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1、英语专业四级听力高频新闻用词一:常见国家名Republic of Liberia 利比里亚 ; Republic of South Africa 南非Republic of Cameroon 喀麦隆; Republic of Zimbabwe 津巴布韦Federal Republic of Nigeria 尼日利亚; Democratic Republic of the Congo 刚果民主共和国;Arab Republic of Egypt 埃与 ; Republic of the Sudan 苏丹Republic of Rwanda 卢旺达; Somali Republic 索马里Isra

2、el 以色列; Lebanon 黎巴嫩; Qatar 卡塔尔; Saudi Arabia 沙特; Oman 阿曼; Palestine 巴勒斯坦; Jordan 约旦; Iraq 伊拉克; Kuwait 科威特; Syria 叙利亚;二:常见新闻度量词kilometer 千米; gallon 加仑; feet 英尺;ounce 盎司; inch 英寸; pound磅;mile 英里; kilogram 千克; yard 码quart 夸脱三:常见法律类新闻词汇execute 处决; lawyer 律师; bail 保释;penalty 刑罚; procurator 检察官; appeal 诉请

3、arrest 逮捕; hanging 绞刑; judge 法官;accusation 指控; defend 辩护; lease出租;mortgage 抵押;embezzlement 侵吞,盗用; illegal diversion非法转移;ownership 所有权; a written contract书面合同;transfer 转让; compensation赔偿;contract terms 合同条款; merger兼并;Supreme Court 最高法院; immunity 豁免,豁免权;legitimation 合法化; abolish 废止;International law 国

4、际法; offender 罪犯;Right of asylum 避难权; constitutional law 宪法;Military law 军法; labour laws 劳工法;extradite 引渡; adjudgment 宣告,审判; principal 主犯; amnesty 特赦;outlaw 放逐; repatriate 遣返;suspect 嫌疑犯; torture 拷问, 拷打;penalize 处罚; felony 重罪;sanction 制裁; bribe 贿赂;acquit 宣告无罪,无罪释放:免除或者洗脱指控或控告;verdict (陪审团的)裁决,判决,判断,定

5、论,结论;death penalty 死刑; litigant 诉讼人; civil and criminal trial courts 民事和刑事法庭;codex (圣书,古代典籍的)抄本,法律,规则,药典;jurisdiction 司法权,裁判权:解释和运用法律的权利;ordinance 法令,训令,布告,条例,圣餐礼,传统的风俗习惯;四:常见联合国机构名称United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食农业组织Security Council 联合国安理会Economic and Social Council 经济与社会理事会U

6、nited Nation Childrens Fund 联合国儿童基金会United Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业发展组织United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划处Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations 维护和平活动特别委员会International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织World Federation of Tra

7、de Unions 世界劳工组织五:常见娱乐类新闻词汇celebrity 名人; news conference 新闻发布会; pop chart 流行榜;signature 签名; Honorary Academy Award 终身成就奖; show tour 巡演; premiere 首映; column 专栏;Director 导演;award ceremony 颁奖典礼; Miss World 世界小姐;Hollywood 好莱坞; box office 票房;Soap Opera 肥皂剧; superstar 超级明星;Producer 制作人; movie star 影星;Osca

8、r-winner 奥斯卡获奖演员; film fans 影迷;六:常见新闻场所名称Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 香港会展中心;White House 美国白宫; Library of congress 美国国会图书馆;Yasukuni Shrine (日本)靖国神社;Buckingham Palace (英国)白金汉宫;Avenue des champs-elyses 香榭丽舍大街;New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所;Elyse Palace (法国)爱丽舍宫;The British Museum 大英博物馆;

9、 Central Park (美国)中央公园七:常见自然灾害名称volcano eruption 火山爆发; flood 洪水; tsunami 海啸;sandstorm 沙尘暴; forest/brush fire 森林/灌木丛火灾;mudslide 泥石流; earthquake 地震; tornado 飓风,龙卷风;drought 旱灾; snowstorm 暴风雪;devastation 毁坏; hurricane 飓风,狂风cyclone 暴风,龙卷风; miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜的demolish 毁坏,破坏,推翻,粉碎; disaster 灾难,天灾,灾祸;plag

10、ue 瘟疫,麻烦,苦恼,灾祸; depredate 掠夺,毁坏;doom 厄运,毁灭,死亡,世界末日; fatality 命运决定的事物,不幸,灾祸,天命;八:常见巴以问题新闻词汇Jewish settler 犹太定居者; cease-fire 停火; road map 中东和平路线图;Israeli-Palestinian conflict 巴以冲突; withdrawal from Gaza 从加沙撤退;Islamic Resistance Movement 伊斯兰抵抗运动; assassination 暗杀;Body bomb 人体炸弹; Occupied Territories 被占领

11、土;Hamas group 哈马斯组织; cease fire 停火,停火协议; cordon off 布置警戒线戒严; deadlock 僵局; funeral procession 送葬行列; denounce 指责,谴责; Gaza Strip 加沙地带; Go-it alone policy 单边行动计划; peace process 和平进程; Hardliner (主张)强硬路线者,强硬派;claim responsibility for 宣称对某事负责九:常见航天科技新闻词汇unmanned probe 无人探测; Satellite Launch Center 威信发射中心;Manned spacecraft 载人宇宙飞船; the launch tower 发射塔;astronaut 宇航员; shuttle 航天飞机; emergency landing 紧急降落; the re-entry capsule 返回舱; flight mission 飞行任务; definitive orbit 既定轨道external tank 外壳; command module 指令舱;launch a satellite 发射卫星; launch pad 发射台;ladder 扶梯; lunar modu


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