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1、母女作文母女冬天渐近,公园的长凳上微凉,我轻轻地挪了挪脖间你送的围巾,脸上浮现一片笑意。风儿捎来一片落叶,我接住了,悄悄在上面刻下此刻的心声:Winter approaching, the park bench cool, I gently moved between your neck scarf, a smile appeared on my face. The wind brings a piece of fallen leaves. I catch them and carve the voice of the moment on them女儿你好吗?How are you, daug

2、hter?冬天的公园分外冷清,幸好有对面的一对母女共享晚秋的美景。寒风的脚步渐紧了,轻轻扣打你的窗,孩子,多穿些衣服不要着凉。你送的围巾我戴着心里别样温暖,顺畅。In winter, the park is very cold. Fortunately, a mother and daughter from the opposite side share the beautiful scenery of late autumn. The steps of the cold wind are getting tighter and tighter. Ill knock your window g

3、ently, son. Dont catch cold by wearing more clothes. The scarf you sent me is warm and smooth in my heart.你瞧,对面的小女孩摔了一跤,真叫人心疼,她正朝着母亲哭泣,这多么牵动人的心弦!小女孩的妈妈把小女孩揽在怀里,把她的头靠在自己肩上,哄着她走了一圈又一圈。You see, the little girl across the street fell down. Its very painful. She is crying towards her mother. How touching

4、 it is! The little girls mother held the little girl in her arms, put her head on her shoulder, coaxed her to walk around again and again.孩子,过去你是我心中的明珠嵌在心坎,今后也是,我甘愿为你奉献,陪你哭泣,逗你开心,我愿永远为你遮风,做你坚实的依靠。可是现在,我不得不低下头,请你搀扶我走完剩下的人生之路,做我过去不愿接受的依靠。Child, you are the Pearl in my heart in the past, and in the fut

5、ure, Im willing to dedicate to you, cry with you and make you happy. Im willing to cover the wind for you and be your solid support forever. But now, I have to lower my head. Please help me to walk the rest of my life and become the dependence I didnt want to accept in the past.也许有一天我会步履蹒跚,追不上你轻燕般的步

6、伐,请你不要丢下我。等一下再等一下,让我喘口气,搀扶着我帮助我跨过岁月的羁绊。因为我也是这样子帮你跨出人生的第一步。教你跨过挫折与困难的鸿沟。Maybe one day I will falter, cant catch up with your light swallow like pace, please dont leave me. Wait a minute, wait a minute, let me breathe, help me to cross the shackles of years. Because thats how I helped you take the fir

7、st step in your life. Teach you to cross the gap between setbacks and difficulties.也许有一天,我的双手是如此颤抖,不能自己穿衣,请你不要拒绝我。帮我一次再帮我一次,让我好好休息,给我衣着给我梳洗帮助我摆脱年迈的不便。因为我也是这样子帮你第一次装饰人生,美丽生命。Maybe one day, my hands are so shaking that I cant dress myself. Please dont refuse me. Help me one more time, let me have a go

8、od rest, wash my clothes and help me get rid of the inconvenience of aging. Because I also like this to help you decorate your life for the first time, beautiful life.也许有一天,我的牙齿已经褪化了,口齿不清而又唠唠叨叨时,请你不要打断,聆听我再聆听我,听我好好地把爱,关怀说上一万次。接受我对你无尽的爱意。因为我也是这样教你人生的第一次呼唤。Maybe one day, when my teeth have faded and m

9、y mouth is unclear and Im nagging, please dont interrupt, listen to me and listen to me again, listen to me to talk about love and care for 10000 times. Accept my endless love for you. Because I also teach you the first call of life.也许有一天,我用餐时,把饭粒弄得满桌,请你不要厌恶我,耐心一点儿再耐心一点儿。因为我也是这样给你人生的第一次盛宴。Maybe one

10、day, when I eat, I will fill the table with rice grains. Please dont hate me, be patient and be patient. Because this is how I give you the first feast of life.也许有一天Maybe one day风儿更凛冽了,我把脖间的围巾系紧了一些,希望风儿能把这心声捎给远方的你。女儿,我最想依靠的就是你,搀扶我完成人生的最后旅途,我会奉上对你一生的爱意!The wind is even colder. Ive fastened the scarf

11、between my neck. I hope the wind can take this message to you in the distance. Daughter, what I want to rely on most is you. Help me to complete the last journey of life, and I will offer you my love for your life!孩子,让我们相互依靠走过人生的坦途与泥洼,春夏与秋冬。让我们相互依靠,走得更长更远!Children, let us rely on each other to go th

12、rough the smooth road and mud puddles of life, spring and summer and autumn and winter. Lets rely on each other and go further!年迈的母亲最想依靠的是女儿,就像女儿当年最想依靠的是母亲一样。这就是本文独特的、然而又是非常精巧的构思。读罢全文,真有一种“亏她想得出”的感觉。文章展示的,不仅仅是母女间依靠对象的相互转换,更是母女间相互依靠、相依为命情感的真情流露。The elderly mother wants to rely on her daughter the mos

13、t, just as the daughter wanted to rely on her mother the most. This is the unique, but also very delicate idea of this paper. After reading the full text, there is a feeling of thanks to her imagination. What the article shows is not only the mutual transformation of the dependent objects between mother and daughter, but also the true feelings of their mutual dependence and dependence on each other.



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