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1、Unit 6一 教学目标复习本单元的短语、句型和语法二 教学重点复习本单元的短语、句型和语法三 自主复习让学生自己找出本单元所含的短语和重点句型。四 合作探究让学生小组讨论并补全所缺的短语和着音乐跳舞 dance _ music 随着音乐唱歌 sing _ _ music 有很棒的歌词 great _ 演奏不同种类的音乐play different _ music使某人想起 remind sb _ sth 名叫心弦的CD one CD _ Heart String 你认为它怎么样?What do you _ it? 演奏轻柔的音乐 play _ music 林涛的近期电影 Lin Tao_ m

2、ovie 寻找娱乐 look _ entertainment 务必做某事be sure _ do 展览 陈列 _ display 错过展览 _ exhibition 近几年 _ years 正如名字所显示的_ the name _ 使我们高兴 make us _ 在很热的一天 _ a hot day 使我感到恶心 make us _ sick 玩得高兴 have fun 老实说 to be _ 六个月的英语课程_ English course 非常适合我 suit sb _ 保持健康 keep _ 远离糖果 stay _ sugar 对 -又好处 be good _ 吃的均衡 eat _ (b

3、alance) diet 介意做某事 mind _ sth 照顾好健康take _ health 同意 be_ _(agree) 吃烤制的食物 eat _(barbecue) meat 更喜欢做某事 prefer _(do) 同意做某事agree _(do) sth五 全班展示找一组学生展示自己组内找到的短语和句型六 当堂训练1 I like music _ I can dance _. (随着音乐跳舞的)2 _(无论什么) you do, do not miss this exhibition.3 I am lucky_ (be) here for my six month English

4、course.4 It _ (do) have good features, though.5 I want to take care of my _ (healthy), I stay away from sugar.6. I have heard eating _ (burn) food like this can increase the risk of cancer.7 People who eat a _ (balance) diet should be _(healthy) than those who only eat biscuit and hamburgers.8 The c

5、oncert suited me _ (非常适合我).9 The music reminds me_ Brazilian dance music.10 I prefer classical music _ pop music.11 I prefer _ (sing) to _ (dance).12 I prefer _ (sing) rather than _ (dance).2 用适当的关系词(关系词在从句中作什么成分?)和所给词的适当形式填空1 I like music I can dance to. 2 Is he the man _ (want) to see you?3 I like

6、 music you are listening to.4 I prefer groups _ _ (play) quite and gentle songs.5 I love sings _ (write) their own songs. 6 Carmen likes musicians _ (play) different kinds of music.7 He likes writers explain things well.8. The first palace they visit in Beijing was the Great Wall.9 Watch everything

7、the teacher will do.10 I love the palace the weather is always cool.11 The man and the dog were hurt in the accident were sent to the school.七 White an article “the things and the persons that I like ”.用上本单元所学习的知识。Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? 一 教学目标复习本单元的短语、句型和语法二 教学重点复习本单元的短语、句型和语法三 自主复习让学

8、生自己找出本单元所含的短语和重点句型。四 合作探究让学生小组讨论并补全所缺的短语consider_ sth. 考虑做某事 be willing_ sth. 乐意(做某事) so that 以便 according _根据 _ general 总的来说,大体上来说 one of the_ _ 最有活力的城市之一 _an expensive place=_an expensive place =_ expensive a place 消费相当高的一个地方provide sb._ sth. / provide sth_sb.为某人提供某物 continue sth./doing sth./ to d

9、o sth.继续做某事 go on _ (继续做某事)_ _ few相当多, trek(trekked/trekking)through the jungle穿越丛林go _ in the Amazon jungle 穿越亚马逊丛林sail _ the Pacific驾船横渡太平洋be convenient _ sth 做某事很方便 take it _ 从容,轻松,不紧张 hold _ _ sth./ doing sth. 继续,坚持,保持做某translate _ 把翻译成_ light/warm clothes 装上薄(浅色)/暖和的衣服A be similar_B A 和B相似(A和B为

10、同类事物)(sb.)be familiar_sth. 某人对某事熟悉(sth.)be familiar_sb 某事对某人来说很熟悉dream _ sth./doing sth. 梦想,幻想,向往depend _ 决定于(=Its up to sb./sth.be stressed _=be under a lot of _ 压力很大be _ for three weeks离开三个星期五 全班展示找一组学生展示自己组内找到的短语和句型六 当堂训练1. Where would you like _ (go) on vocation? I would like to trek through the

11、 jungle.2. Would you like some coffee? Yes, _. /No, _.3. I love the places _ the people are friendly. I love the places in _ the weather is warm. I love the places _ are warm. I love the places _ you visited yesterday.4. I hope_(visit) Hawaii one day. I hope_ (go) _ (warm somewhere).5. Why not consi

12、der _ (visit) Paris?6. Paris is one of _ (lively) _ (city) in Europe.7._ (travel) around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.8. France is _ (a quite expensive) place.9. You can provide me _ some information. You provide some information _ me.10.The room needs _ (be)_(足够大) for 3 people.11. Could please give me some _ (suggest) for vocation spots?12. I would love to sail across(横渡)the Pacific.13_ (不要紧张)and hold on to _ (do) it ,then your dream must _(实现).14 I am _ (will) _ (help) you. (乐意做某事)15 Many teenagers dream of _ (became) famous stars.



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