2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Unit 3(7)教案 苏教牛津版

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1、2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Unit 3(7)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:Learn to say二、教材分析: Learn to say中,在复现前面所学问候语Hi/ Hello! Nice to meet you.的基础上增加了新的称呼语:my father/ my mother/ my brother/ my sister.由于中西方文化的差异,学生可能对教材中出现的Mr. Black和Mrs. Black之间的关系产生疑问。教师可以借此机会对学生进行一些欧美礼仪方面的介绍。三、教学目标:1.能用 this is my 句型介绍家庭成员。2.能听懂、会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语:

2、father mother brother sister.3.认识3个人物:Mr. Black, Mrs. Black, Gao Shan,并能正确理解和运用Mrs.4.培养学生孝敬父母的美德,体会亲情的可贵。四、教学重点: 1. 单词 father mother brother sister. 2. 日常交际用语:This is my五、教学难点:1 单词father mother brother sister 。2 能用This is my 介绍家庭成员。六、教学准备:1. 教具准备:指套、课文人物图片、磁带、录音机、单词卡片、挂图等。2. 教学准备:请学生带好合家欢照片。3. 板书准备:

3、黑板上预先写好课题:Unit 3 This is my father七、教学过程:Step1 Free talk T: Hi, Im Miss Zhou. Whats your name? S1: Im T: Hi, Im Miss Zhou. Whats your name? S2: Im T: Nice to meet you! S2: Nice to meet you, too. T: Hello, Im Miss Zhou. Whats your name? S3: Im T: Nice to meet you! S3: Nice to meet you, too. T: Can yo

4、u tell me hisher name?(教师把中文说一下。) S1: This is (如果学生一时反应不过来,可引导说this is ) T: (就刚才介绍的同学名字),Can you tell me his her name? S2: This is The same way ask three to five students. 教师指向一个同学,全班一块用 This is 来介绍。Step2: PresentationT: Now boys and girls. Look at my fingers. These are my family members. Let me int

5、roduce them to you. (用代表fathermotherbrothersister的指套引起学生兴趣)Wave fingers to learn the words.1. T: This is my father.(师反复重复: father ,this is my father 板书:father my father)T: What does “father” mean? Do you know? “Father” means “爸爸” Read one by one.(针对错误的纠音) T: my father ,my(教师可用手指向自己,让学生理解意思)。What doe

6、s “my” mean? my means “我的 my father means Ss:“我的爸爸” Read the words again.2. T: Look at the woman .This is my mother.( 师反复重复:mother , this is my mother 板书:mother my mother) Whats meaning? Ss: “我的妈妈”。(学生可以猜出) Read the words one by one. And read the sentence one by one .3. T: Look at the boy. This is m

7、y brother.( 师反复重复:brother, this is my brother 板书:brother my brother) Whats meaning? T: “brother” means “哥哥或弟弟”. Read after the teacher. 4. T: Look at the girl .This is my sister.( 师反复重复:sister, this is my sister 板书:sister my sister) Whats meaning? Ss: “我的妹妹”。(学生可以猜出) Read the words one by one. And r

8、ead the sentence one by one . T: Now, read after me. Fathermy father Mothermy motherSistermy sister Brothermy brother (read them together) The students read the words in line.T: Say the sentence: This is my . Please introduce your family members to me. Discuss in groups of four. The students introdu

9、ce their family members.T: You should say :Miss Zhou, this is my(照片可放在实物投影仪上,与大家一起分享)在此环节,教师适当引导,教育学生要关心父母,孝敬父母,并在活动过程中,体会亲情的可贵。T: Im Nancy. (Wearing the mask) This is my father, Mr. Black. (Show the picture) Read follow me.出示Mr. Black的图片 T: This is Mr. Black。 Teach “Mr.” 意思是先生,一般用在姓的前面,Black”在这里是姓名

10、的姓,翻译成中文是布莱克。This is my mother, Mrs. Black. (重点操练Mrs. 注意发音, 和Miss区分出来)出示Mrs. Black的图片 T: This is Mrs. Black。 Teach “Mrs.” 意思是夫人,指已经结婚的妇女,一般用在姓的前面。 T: Now lets know them again. Pass the pictures Mr. And Mrs.) and introduce them.e.g. This is Mr. Black. / This is Mrs. Black. (Mrs. Black操练时间可长一点)Step 3:

11、 Practice and consolidation1. The T shows Picture One.T: How many people are there in the picture?Ss :Three.T: Who are they?Ss: Nancy, Mr. Green , Mr. Black. Open the books.Listen to the tape and repeat .(twice)2. 学生四人合作,先讨论交流,组内表演。3. Show the masks(Nancy, Mr. Green, Mr. Black)T: Whod like to act ou

12、t the dialogue? By using the masks.4. The T introduce Gao Shan to the Ss. (This is Gao Shan)5. Show Picture Four and masks (Gao Shan., Nancy, David)/T (wearing the mask): Im David ,who wants to be Nancy, who wants to be Gan Shan? Listen to me ,please.T say: “Hello, Gao Shan ,this is my sister ,Nancy

13、.”Gao Shan says: “Hi, Nancy.”Nancy says:“ Hi, Gao Shan.”6. Three students a group make the dialogue.( 在这里认识一下另一个新人物Gao Shan)7. Listen to the tape and repeat it again, ask Ss a group choose one picture to act it out.8.Check. ( act out the dialogue in front by wearing the masks).Step 4: homework for t

14、odayListen to the tape and read after the tape.DESIGN: Unit 3: This is my fatherFathermy father: This is my father.Mothermy mother: This is my mother.Sistermy sister: This is my sister.Brothermy brother: This is my brother.附送:2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Unit 3(8)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容: 1.认识人物:Mr Black,Mrs Black ,Gao Sh

15、an. 2.句型:This is my教学目标: 1.能用This is my .句型介绍家庭成员 2.能听,会说家庭成员间的称呼语:father、mother、brother、sister 3.认识三个人物并能正确理解和运用Mr Black , Mrs Black , Gao Shan 教学重点: 掌握单词father/ mother /sister/ brother ,并能用句型 This is my 介绍家庭成员.教学难点:正确掌握father/ mother/ sister/ brother 的发音.教学具准备: recorder pictures photo 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up


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