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1、英国概况:一、填空1. The full n ame of the Un ited Kin gdom is The Un ited Kin gdom of Great Britai n and the Norther n Irela nd.2. The isla nd of Great Brita in is made up of England , Scotland an d Wales.3. The United Kingdom has a member of European Union since 1973.4. Britai n is now a Multiracial societ

2、y which produce a populati on of which 1 of 20 are of non-European ethnicity.5. London plays a sig nifica nt role in Britai n econo mic and cultural life .I ts noton ly the finan cial center of the n ati on ,but also one of the three major intern ati onal finan cial cen ters in the world.6. The high

3、est mountain in Brita in is Ben Nevis.7. Thames river flows through cen tral London and it is a very importa nt river.8. Edin burg is the capital of Scotla nd.9. Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (George 川)current Union Flag adopted on Jan.* ,1801.nd10. National Day of UK is officially celebrated

4、 in Britain on the 2 Saturday of June each year since February 1952.11. The largest lake in Britain is the Longh Neagh in Northern Ireland which covers an area of 396 kn2.12. London Eye is the largest Ferris whee摩天轮)in Europe.二、选择1. The location of UK is the Europe.A. EasternB. Wester nC. SouthernD.

5、Norther n2. All the following cities are major deep-water ports of UK , except .A. LondonB. LiverpoolC. BelfastD. Edin burgh3. The national flower of UK is .A. roseB.thistle D.daffodil D.shamrock4. All of the following except for , were tribes from the north who moved intoEngland in the 400s AD.A. A

6、n glesB.Saxo ns C.JutesD.Celts5. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a .A. poem about a hero n amed BeowulfB. n ewspaperC. historical recordD. no vel6. Beowulf is .A. a long no velB. a long poem writte n by Geoffrey ChaucerC. a long poem by unknown storytellerD. a long no vel writte n by W.William Shakespe

7、are7. TheCanterbury Taleswas written by .A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Thomas BecketC. Palam onD.Griselda8. The frame of The Can terbury Taless .A. the pilgrims telli ng stories on their tripsB. the con flict betwee n the friar and the sum monerC. Ki ng Arthur courtD. the differe nces betwee n the kni ght a

8、nd the squire9. The Can terbury Talesis an unu sual piece of literature from the Middle Agesbecause .A. It describes the characterspers on alitiesB. it in cludes middle class charactersC. both A and BD. n either A and B10. There are stories in TheCanterbury Tales.A. 5B. 26C. 15D. 6BDADC CAACB三、简答1.

9、What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain, En gla nd, the Un ited Kin gdom and the British Common wealth?2. Describe the geographical positi on of Brita in?3. Does Brita in have a favorable climate ? Why?4. What are the factors which in flue nce the climate in Bri

10、tain? Which part of Brita in has he most rain fall and which part is the driest?英国教育填空1. State Schools are totally funded by the government and free to all British childre n.2. Schooling is compulsory between the ages of5 and 16 years :total of 11years in UK.3. Co-educated Schools admit both boys an

11、d girls.4. AllBritish schools - State & Independent are required to followthe Nati onal Curriculumguide-l ines set dow n by the gover nment.5. The childre n beg in sec on dary educati on at the age of 11 .6. Grammar schools select the children who get high marks in the Eleven Plus”exam in ati on, or

12、 show academic pote ntial.7. British uni versities receive funds fromthe cen tral gover nment .8. Two characteristics of Un iversity of Oxford and Cambridge is College system and Tutorial system .9. Open University is U.K. largest university for part-time higher education.10. U ni versity of London

13、is a federati on of colleges.单选B.State SchoolsD.Public Schools1. A are fun ded by the fees charged to the pare nts.A. Independent Schools C.Co-educated Schools2. Those wishing to gain entry to university must complete an additional two years of D_ studies.A.GCSE B.SAT C.Eleven PLus D.A Level3. Befor

14、e primary schooli ng some chidre n have an opport unity to atte nd the few kin gdergarte ns,which are called “ C ”.A.J unior secti onB.lnfant secti onC.Nursery SchoolsD.Sec on dary Schools4. Academic Year in UK beg ins in September, and is divided into three terms, with holidays at B .A. Christmas,

15、Easter, and in the win ter.B. Christmas, Easter, and in the summerC. Christmas, Hallowee n, and in the summerD. New Year, Easter, and in the summer5. After 5 years of sec on dary schooli ng, at about age 16, the stude nts sit their C exams.A. GCEA(Ge neral Cetificate of Educati on-Adva need)B. GNVQ(Ge neral Natio nal Vocatio nal Qualificatio ns)C. GCSE(Ge neral Certificate of Secon dary Educati on)D. A-Level6. After the students sit their GCSE exams, then they can concentrate on vocational training, and atte nd B exams.A. GCEA(Ge neral Cetificate of Educati on-Adva



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