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1、关于简单的英文自我介绍8篇 当来到的一个陌生的地方时,我们通常会被要求作自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以让别人认识自己。但是自我介绍有什么要求呢?下面是为大家收集的简单的英文自我介绍8篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 am Savni, I fro Scndaad. y hobisa lisnigto music most of he time an payng baiton, inoo mesuchcrs,chess etc. My trengths are,I am optimisti natre, ay aents. Coming ty famiy bagoundwe are four of

2、us: me, fathr,mothe an ounger brother ftheis SCeploye,mo hu wfe and bother is eceiving hisharm 3rdyear ovingn t my datinalbacgron: I hae oe my shooli fomKees hichol n th yer 202X,I finedbip o richian i the year 02, ihave cmpld .c. Nursing froYhoda intttinde NTRuversity in eyea 202X.hwoleof20Iasorkia

3、s taff nus inYaoahospita. Rghnow I amookig ut foBbecaus ot engedlstye, my in-lawsreginst me noto wor i nursng depaent. o, i looking ou for PO ease a t rovides goptfrm fofehersand more over it wouldwlcom aes ay educationlvelwith goodcommuniation skillsandablity t ale cusmer. 简单的英文自我介绍 篇2 Goo afternon

4、, teaches!m vhppy o introducesef he。 I Sct。 M Cie amis SuZjng。 I 13。Im frm Class Grade 6ofngP No。PrmarScoo。 I hve many hbies, such playig gpong, pyingbdinton, listenng to muc, readin agazinesnd soo。My favoutefodi ccken。 Itastand umy。 SoImey strn。 Ia nughty boy。 alaspy tricks。 Ad u lie staying yoo an

5、 reaing boos。 But Iae adeam, I wnt to be a ardsignr。Becase a ar fan。This me。Please membernZjng! hank you very uc! 简单的英文自我介绍篇3my nme s cenXX,i sborni 187 n cmeo te th famoussencsp-usan,ijian.my mjor i univrsit i cutscaation ndntratioalreihduring m stu inunvsty,iwe tothe trin o nionalCtoms Officer,cro

6、aent,declarant,asiaant lgiician and Documentaio Specalist,andgo all thecertfiates.and i alo win many scholrshs.i have a lt of prfessonaknowlegewhih md e be t wrk eficieny. yniviuality ca e described a an hnest, stonsnse ofduty,poiive ndpasionl,n wok lnderavyrsureihopethad he hor o join inyor compn.m

7、yname is . wasborn in17an rom the beaufulamous iujiang in lusan. urinthe tme nshool ,mymajrsjt is cutom delaration nd nternaionl freghturng t tie school I ave got man kndo rewards, ndIhave pased theensonatinal Cusos fficr,crgo agent,decarant,assiatnt giician and ocumenaion Speciist . I amapeson with

8、 i nowdge ofmy ajr,and am ones Im alo veryhotherted , m vrey livly and I havetrongreosiity of my ob .Ican ber ots o prsur .Iope can be a memberin your comay. is ismyselfintrodon ,thnks! 简单的英文自我介绍 篇4 helo.everyne.i realgod to see y hrei am.,comefrom cna.this is my frs time o is beifuloury,i am so del

9、igted t havethe opotunitytob herewith youguys i finishe mystud high hol ,and i dlietofuther y sudy here.bm ngsh is nt tha good,i needou ep.ayway , hoe w cannjyourseles beig tgetherthakyou eneral nrodution I aa tid eamstrmajor automaion tShanghi ia ong University, P .ina. With tremenous iterst in Ids

10、tral Engineeng, mriting t apyracceptancento your Ph.grauate pogam. Educaobckgrnd In 15, enered thNnjig Unversity o Siece Techoogy(NUT)- wdely cnsiedone f the Cines enierng shols uring h fllowin undrgrate study, my acaei recrdkeptitingihe aong the wholdepatent. as graned rst Cls Prze very semstr,n 99

11、9,I gtthe ivileto enter the grduae prgraaivd of the dmisontest. Ahepeiod of my rduatudy, my oeralGPA(3.7/.0) ran top %n thedeparmen.In he second semste, Ibecam eche assstathat s gveotlented and mtre udentsonly. i year, Ion te Acer Sholarship s the o an ony candte inmy deparmt, whch is the ultimte ac

12、colae fr distinguihed studntendowdby m unirsity Pesetly, ampeprn my rauation thsisand rying frthe honor of Exceln GraduationThesis.Researc exeience and acdemicactvity Whe a spooe, oind the Asocitin f Ehsiat andegn o nrow downyinterst fo myfutur rsearch. With thetoolfOenL andMatlab, digned a simuatio prora r transprtati chedling system. It is nowideyued by dferent searhrops i NST. Iasued and fufill


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