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1、英文简历:金融行业个人简历三_简历 英文简历范文:金融行业个人简历Timothy Edmonds124 Dana Avenue,San Jose, CA 95126Telephone No: 408-535-1029Email id: tim.SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS :Experienced leader with the skills to manage an organization s day-to-day operations, financial structure and ongoing corporate strategy.EXPERIENCE :Sw

2、ingstar Directory Services (NASDAQ: SWGS)San Jose, CAChief Executive Officer , 1998 - PresentLead a $25M a year yellow-pages directory service pany with over 200 employees.Conduct analyst conference calls with top Wall Street investors.Manage an operating budget of near $50 million annually.Oversee

3、all merger and acquisition activity at the corporate level.Orchestrated a significant turn-around since ing on board 4 years ago:Sales up 20% year-over-year, with a projected 20xx run rate of $31 million.pounded stock-price increase of 30% and more media coverage.Reduction of 10% in operating costs

4、by eliminating redundancies.Recruited a top team of management talent and an effective Board of Directors.Tapped former executives of Fortune 100 panies to make a move to SWGS.Bell North Telemunications San Francisco, CAExecutive Vice-President, Strategy 1990 - 1998Managed all strategic initiatives

5、for a $1 Billion in revenue Tele pany.Oversaw over five major strategic acquisitions and implementations.Advised other top executives on the firms strategic direction.Sat on the pany s Board of Directors.Created all strategic roadmaps for future growth and ine.mission business plans and market asses

6、sment studies for growth.Worked with the CFO to devise appropriate capital financing for deals.Other Positions Held:Director of Corporate munications, Axtell, Inc. 1987 - 1990Senior Auditor, Ernst and Young, 1982 - 1987Auditor, Ernst And Young. 1977-1980EDUCATION : Stanford UniversityPalo Alto, CAMBA; Concentrations in Finance And Accounting1980 - 1982 DePaul UniversityChicago, IL BS; Accounting 1973 - 1977


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