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1、新课标高中英语词汇系列练习题(十)1. 单项选择:1) We want to rent a bus which can 40 people for our trip to Beijing.A. load B. hold C. fill D. host2) Li Lei wanted to tell her everything, but something made him _. A. hold up B. hold back C. hold on D. hold out3) Washington, a state in the United States, was named _ one o

2、f the greatest American presidents. A. in favour of B. in the hope of C. in honour of D. by means of4) The young man went there _ a job with a higher pay. A. with the purpose of finding B. in the hope of finding C. hoping to find D. all of the above5) The committee is discussing the problem right no

3、w. it will _ have been solved by the end of next week. A. eagerly B. hopefully C. hurriedly D. gradually6) - Michael was late for Mr. Smiths oral class this morning. - _? As far as I know, he never came late to class. A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for7) _, Mother will wait for him to hav

4、e dinner together. A. However late is he B. No matter how he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is8) If you_ your belief, you promise to succeed eventually.A. hug B. stick up for C. keep up with D. hold up9) Zhang Jiajie is well-known for its_ area of forest and beautiful natural scene

5、ry.A. big B. huge C. great D. hopeful 10) Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _ his leg.A. damaged B. hurt C. hit D. struck11) My _ of this weekends activity is going out with some good friends.A. idea B. opinion C. idiom D. thought12) The computer will _ your fingerprints before it al

6、lows you to enter the building. A. tell B. realize C. identify D. imagine13) Dont _ your carelessness. It may lead to serious problems. A. improve B. keep C. impress D. ignore 14) Look at the trouble I am in. _ I had followed your advice.A. Only if B. If only C. But for D. As long as15) - My childre

7、n are always arguing. - _.A. Just ignore them B. Thats right C. Are you sure D. How old is the boy16) Can you imagine _ across the big desert? A. Tom going B. Tom goes C. Tom is going D. Tom to go17) The policemen went into action _ they heard the alarm.A. suddenly B. hurriedly C. quickly D. immedia

8、tely18) - How was Roberts cooking? - Oh, pretty good. I was quite .A. admired B. interested C. impressed D. inspired19) -You look beautiful _ the red skirt.-Thank you, and it surely looks wonderful _ you.A. on, in B. in; on C. with; with D. at, at20) The serious _ along the border increased our fear

9、s of the war. A. accident B. affair C.incident D. event 21) - How come a simple meal like this cost so much?- We have _ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke. A. increased B. included C. contained D. charged22) He stays at home every day without a job, but he gets good _. A. wage B. pay C. s

10、alary D. income23) One of the consequences of our planets being warming up is a(n) _ in the number of natural disasters.A. result B. increase C. reason D. income24) The research results seem to _ a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health, but more work must be done to test it.A. in

11、dicate B. analyze C.identify D. prove25) Being always excellent at his _, he can easily find a new _. A. job; work B. jobs; work C. work; job D. works; job 26) The bell _ the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion. A.indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interrupting C. indicating; interru

12、pted D. indicated; interrupted 27) Have you got any new _ about the results of the exam? A. news B. ideas C. notices D. information 28) The managing director of our company is in charge of this office, so all the other employees are _ him. A. junior to B. junior of C. junior from D. junior towards 2

13、9) The _ the bell rang, the teacher walked into the classroom. A. immediately B. hurriedly C. hardly D. instant30) Violence on TV may turn out to be a strong _ on some young people. A. impression B. expression C. influence D. influential31) Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _ known for his plays. A. the best B. more C


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