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1、2023年咨询项目经理岗位职责篇 书目 营销询问项目经理(北京)岗位职责要求 职位描述: 1、独立主持营销询问项目工作,对项目的质量、进度、客户满足度负责; 2、带领项目团队成员完成询问项目的实施及交付工作; 3、负责询问团队的建设与成员培育,营造和谐的询问团队氛围,不断提升项目团队的专业实力; 4、参加询问项目打单及项目商务,如客户深度跟进、组织开展投标、现场述标等商务活动; 5、担当公司内部课题或者培训课程的开发、设计与实施; 6、主持优化营销询问模块产品、工具和方法,提高管理询问生产技术及标准。 1、本科及以上学历,管理学或理工科相关专业优先,硕士优先; 2、3542岁,五官端正、形象职

2、业; 3、有企业营销管理、运营管理等方面中高层管理阅历或询问顾问阅历; 4、有剧烈的敬业精神、工作责任心,有优秀的学习实力、创新实力以及团队意识; 5、良好的口头表达及书面表达实力,演讲演示水平高; 6、能娴熟操作电脑,精通powerpoint、word、excel等办公软件; 7、能适应高强度工作,接受出差。 欢迎有激情、有幻想的人加入我们这个团队,百思特询问为您供应广袤的发展空间,在这里您可以放飞自己的幻想,一起共创美妙明天,有您更精彩!我们为您供应: 1、卓越询问团队:公司拥有专业化的平台以及来自ibm、华为、三星、腾讯等知名企业管理层的行业资深精英顾问团队,他们集成行业与标杆阅历,追求

3、与客户共同进步; 2、职业发展空间: 公司实行导师培育机制,全部新进员工均可获得资深顾问指导; 公司统一化平台管理与运作,敬重员工的价值,多元化的职业通道; 多重机会:第三方机构输出人才、外派优秀企业挂职、员工创业多元支持等。 3、丰富的在职学习: 公司具有诸如海外游学、商学院培训、专家讲座、案例、项目管理等多元化的人才学习培育安排,能够让每位员工在不断提高专业水平的同时,获得国际化的行业顶尖视野; 4、多元福利机制: 按国家规定缴纳社保与公积金,额外供应商业保险,年度健康体检(一年以上员工)、过节礼、文体消遣活动、员工生日慰问、年度公司旅游等。 培训询问项目经理岗位职责任职要求 培训询问项目

4、经理岗位职责 职责描述: (1)有意成为高端管理培训项目询问培训专家,专业领域在金融行业商业模式创新,战略执行,营销和人力资源; (2)执行公司询问培训项目的安排,组织,协调与开展; (3)执行公司询问培训项目绩效达成。 任职要求: (1) 全日制本科,年龄在28周岁以上、40周岁以下(含); (2) 6年或以上的金融行业(银行,保险公司,证券公司)基层营销及营销管理从业阅历,具备较强的思辨实力和较好的学问结构; (3) 驾驭现代营销及营销管理理论学问,具备丰富的基层营销实践学问及阅历; (4) 具备良好的沟通实力、缜密的逻辑思维实力及较强的学习实力; (5) 具备良好的项目安排、组织、协调与

5、综合管控实力,有良好的培训技能; (6) 遵守职业道德,诚恳守信,具有高度的责任心和团队合作意识; (7) 具备良好的职业形象和身体素养,能适应常常出差及询问培训工作的压力。 research and consulting project manager探讨和询问项目经理岗位职责描述岗位要求 职位描述: job description: lcontinually accumulate experience and knowledge of internet media as well as assigned client industry/brand/product related infor

6、mation lspecialize in a specific industrys iwom and online community culture research, and continuously reorganizes the research results of related domain; lable to analyze and identify clients new requirements, design and improve research plan and research consultation proposal, and ensure high cli

7、ents satisfaction levels lable to lead project team and complete research project for clients on time with high quality independently, and can provide clients with valuable research suggestion according to the research results, and assist clients in their marketing strategy plans lable to lead whole

8、 project team participate in consulting and research service to clients as well as business development for different industry, complete the yearly achieve target project team lparticipate in and assist all kinds of marketing pr activities, widely communicate with professionals in this field and ach

9、ieve mutual recognition. ltake ownership of project report presentation as well as recommendation of consulting and research service, communicate with clients about the innovation of marketing strategy with the development of chinese online community initiatively; lable to instruct team members rese

10、arch and project management work, complete team members job design and business management, realize talent self training and development, set up team spirit; lparticipate in research on iwom model as well as development and consummation of consult products and services, with breakthrough mind and in

11、novation; lable to communicate and cooperate effectively with other project teams, shows willingness to share new knowledge; able to communicate with other departments smoothly with prompt response and support. lable to master iwom technique and principle comprehensively and know how to freely use i

12、t to meet clients needs as well as giving constructive comment to technological development and service; lparticipate in online information reorganization and industry research groups as well as join in company and team activities, assist marketing communication activities positively; requirements:

13、lcollege degree or above, major in marketing, business management, sociology, journalism, psychology, advertising, e-commerce, computer information system preferred l3-5 years or above related network analysis experience or marketing research work and client service experience, research specialty in

14、 some domain is a must; lunderstanding and strong interest in internet media and internet industry, devoted to internet marketing research innovation with high research enthusiasm; ldiligent with moral character, good team management ability and communication skill as well as employee management abi

15、lity as least had experience lead team with 3 persons. lable to innovate with breakthrough mindset, able to welcome challenges, can take on high pressure work, using results as future guidance and take ownership, able to solve problem independently with creativity lexcellent research analysis and multi-task management ability, be rigorous to self analysis and report, stri



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