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1、读写课教案 一教学目标 1. 语言知识 目的在于学生能够理解并掌握以下重点词汇及句型:ignorance, belittle, disparage, inflict on, concentrate on, spend some time on sth以及从句的学习。 2. 语言技能能够使学生很好地运用本课所学的语言点进行日常的对话,养成用英语发言的习惯并学会抓住关键词句理解文章大意。 3. 学习策略 学会掌握如何根据上下文及语境猜测词义,主动用英语交流并能分析一些复杂的句子。 4. 情感目标通过学习本课,学生将更多地关注自己的言行,善于吸取一些好的意见和建议。 5. 文化意识 使学生可以明白不

2、同国家的人对未来现在过去的不同的观点,和自己作比较可以反思总结一些useful things.二教具准备 Computer blackboard chalk PPT三可能遇到的问题 1. The students might find it short of time to make logical and reasonable inferences.2. Most students might not understand the sentences“If you make your work your life, you are making your life into hard wor

3、k.” 四可采取的措施 1. The teacher should give them some hints or alternatives. 2. The teacher could paraphrase this difficult sentence in an easier way.五教学过程Step I .Pre-Reading【8mins】1. 如果给你一次机会回到过去你最想去做什么?为什么?whole class work with 5mins2. 读完文章的题目“Things I wish Id known when was younger”,猜测一下作者在接下来的这篇文章里会谈

4、写什么样的内容?请说说各自的观点。3mins Step II. While-Reading【25mins】 1.快速阅读5mins(1)迅速浏览文章用自己的一句话概括文章的主旨。(2)划出生僻难懂的词汇,不明白的可以提问。2.详细阅读(7mins)Read the passage carefully and finish the following tasks:任务1: Do the exercise true or false.任务2: Read the first and second paragraph and fill in the form.任务3: What do the unde

5、rline word“it” in the paragraph 3 refers to? 3.语言重点(8mins) (1)根据本课所学的重点词汇及词组完成下面一段话的填空。(2)划出文章中的从句,尤其是定语从句并分析几句典型句。(3)你是如何理解“Following the latest fashion, in work or in life, in spiritual and intellectual suicide”这句话的?可结合自己的经历说说自己的看法。4. 分析这篇文章的目的以及其结构。(3mins)(1)目的:.(individual work)(2)结构:.(pair work

6、) 5.猜测句子的内涵意思(2mins)What would you infer from the following two sentences?Trying to please other people is largely a useless activity. Every winner is destined to be a loser eventually.Step III. Post-Reading【10mins】问题讨论(group work )(1) What can we learn from the past and how to improve yourself in t

7、he future?(2) Do you agree with work to live or live to work? Why?Step IV. Homework【2mins】(1) Retell the text in your own words especially the tips and talk about it at the beginning of next class.(individual work)(2) Create your own wise words about the topic “when I grown up”,no less than 120 words, and then share them with the whole class next time. 英语062 沈意良


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