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1、九年级英语单元知识9Aunit21. 某物穿在某人身上很好看sth look good on sb2. 某人穿某物好看 sb look good /nice in sth 3. 蓝色穿在你身上好看Blue look good on you.4. 你穿蓝色好看You look good in blue.5. 宁愿做A而不愿做B would rather do A than (do )B Prefer doing A to (doing )B Perfer to do A rather than do B6. 更喜欢做A prefer to do sth 7. 宁愿做A would rather

2、do A8. 与B 相比更喜欢A prefer A to B9. 我宁愿穿蓝色也不要穿粉色 Id rather wear blue than (wearing) pink.=I prefer wearing blue to (wearing) blue.10. 与色彩鲜艳的衣服相比,我更喜欢白色的衣服。I prefer the white clothes to the colourful clothes11. 我宁愿睡觉也不愿出去 I would rather sleep than go out I prefer sleeping to going out. I prefer to sleep

3、 rather than go out.12. 他宁愿吃中餐也不愿吃西餐 He would rather eating chinese food to (eating) western food.13. 他爸爸宁愿步行去上班也不愿坐公交车His father would rather walk to work than take a bus.14. 在茶和咖啡中他更喜欢茶He prefers coffee to tea .15. 比起看电视我更喜欢看电影I prefer watching TV to (watching) a film.16. 上有问题 Theres something wro

4、ng with17. 我的电脑有问题Theres something wrong with my computer.18. 没有问题/毛病 Theres nothing wrong with19. 粉色没什么问题Theres nothing wrong with pink.20. 怎么啦? Whats wrong with ? 你的电脑怎么啦?Whats wrong with your computer?21. 把刷成颜色 paint sth +颜色 把涂成颜色 colour sth +颜色22. 把墙漆成蓝色/把卡片涂成橙色paint the walls blue/colour the ca

5、rd orange23. 这可能是因为墙被刷成蓝色,一种平静而安宁的颜色It could be because the walls were painted blue,a calm and peaceful colour24. 你知道彩虹中有多少种颜色吗?Do you know how many colours there are in the rainbow?25. 改变/影响我们的情绪/坏心情change our moods/ affect our mood/be in a bad mood26. make 的三种用法:让某人做某事make sb do sth 使某人/某物怎样 make

6、sb/sth +adj 使某人做某事怎样 make it +adj +for sb to do sth 27. 使我们感到平静和宁静make us feel calm and peaceful28. 使我们感到快乐或伤心,精力充沛或困倦make us feel happy or sad,energetic or sleepy29. 使我的课生动而有趣 make my class lively and interesting30. 穿红色也能使你更容易采取行动Wearing red can also make it easier for you to take action.31. 走进房间 g

7、o into/enter a room32. 给你一种和谐的感觉 give you a happy and satisfied feeling33. 创造一种悲伤的/高兴的/和平的/满意的温暖的感觉Create a sad /happy/peaceful/satisfied/warm feeling34. 创造一种和谐的感觉 create a feeling of harmony35. 纯洁的/悲伤的/高兴的/和平的/温暖的/自然的/智慧的/太阳的/妒忌的颜色36. The colour of purity/sadness/joy/peace/warmth/nature/wisdom/sun/

8、envy37. 象征伤心/快乐/新的生命和成长/力量和强烈的感情Represent sadness/joy/new life and growth/power and strong feelings38. 橘色代表快乐,黄色是智慧的颜色Orange represents happiness,yellow is the colour of wisdom.39. 对有好处/有坏处 be good /bad for40. 对大脑和身体有好处be good for our mind and body41. 穿蓝衣服或睡在蓝色的房间里对我们身心有好处Wearing blue clothes or sle

9、eping in a blue room is good for our mind and body.42. 如果你感到有压力,你应该穿白色You should wear white if you are feeling stressed43. 吸烟有害健康 Smoking is bad for our health.44. 在某人结婚的日子on ones wedding day45. 许多女性在她们婚礼当天喜欢穿白色Many women like to be in white on their wedding day46. 给你带来成功bring you success47. 使你振奋/快乐

10、cheer you up48. 使某人想起某事 remind sb of sth 49. 使你想起温暖明媚的一天remind you of a warm,sunny day50. 提醒某人做某做 remind sb to do sth51. 提醒学生准时上交作业 remind the students to hand in their homework on time 52. 使用黄色文具 use yellow stationery53. 需要某物(2)need sth(动词) =in need of sth (名词)54. 需要睡觉 need sleep=in need of sleep55

11、. 任何需要精神或体能力量的人应该穿红色 Anyone in need of physical or mental strength should wear red clothes56. 做某事有困难 have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth 57. 做决定有困难/学英语很费劲have difficulty making a decision / have difficulty learning English58. 在你很难作出决定时,这个会帮忙This can help when you are having difficulty making a de

12、cision.59. 为考试而学习 study for exams60. 当我们说某个人妒忌的绿色时,这意味着他或她是很妒忌的。When we say someone is geen with envy ,it means he or she is very jealous.61. 住在寒冷气候里的人people living in a cold climates62. 居住在寒冷气候下的人更喜欢在他们家里使用暖色来创造一种温暖而舒适的感觉。People living in cold climates perfer to use warm colours in their homes to c

13、reate a warm and comfortable feeling there.63. 帮助人们平静下来 help people calm down64. 有很强的个性 have a strong personlity65. 你最喜欢的颜色与你的性格相符吗?Does your favourite colour match your characteristics?66. 熟睡/感到晕晕欲睡fall asleep/feel sleepy67. 不断打电话keep making phone calls68. 奇怪的行为strange behaviour69. 不定代词指人:someone /

14、somebody/anyone/anybody/no one/nobody70. 不定代词指物:something/anything/nothing71. 既可指人也可指物:none(表数量)72. 试衣室里有人。There is someone/someboby in the fitting room.73. 桌上没有一分钱是我的。None of that money on the table is mine.74. 我们中间没人喜欢早起。None of us enjoys getting up early.75. 没有人了解此事。No one(=Nobody) knows about it

15、.76. 那个房间里有几个人?一个人也没有。How many people are there in that room? None.77. 今天谁迟到了?谁也没有迟到。Who was late today?No one78. 教室里有人.There is someone/somebody in the classroom.79. 教室里没人。There is nobody /no one in the classroom.80. 教室里有人吗?Is there anybody/anyone in the classroom?81. Simon的包里有东西。Simon has something in his bag. 82. Simon的包里没有东西。Simon has nothing in his bag. 83. Simon的包里有东西吗?Does Simon have anybody


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