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1、英语口语阅读材料归纳2022日常英语口语对话带翻译Tom: When we say the authentic literature, one is poetry; do you know what the other one is?所谓的文学正宗,一个是诗词,另一个是什么?Jerry: Is it the novel?是小说吗?Tom: No, it is prose.不对,是散文。Jerry: Does prose mean there is no limit of the theme?散文,是指题材没有限制吗?Tom: No, prose refers to no rhythms art

2、icles in ancient times; in the modern period, it includes article except poetry, drama and novels.不是的,散文在古代是指不讲究韵律的文章,在现代就是除了诗歌、戏剧、小说外的文学作品。Jerry: Doesnt ancient article have to pay attention to parallelism? As the parallel prose?古代的文章不是都要讲究对仗的吗?像那个什么骈文?Tom: Prose was popular during the Warring Stat

3、es Period, mainly as the historical prose.战国时代的时候散文比较兴盛,主要是一些历史散文。Jerry: Oh, like “The Analects of Confucius” and “Mencius”.哦,知道了,像论语,孟子这些。关于日常英语口语对话带翻译Tom: What do you know is the earliest artistic form?你知道中国文学中产生最早的艺术形式是什么吗?Jerry: What is it?是什么?Tom: Should it be the poem?应该是诗歌吧?Jerry: Oh, I see,

4、something like the The Book of Songs?哦,我知道了,像诗经那种吧?Tom: Absolutely, The Book of Songs is one of the earliest anthologies of verse in china.没错,诗经是最早的一部诗歌总集。Jerry: While tangsong poetics count as the later ones.唐诗,宋词,算是比较靠后的了吧?Tom: Yes, till modern history, modern vernacular Chinese is popular.是啊,到了近现

5、代就是白话文了。Jerry: I remember that it began from the May fourth new culture movement.这个我记得,是从五四新文化运动开始的。关于实用日常英语口语对话Good afternoon.Wele to the Yunshan Hotel.May i help you,sir?下午好。欢迎来到云山饭店。先生需要我帮助吗?Yes.Id like to check in,please.是的,我想登记入住。Certainly,sir.May i have your name,please?好的,先生请告诉我你的姓名?Yes,its C

6、harlie White.查理怀特Do you have a reservation with us,sir?先生,有向我们预订吗?Yes,for tonight.是的,今晚Just a moment,please.Ill check our reservation record.Thank you for fill in the registration form,please?请等一下。我查一下我们的预定记录。让您久等了。先生,你预定的是一个单人间,住3晚。请您填写登记表,好吗?Sure.好的May i confirm your departure date?我想确认你的分开日期Yes,I

7、 should be leaving on the 8th.恩,我应该在8号分开How would you like to make payment?请问你想怎么付款?By Visa Card.Visa 卡May i take a print of the card,please?Thank you,sir.Your room is 888 on the 8th Floor.Just a moment please.A bellman will show you to your room.I hope you will enjoy your stay here.我能刷卡了吗?谢谢。你的房间在8楼888号。请稍等片刻。阿贝尔的人会告诉你你的房间,希望你能在这里过得愉快第 页 共 页


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