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1、课 堂 教 学 设 计 方 案第 三单元第1课时 总计第 13课时 主备人:米旭东 投放日期 2012 年 9 月 20 日课题Unit 3 What are you going to do?Lets start Lets chant A: Lets learn Lets try Lets talk课型 新授教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、认读句型:What are you going to do this evening?Im going to the cinema .并能对其中的动词和时间短语实行替换操练。 2.能够听、说、认读短语:Take a trip,go to the cinema

2、,read a magazine.以即时间短语:next week,this morning/afternoon/evening 3.能听、说、读、写句型:What are you going to do on the weekend?Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 4. 能完成Lets try部分听录音判断对错的练习。教学重点和 难 点 1.学生能准确、自如地使用be going to do并会写句型描述自己的活动计划与他人交流。 2.听、说、读、写四会掌握句型:What are you going to do on the w

3、eekend?Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.教具准备 1.磁带 2录音机 .教 学 步 骤主备人个性化设计参与交流者意见一、导入(1)师生互对Lets start部分对话.(2)播放本课时Lets chant部分的歌谣。二、出示学习目标 1.能够听、说、读、认读句型:What are you going to do this evening?Im going to the cinema .并能对其中的动词和时间短语实行替换操练。 2.能够听、说、认读短语:Take a trip,go to the cinema ,read a m

4、agazine.以即时间短语:next week,this morning/afternoon/evening 3.能听、说、读、写句型:What are you going to do on the weekend?Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.三、自学指导1学习28页A部分Lets learn 部分内容能够听、说、认读短语:Take a trip,go to the cinema ,read a magazine.以即时间短语:next week,this morning/afternoon/evening。并且能够听、说、读

5、、认读句型:What are you going to do this evening?Im going to the cinema .并能对其中的动词和时间短语实行替换操练。 (7-9分钟)四学生自学,勾划出不会的单词、短语以及句型五师生共同解决学生反馈的内容录音机播放A部分Lets learn部分内容六自学检测1.连线Take a trip 去电影院This morning 今晚read a magazine 去旅行Next week 明天Go to the cinema 今天早晨Tomorrow 今天晚上This evening 阅读杂志tonight 下周七、自学指导2学习28页A部分

6、Lets talk部分内容.能听、说、读、写句型:What are you going to do on the weekend?Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend. (5-8分钟) 八.学生自学,勾划出不会的单词、短语以及句型九师生共同解决学生反馈的内容十自学检测给下面单词排队吧!1.are going what this you afternoon do to (?) 2. to buy are going you what (?) 选择题。()1.Sarah:Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon? Am

7、y:. A.Imgoingtobuyabook.B.Imastudent. C.Igotoschoolbybike.D.Areyouateacher?()2.Zhang:WhatareyougoingtobuyanEnglishbook? John:. A.Doyouhavecomicbook? B.Whatareyougoingtobuy? 十一、课堂检测( )1.Zhang:WhatareyougoingtobuyanEnglishbook? John:. A.Doyouhavecomicbook? B.Whatareyougoingtobuy?C.Thisafternoon. D.Img

8、oingtoplanttrees. ( )2.Jim:Whereareyougoingthisafternoon? Tom:. A.Imgoingtobuysomecomicbooks.B.Imgoingtothebookstore.C.CanIhelpyou?D.Imgoingtovisitmyaunt. ( )3.Sarsh:Areyougoingtouseanybooks? Mike:. A.Imgoingtobuyamagazineaboutplants.B.No,Iam. C.Yes,Iam.D.Imgoingtotheshoestore. ( )4.Jim:Excuseme,Whe

9、reisthelibrary? Tom:. A.Wheresthemuseum?B.Wherestheschool? C.Wheresthehospital?D.Itsnexttothepostoffice. 板 书 设 计Unit 3 What are you going to do?Take a trip read a magazineTomorrow tonight next weekthis evening this afterning this morning经 典 题 型 设 计给下面单词排队吧!1.are going what this you afternoon do to (

10、?) 2. to buy are going you what (?)教学反思 课 堂 教 学 设 计方 案第三单元第2课时 总计第14课时 主备人:米旭东 投放日期 2012 年9月20日课题Unit 3 What are you going to do?A:Lets read C: Good to know Pronunciation课型新授教学目标1. 能够读懂Lets read中的段落,并根据段落内容写出提纲式的Liu Yuns weekend plan.2.能够模仿文段的内容陈述自己的周末活动。教学重点和 难 点重点:阅读段落并根据段落内容进行第三人称的转述,掌握第三人称时be go

11、ing to do句型的用法。难点:转述时第一人称与第三人称的人称代词与物主代词的变换。教具准备准备录音机和本课时的录音带教 学 步 骤主备人个性化设计:参与交流者意见一、热身 1.Lets sing “What are you going todo?” 2师生对话复习第一课时的对话。二、出示学习目标1. 能够读懂Lets read中的段落,并根据段落内容写出提纲式的Liu Yuns weekend plan. 2.能够模仿文段的内容陈述自己的周末活动。三、自学指导学习A部分Lets read部分的短文,能够读懂Lets read中的段落,并根据段落内容写出提纲式的Liu Yuns weekend plan.将不会的单词勾画出来,同桌讨论完成。 (6-9分钟)四学生自学,勾划出不会的单词、短语以及句型.五师生共同解决学生反馈的内容.六自学检测问答句配对. A B 1.Whereareyougoing? A.Bytrain. 2.Whenareyougoing? B.Buyacomicbook. 3.Whatareyougoing? C.Itseastofthecinema. 4.Howdoyougotothezoo?



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