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1、第八单元综合质量检测试卷测试时间:0分钟 测试总分:80分.单选(15分)1.一_i Pig birha? 一Its Jl 7t. .W BHow C.heD.Whr2he _ lett the wor “monh”is“”A.five B.econd .wo Dth3.Te bis nly_Toy is is_ bihay. A.five;i five;fift C.fift;ive Dffth;fift4Suay i th_dy of a wee. Ahrd B.econd Cfrst D1st5.urschool ha sts meeting _Octobr th Aat B.n C.i

2、n Df一Dos hsbother avea muic paty? 一No, buthhas_ Egish prty evey ar. A.an B. C. Dme7一apybirth!一_ A.Tak yo B same o you C.Youre welomeD.Thats l rght8一w od Tm? 一Thisars Ts_ birthay A.een .ineth C.hirteeDfurteenth9一Wn _ o have school trp? 一Srry,I_know. A.are;ont B.do;aren C.are;aen .do;dnt0._ coesbefore

3、 Deme,but fter Ocber.Noemer .Sepmber Cugut D.January11.Gu Mining and LiTao re_ a Cinse Bhinese CChin Chins12.一Wa y ge,plase? _ A.ry,Int know B.Yes,Im 2 CTweveDo,Im not3.Wts t _ od? 一Its Ju 26 A.d Bdate Ctime D.name4.(重庆中考)The _ queion is muh mo dificult t tisne. A.sixt B.six C.sxeeD.sxty15.(徐州中考)ngl

4、h sinteetig,_ I idntlie itft. A.and B.so Cbu D.or完形填空(分) Helo! My nam s isa. hvea god l .Sheis A,an sh elvn 2 .Herbirta i pril 3.She in No. 14 Midd Sho.Sh les amburgrsand laSh sa sml 4 collectin and e are 5 the sam classSo aft cass we often do sportsTday ehave 6 basktbalga.Ihikeca d well in it alslk

5、 7 .Sh likes 8 the cncert(音乐会)witend he can play 9 ve well.So e s in h soolmuscclubThe shoolmicftivali 0 ecember 20.Ann an I wan o join(参与)t.roter Bfrind C.aunt D.teche2.Ayear old Blyear .years old.old yeas3Afivet Binth Cs D.iet4Amusic book Csport Dpenc shpeer.A. .of at .in6Aa B.te C/.7Art music CEn

6、ish D.Chne8.Ago Bgoe gong D.gon t9.A.tenni Bpao CthuitarD.vlleybal0An Bi .atD.for.阅读理解(3分)(A) t is te lastayof ay todayIt isrndmas sixty-fih bdyFahr,Mother and I go o sehr. She lieswithmunce in a vilae(村庄).Eary nthe rin w buy a itday ckead me fruit and o to e hom.Grandm andnle r ver glad to usei the

7、 gif(礼物)to grndm ansay “H birtday t you!” She is very hapyanays“Tnk yo!” Thn we sitdown to tak.Uncl goes cokfor unch.At 4oclok,we say oodbye and go bac ome.1.Granas irtday i_. A.toa B.My CMay 31s DMay 30thGrandma ves _. A.wit m parents Bth my uncl Cwith ranfathe D.al(单独地)3Wht do buy frgdm? ASome boo

8、ks. BA bitdacake C.Flower.A birthdayake ad somefrut.4.We _ wigrndm her ose. Atalk B.eat cake Cok .eatfruis5.We g ackho _ Aat fo ocloc ver late C.at ieoloc atlnhtime() Today is Deceber lhtsmysiste Lia sevnth birtda.In e morng,myparents ake u to he clohes eThre my moher us areswater fo Lisa.And ego to

9、 the boosor.here uy soe Cs fors.My fathr aso ysabo orLisa,and is nae is arr otteI ssfavoritebok n he eening,m ars hve aithday party fr is at omeLisas frieds,Bil,Jin Cindy,com tothe prtyBl bringsa ew peni cae to LaJim ivsLisa aocer all ecuse selikes plaig soccerCdy es Lisaannglish-Chines dictionarLia

10、 is ry happOh,Im Lsas brther.My name s TedLsa is _ years old thsy Aten B.ight een Deee7Lisas moter buys a_foher. ArdT-shirt B.ed swer Cheshi DresirtHarr Pttr ith nae f a_ A.D .shop Cport bok9Jim ill re isa _ Arieds Bcousin C.brothes.tecrs1._ buys Egih hinese diconary fr La. A.ed .Cind CLias aherDLiss u


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