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1、游泳作文游泳游泳是一项体育运动,也是一项休闲娱乐活动。Swimming is not only a sport, but also a recreational activity.以往,我是一只“旱鸭子”。看着电视上那些游泳健将如一条灵活的鱼儿在水里游来游去,真是羡慕不已,希望自己有一天也能象他们那样在水中如鱼得水,就这样,盼星星、盼月亮,终于有一天,爸爸带我来到了游泳池,我一见到游泳池,就想立马就跳下去。可等我一下水,才发现水是非常可怕的,因为我一到水中,人就往下沉,根本就不听我的使唤,不大一会儿,我肚子里就灌满了水,而且鼻子也麻,眼睛也痛,那个难受劲,真是没法形容。就这样了,我是再也不敢再

2、下水,可是爸爸妈妈却非逼着我学,大说游泳的重要性和必要性,没法,我只得硬着头皮下水,先学憋气,我深吸一口气,再将头伸过水中,一次又一次,直到有一天,我发现自己竟然能毫不费力地浮起来了,再学闷头游,我用脚蹬、用手划,呀!我居然能在水中前进了,这一刻,我是多么的欣喜啊,从那以后,我发现是越来越有趣了,每一次都不肯从游泳池出来,总是在妈妈“你再不回家,明天就不带你来了!”的催促声才恋恋不舍地回家。只可惜,后来由于蚊子把我的脚咬得体无完肤,害得我没法再继续学下去,要不,经过这个暑假,我想我也能如一条调皮的小鱼,在水里自由自在的穿梭了。不过,我想,明年的暑假我一定能实现我这个愿望的。In the pas

3、t, I was a dry duck. Watching those swimmers on TV swimming in the water like a flexible fish, Im so envious. I hope that one day I can also swim in the water like they do. So I look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally one day, my father took me to the swimming pool. When I saw the swimming p

4、ool, I wanted to jump right away. But as soon as I went into the water, I found that the water was very terrible, because as soon as I got into the water, people would sink down, and they would not listen to me at all. Soon, my stomach was filled with water, and my nose was numb, and my eyes were pa

5、inful. It was hard to describe. In this way, I never dare to go into the water again, but my parents have to force me to learn. They say that swimming is important and necessary. They cant do it. I have to go into the water with my head stiff. First, I learn to hold my breath. I take a deep breath,

6、then stretch my head out of the water, again and again. Until one day, I find that I can float up effortlessly, and then learn to swim with my head down. I use my pedals and feet Hand stroke, ah! I can actually move forward in the water. At this moment, how happy I am. Since then, I find it more and

7、 more interesting. I refuse to come out of the swimming pool every time. I am always at my mothers if you dont go home, you wont come tomorrow! The urge of the voice was reluctant to go home. Its a pity that I couldnt continue my studies because of the mosquito biting my feet completely. Otherwise, after this summer vacation, I think I can also like a naughty little fish, freely shuttle in the water. However, I think next summer vacation I will be able to realize my wish.这就是我学游泳的经历。This is my experience of learning swimming.


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