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1、教学计划一、 内容分析:本学期使用教材是九年义务教育六年制小学教科书英语(第五册)(PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS BOOK 5),本册教材分为六个单元,两个复习单元。内容安排单元题目话题Unit 1My new teachers Appearance ; characterUnit 2My days of the week ?Subjects ; weekend activities Unit 3Whats your favourite food ?Food and drinkRecycle 1Unit 4What can you do ? HouseworkUni

2、t 5My new room ?Room ; furnitureUnit 6In a nature park Nature thingsRecycle 2本册教材强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出了兴趣的激发,重视双向交流,融合学科内容,重视灵活扩展,实现整体设计。二、主要教学目标:1、 能听、说、读、写92个单词或短语以及13组句子和9个单句。(包括教师、课程、食物、家务劳动、居室家具和自然景物等几个话题)要求能在真实语境中正确运用并呢感读懂简短语篇。2、 能听、说、认读16个单词。3、 能学会6个手工制作。4、 能听懂、会唱8首歌曲。5、 能听、说、吟唱12首歌谣。6、 能完成6个自我评

3、价活动。7、 能听懂6个幽默小故事。8、 能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。三、提高教学质量措施:1、 融会话教学与情景表演之中2、 巧用实物、头饰、卡片、chant 等来帮助进行单词教学。3、 利用读写课等时间对学生进行单词书写的指导。4、 注意词汇的呈现方式教学进度见附表:Unit 1 MY NEW TEACHERS第一课时教学目标与要求1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young, heavy, old , funny, kind;2、能掌握句型:Whos your? Whats he /she like? 并能在具体的语境中运用;3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。教学建议.W

4、arm-up1、Show a picture of some classrooms. (采用图片或CAI的形式呈现,根据不同学校的条件而定)Music room /Art room /Computer room / Lab2、点击CAI,各个教室出现不同的老师或继续采用图片的形式:将各个教师贴到相应的教室里。Who is he/she?He /She s our Music / Art / Computer / Science teacher.3、根据以前学过的描述人物的形容词,结合呈现的教师自编一个CHANT,营造课堂气氛,激发学生的积极性,同时也为下面引出新词作铺垫。Chant: Tall

5、, tall, tall, Computer teacher. is tall. Short , short ,short , Science teacher. is short. Thin , thin ,thin , Art teacher. is thin. Fat , fat ,fat ,Music teacher. is fat. Funny , funny, funny ,theyre so funny!II. Presentation1、采用CAI 的形式设计一位转学来校就读的新朋友:Zip让他做一个有趣的动作.T: This is Zip, he is.S: Funny!T:

6、Yes, he is funny, do you like him ? This term he will be our new classmate.2、CAI点击Zip,让Zip自己介绍:Hello! Im Zip .Im glad to be your new classmate. This is a picture of my former school.(CAI出示主情景图)3、CAI: Zip介绍自己的老师:(a) Look! This is my math teacher (教师拿出一本数学书解释).Hes tall and thin.T: Who is your Chinese

7、teacher? Zip假装听不清,教师适时让全班学生一起问他:Who is your Chinese teacher?T:Miss Zhang. Whats she like? (学生read,教师用态势语帮助学生理解)Can you tell me ?Ss: Hes short and fat!Zip: Yes, hes short and heavy . (read 用夸张的的体态语描述)Practice: “heavy”. (出示一些卡通胖人物的图片:Zoom, Zhu Bajie , etc)(b) Ss:(教师启发学生问) Who is your music teacher and

8、 who is your art teacher?Zip:Guess !Ss guess.Ss: Whats he /she like ?(compare) Zip: She is young and he is old(长着胡须). (read)Practise: T:I m old ,you are young.让学生逐个说:Im young , you are old.(c) Ss :Who is your computer teacher?Zip:M r Li. T:(出示这位老师和蔼可亲的笑脸)Whats he like?Ss: Hes(让学生随意描述,之后教师导出kind)播放常识

9、老师悉心辅导Zip的一个片段,Zip:My Science teacher is kind ,too.T: Lets see, in our school, who is kind? Am I kind?Practise: My teacher is kind./ XX is kind.(让学生说说自己的老师和同学). Practice/Consolidation活动设计:Make a new chant. (CAI)My grandma is old, my mother is young.My father is tall, my little brothers short.Zoom is

10、 heavy, Zip is funny.They are all very kind. And Im kind, too.活动目的:综合呈现新学单词,在歌谣中得以巩固,避免机械地朗读。活动设计: Read and link.(a). Do it on the worksheet.Whats she/he like? young funny old heavy kind(b). Play it on the computer. (CAI)Whats she/he like? young funny old heavy kind 活动过程:点击单词,把单词拖到相对应的图片下。如单词与图片能对应起

11、来,会发出鼓励的掌声; 如不能对应,单词会自动回到原处。另外,也可以放在学校的网站上,让学生课后试一试。活动目的:字形、字意的巩固; 在游戏中正确判断单词的意思。活动设计:Listen and write the words.课上教师发给学生每人一份材料。young funny old heavy kind听力材料:Sue: Nice to see you again, Donny.Donny: Nice to see you too, Sue.Sue: Donny, we have a new English teacher. Shes Miss Yang.Donny: Oh, whats

12、she like? Sue: Shes young and kind. And shes very funny. Oh, Donny, whos your English teacher?Donny: Mr. Fang. Sue: Whats he like?Donny: Hes old and heavy. But hes very smart. All of us like him very much.Sue: Its time for class, see you next time.Donny: See you.活动目的:培养学生听的能力和辨认单词的能力。活动设计:Look and f

13、ind. Circle the words.活动目的:培养学生的观察能力和辨认单词的能力。活动设计:Describe the pictures.(CAI)Ask and answer: Whos this? Hes/ Shes Whats he/she like? Hes/Shes 活动目的:多媒体呈现一些人物图片,形式可以全班问答,小组问答,个人描述等; 学生可以自由选择。活动设计:Discuss the pictures.活动目的:学生自由操练,自带家人,朋友,老师等的照片,在真实的情境中,综合运用所学语言,学以致用,进行交际。活动设计:Guessing game!语言:Whos your

14、 good friend?Guess!Boy or girl?Boy!Whats he like?Hes tall and cool. He has two big eyes. Hes eleven.Is he Fei Xiang?No!/Yeah, you are right.活动形式:SsS; SS.活动目的:在“猜猜看”的游戏情景中运用本节课所学语言,进行交际,达到学以致用的目的。课外活动设计:Describe the picture. 如:Whos this? Hes/ Shes Whats he/she like? Hes/Shes(a).Ask and answer. (卡片) (b).Dice game. 活动规则:这两个活动在具体操作过程中,可以设置一些规则,增强活动的趣味性。活动目的: 这两个活动都是学生分小组一起玩的,旨在让学生在游戏、活动中巩固、运用所学语言。课外活动设计:Picture identity cards.活动准备:dice;counters;15-25cards with pictures of various people.活动规则:If a child lands on a big



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