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1、重庆一中初级14-下期期末考试英 语试卷(全卷共十个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟) 第I 卷 (共90分)听力测试。(共0分)第一节,情景反映(每题1.分,共分)根据你所听到的句子,从、B、三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。听一遍。1. A t s fult B. Ys, of coue C. I nt gre wit u.2. A.hats all rht. B. It iO. . Thanku. 3. y pleasure. Imoy to hea at. C. No olem.4. Since t yerao B Onyonce. Ever yr. A. washing ches

2、. I wa tlkg on th phone. C. Ihel mom clean the house.6.A. Yes, s. Tha amazi. C.Ye, it has. 第二节,对话理解(每题1分,共9分)根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听一遍。. .o tepar. B.Home. C. Tothe osho.8A About 1 ers. B. Aout 0kiloets. C bot 0 kiloeers.9. Because e ssometing lse to warB Becuse he ha PE cls.C.Becaue he has b

3、acold10. He played occerls nig.B. H didt haeenough le atnihtC e had healt prblem.11. A. Yes, e has. B. I ont k. C. Notyet.12. A. uny. B.Wednesday. C.Mnday. 第三节,长对话理解(每题.5分,共6分)根据你所听到的对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听两遍。听第一段材料,回答第1和14小题。1How many kinds fport are metioned y au? A. Three B. w. COne.14w often de

4、Juy doexercie?A. Ala. Fe tim awe. . Harly e听第二段材料,回答第15和16小题。1. Why doe thwoa all te man? AShe cant fid hr auhter B. Her auhr didntgoto hool. C. he want to ask aughterto call the police6. at oes aly look ke?A.She i 1 metr tallB. Shei 1. mters talC. e is . tes tall第四节,短文填空(每题15分,共分)根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、三个选

5、项中选出对的答案。听两遍。17 J wet to New Yr _.A. by subwy B y C by ain18. Jiculdt sle becuse_.A. s tonsy B. he ws cited . he ashngy1. hegirl ean _hegvn cakto him.A siled B. was angry . lagh2. paidth irl _fr thefoo.A. nohing Bo dolar C.to dolrs 单选。(每题1分,共分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上相应题目的答案标号涂黑。21.Tacy i

6、_ uneradig girl. e all ker very u. A. a B. an C. th D./ 22. hank you very much for remindng me_ y ngs estnext wekI have earefr rigt no. A. to B. for .of D. at . he hrwoking _thoe whowork a loton tdyA. re Bws C. is D. wre 2. Lucy _ om sincelst year.nd tey hav ad agode of. A. gt marred with B arie o C

7、 hasen mrried to D.s been mrred h 25. Iknow eople in utri pek _. Sothey dont haveanytrul cmmuicatng with _ A.Geray, Geran . Geran,ean C.mas,Germans . Gern, Germas 6. - ti Mutan Em i mrebeutl than _ mouain i hna. -Reay? antto o the te. A. th oter B.oer C.an otr D. any 2. As herlds population _boming

8、_, w have tdo soehig to chan the stuaton. A. s, bier a biger B. ar, bgger and bgg C.re, mr a more D. is, moe a more28. W yo_ he op ofte munain,ou willel any polem you have is junothi at al. A reach B. arive C. get . gecls 29. -Look a thbx _ ples.Wh does i_? -I hin ti Vivas. A. iful o, beo B.ful o,be

9、l C.s ull o, belong t D. ull o, long to30 -_do yo wat gowit fo your vacation inhina? -Ialsoat to o witygrnpa . Where ele Whih else C. atle D. W lse 1-Were d youwantto th sumer? -h,hatsa god uestn. Irellywan to go_. A. eacfu omewhr somewhre peacefu C.topafulsmewhee . to mewheepeceful32. am _anewpapr whe thebus stpped rpdly. A. rea B. reaing C. ha re . was adig 33. Tom didnthe th mtin. _,he wn cmping inthe moutain by imelf.A. sted of B. Althugh Insead D. nlss34.H wi hs ified _ Thlnd ma ime. Tey knwa t about ths country. A. ha gon o hs ben to havebeen i . have been to 5. h ty _cary, but t is



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