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1、PEP Primary English Book 4Unit 4 Its Warm Today教学目标与要求:1、能够听、说、认读本课的重点单词:sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy。2、能够听懂、看懂天气预报并能用Its -in -.表达天气情况。3、能将所学句子灵活运用到实际生活中。教学重难点:掌握词汇 windy,sunny,rainy,snowy,cloudy,并能在实际情景中灵活运用。课前准备: 录音机、多媒体、单词卡片教学过程Step 1 warm-up:Lets doMmm! Its warm today! Take off your ja

2、cket! Phew! Its hot today! Put on your T-shirt!Oooh! Its cool today! Put on your sweater!Brrr! Its cold today! Put on your coat!设计意图:运用节骤感强的Lets do,营造英语学习氛围,带领学生不知不觉走入英语学习课堂,并起到复习旧知的铺垫作用。Step 2 Presentation:1、新单词sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/windy的引入a、T: Whats the weather like today ?S: Sunny . b、简笔画画云遮住

3、太阳,引出新单词cloudy, 并总结学过的其它ou 发/au/音的单词。c、简笔画画更多的云,引出新单词rainy, 强调字母ai 的发音。d、T: Do you know this sign ? 引出新单词snowy。e、T:Strong wind comes. 引出新单词windy。f、总结五单词的共同点:都以“y”结尾,都发/i/。设计意图:运用简笔画吸引学生注意力,并生动形象地呈现天气的变化过程,帮助学生更好的记忆新单词。2、重点句型Its -in -.的引入a、Show a world map. Lets be a weather reporter. 引出并板书新句型Its -in

4、 -.b、Listen to the tape and repeat.c、Write the words “sunny” and “snowy” down.Step 3 Practice:1、Guessing gameLook at the pictures and guess “Whats the weather like?”设计意图:运用竞赛机制,巩固复习所学的内容。2、Lets doIts rainy. Open up your umbrella. Its windy. Hold on to your hat.Its sunny. Put on your sunglasses.Its s

5、nowy. Put on your boots. Its cloudy. Take your raincoat.设计意图:Lets do 既能提高学生的学习兴趣,又能使学生熟练地掌握新单词。Step 4 Consolidation and extension:1、Listen to the tape and tick the right sign. 设计意图:运用课本上的听力材料,培养学生听的能力。2、Look at the screen and talk about the weather in some big cities. Use the sentences “Its -in -. I can wear my -.”3、Fill in the key words.设计意图:“活动是孩子们最好的朋友”,运用小组活动调节课堂,并不知不觉吸引孩子到Its in .的语言练习及书写练习中,提高学生的积极能动性。Step 5 Summary:What have you learned in this class?Step 6 Homework:Make a weather report with their partners.板书设计:Unit 4 Its warm todaysunnycloudyIts rainy in -.snowywindy


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