk benches and buses, in Ira in Mahons and coffee shops.finds (heir book will go o the site and nccoixl where (hey found

10、 i(.(北京卷Your support is imporumt o ur work.you can do helps.(北京 U) The most pleasant thing of (he rainy season isone can be cmirdy free from dust.(天津 程)The manager put forward a suggestionwe should have an assistant. There is too much work to do.Step 4 Noun Clauses in Writing PracticePart A: Combine the Imo sentences into one sentence which contain% difTcrcnt N



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