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1、Beijing is Great教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课主要讲述了Li Ming、Jenny和Danny到北京旅行的故事。在本课中,Li Ming 计划去北京旅行并邀请Jenny和Danny一起去。要求学生能用英语进行对话并介绍北京,培养学生的听说读写能力。 二、教学目标: 1知识目标: 1) 能听说认读写下列单词trip, Beijing, hotel 2) 能理解并能运用下列句子I want to go to _. I want_ and _to come. Lets go on a trip. 2. 能力目标: 1) 能运用所学句型根据旅行说几句话。 2) 能简单描述北京。 3.

2、情感目标:增强学生对北京对祖国的热爱之情。 三、教学重难点:教学重点:trip, Beijing, hotel,I want to go to _. I want_ and _to come. Lets go on a trip.教学难点:运用英语介绍北京,能就旅行展开话题讨论。 四、教学过程:Step 1 Class Opening and Review1. Greeting:Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Chant: What do you like to do?设计意图:师生之间进行简短的问候,亲切自然的拉近了师生间的距离。说唱歌

3、谣活跃了课堂气氛,使学生轻松愉快地学习英语。3Review:Let the students discuss the question: Where do we live? What do we speak? What is the capital city of China? (出示标有首都Beijing的中国地图)。Key Concepts: trip, Beijing, hotel, Lets go on a trip. I want to go to _. I want_ and _to come. Step 2 New Concepts1. New wordsTeach the ne

4、w word: Beijing, trip, hotelT: Beijing is the capital city of China. And we successfully held Olympic Games in 2008 in Beijing. I think Beijing is more beautiful now. Oh, I want to go to Beijing. I want to go on a trip to Beijing! 教师背上旅行包,带上旅行帽,做出要去旅行的样子,使学生理解trip的含义。出示图片,教学单词trip以及句型Lets go on a tr

5、ip.和I want to go to _.T: I want to go to Beijing. I want to invite my friends to come. I want_ and _to come.去问学生:_, do you want to come, too? S: Teacher show the picture of a hotel and ask the students to know the meaning of hotel. T: Write these words down and try to remember them.设计意图:创设情景,使学生更好地理

6、解新知,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,要求学生写单词培养了学生写的能力。2. Practice in pairs. Ask and answer.Example:T: Do you want to go on a trip? S: Yes, I want to.T: Where do you want to go?S: I want to go to Beijing.T: Who do you want to come, too?S: Jenny and Danny.设计意图:为学生提供练习所学单词和句型的机会。3. Listen to the tape and answer the questi

7、ons. Fill in the blanks.T: I know Li Ming wants to go to Beijing, too. Lets look.Questions: 1. I want to go to ( ). 2. Lets go on a ( ). 3. I want ( ) and ( ) to come, too. 设计意图:出示问题,播放录音,学生带着问题听。然后回答问题检查学生的理解情况。4. Introduce Beijing and talk.T: We want to go on a trip to Beijing. Li Ming wants to go

8、 to Beijing, too. Why?S: T: Because Beijing in great!播放课文课件,学生学习,找出Beijing为什么好。出示Beijing的相关图片,请同学介绍。设计意图:对于课文的学习充分发挥学生自学的能力,同时,要求学生用英语介绍北京,培养了学生的口语表达能力。5. Make dialogues.T: Beijing is beautiful and great, so many foreign friends like to come to China. Do you want to be a volunteer to introduce Beiji

9、ng or China to them? 设计意图:为学生提供创造性使用英语的机会,使学生在交流和展示中,提高英语能力。 Step3 Class Closing1. T: This lesson you did a good job. I think you are good volunteers. New Beijing, great Olympics. I think Beijing will be better. Now what do you want to say, class? 师生同说“Beijing is great! I like Beijing!” (出示幻灯片) ,共同表达对Beijing的热爱。设计意图:说出心声,表达爱国之情。2. Homework:Talk about other counties or cities in English by searching the Internet. Write the information down.


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