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1、word word新SAT阅读真题一如今同学们参加 SAT考试,都是SAT改革之后的新SAT考试。在改革之后,SAT阅读局部也有了相应的变化。同学们要想充分的备考新SAT阅读考试,还是需要更多的来练习真题。Exercise 1This passage is excerpted from Jane Auste n, Northa nger Abbey, origi nally published in 1803.Mrs. Allen was so long in dressing that they did not enter the ballroom till late. As for Mr.

2、 Allen, he repaired directly to the card-room. With morecare for the safety of her new gow n tha n for the fort of her protegee, Mrs. Alle n made her way through the thro ng of men by the door, as swiftlyas the n ecessary cauti on would allow; Catheri ne, however, kept close at her side, and lin ked

3、 her arm too? rmly within her frie nds to be tornasun der by any mon effort of a struggli ng assembly. Still they moved on someth ing better was yet in view; and by a con ti nued exerti on ofstre ngth and ingenu ity they found themselves at last in the passage beh ind the highest ben ch. It was a sp

4、le ndid sight, and she bega n, for therst time that evening, to feel herself at a ball: she Ion ged to dance, but she had not an acqua intance in the room.Catheri ne bega n to feel someth ing of disappo in tme nt she was tired of being con ti nu ally pressed aga inst by people, the gen erality of wh

5、osefaces possessed nothing to in terest, and with all of whom she was so wholly un acqua in ted that she could not relieve the irksome ness ofimprisonment by the exchange of a syllable with any of her fellow captives. They saw nothing of Mr. Allen; and after looking about them in vainfor a more elig

6、ible situati on, were obliged to sit dow n at the end of a table, at which a large party were already placed, without havi ng anythingto do there, or an ybody to speak to, except each other.Mrs. Alle n con gratulated herself, as soon as they were seated, on havi ng preserved her gow n from injury. I

7、t would have bee n very shock ing tohave it torn, said she, would not it? It is such a delicate musli n. For my part I have not see n anything I like so well in the whole room, I assureyou.How un fortable it is, whispered Catheri ne, not to have a si ngle acqua intance here!Yes, my dear, replied Mrs

8、. Alle n, with perfect sere ni ty, it is very un fortable in deed.What shall we do? The gen tleme n and ladies at this table look as if they won dered why we came herewe seem forcing ourselves into theirparty.Aye, so we do. That is very disagreeable. I wish we had a large acquaintance here.I wish we

9、 had any it would be somebody to go to.Very true, my dear; and if we knew an ybody we would join them directly. The Skinners were here last year I wish they were here no w.Had not we better go away as it is? Here are no tea-th ings for us, you see.No more there are, in deed. How very provok ing! But

10、 I think we had better sit still, for one gets so tumbled in such a crowd! How is my head, mydear? Somebody gave me a push that has hurt it, I am afraid.No, in deed, it looks very nice. But, dear Mrs. Alle n, are you sure there is n obody you know in all this multitude of people? I think you must kn

11、owsomebody.I dont, upon my word I wish I did. I wish I had a large acqua intance here with all my heart, and the n I should get you a part ner. I should be so glad to have you dance. There goes a stra nge-look ing woma n! What an odd gow n she has got on! How old-fashi oned it is! Look at the back.

12、After some time they received an offer of tea from one of their neighbours; it was thankfully accepted, and this introduced a light conversation with the gentleman who offered it, which was the only time that anybody spoke to them during the evening, till they were discovered and joined by Mr. Alle

13、n whe n the dance was over.Well, Miss Morla nd, said he, directly, I hope you have had an agreeable ball.Very agreeable in deed, she replied, vainly en deavouri ng to hide a great yawn.I wish she had bee n able to dan ce, said his wife; I wish we could have got a part ner for her. I have bee n say i

14、ng how glad I should be if the Skinners were here this win ter in stead of last; or if the Parrys had e, as they talked of once, she might have danced with George Parry. I am so sorry she has not had a part ner!We shall do better another evening I hope, was Mr. Allens consolation.The main purpose of

15、 the ? rst paragraph is toA establish the dista nt relati on ship betwee n Mr. and Mrs. Alle n.B show how claustrophobic and crowded the ballroom is.C describe the main characters belated arrival at the ball.D in troduce the frien dship betwee n Catheri ne and Mrs. Alle n.QUESTION 2 OF 11The n arrat

16、or implies that Catheri neA did not have an enjoyable time at the ball.B would rather n ot have to dance with anyone.C had a ? ne time at the ball in spite of herself.D does not like keep ing the pany of Mrs. Alle n.QUESTION 3 OF 11Which choice provides the best evide nee for the an swer to the previous questi on?A lines 3 -9 ( “ With . . .


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