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1、初中八年级英语第二单元知识点梳理江苏省英语学科特级教师 杨津秀一、知识网络(一)熟背以下四会单词British, eraser, vacation, movie, mixed, subject, taste, tasty, practice, hero(heroes), article, geography, language, science, unimportant, unpopularBritish English American English:American football-football, football-soccer, autumn-fall, lift-elevato

2、r, film-movie, holiday-vocation, maths-math, rubber-eraser, secondary school-high school, post-mail (二)掌握以下重要短语1. a mixed school 2. know how to cook healthy and tasty food3. near the end of each class4. as well / too / also5. drive me to school6. listen to my problems7. have a great time talking to

3、each other8. have more weeks off9. listen to pop music10.a big library with lots of useful books (三)灵活运用以下句型1. Why dont dogs go to school? 狗为什么不用上学呢? 2. Whats school like? 学校是什么样的?3. We can read any book from the library. 我们可以看图书馆借来的任何一本书。4. This is great because it takes less time than taking the b

4、us. 这真是太棒了,因为这比乘汽车少花时间。5. What does the word hero mean? hero这个单词什么意思? Whats the meaning of the word hero? / What do you mean by the word hero? 6. He wont be able to play basketball for three weeks. 他将有3个月不能打篮球二、要点解析(一)语法1. 形容词反义前缀和后缀:un-:unhappy, unimportant, unpopular, unhealthy, uncomfortable, unu

5、sual, unpleasant, unlucky, -less: careless, useless, hopeless, helpless *im-: impolite, impossible,2. Comparing amounts of two things & Comparing amounts of more than two things: 可数名词:更多,最多more than, the most更少,最少fewer than, the fewest不可数名词:更多,更少more than, the most更少,最少less than, the leasta. Millie

6、的花比Lily多。Millie has _ _ _ Lily. / Lily has _ _ _ than Millie.Lucy 的花最多。 Lucy has _ _ flowers.谁的花最少? Who has _ _ flowers?b. 我的橙汁比你多。 I have _ _ _ _ you. / You _ _ _ _I. 他的橙汁最多。 He has _ _ orange juice. 谁的橙汁最少? Who has _ _ orange juice?3. Making comparisons using the same as and different from: 与 相同:

7、be the same as 与 不同: be different from 与 同样的尺寸/颜色/长度: be the same size/colour/length asa. 我的鞋和你的是一样的。My shoes _ _ _ _ yours.b. 他的眼镜和我们的不同。His glasses _ _ _ ours.c. 你的外套和他的是一样的颜色。Your coat _ _ _ _ as his.(二)重点句型分析1it takes less time than taking the bus.它比乘公交快。句中it 指driving me to school, drive 为“驾驶,开车

8、”的意思。注意:本句中的两个比较对象为两个动名词短语,在句中作主语,不能使用动词原形。如:乘火车去那儿比汽车快得多。_the train there is much faster than _a bike.三、单元综合能力检测(一)单项选择(15分)( ) 1. It is getting even _ .You need to wear more clothes. A. cold B. colder C. coldest D. the coldest( )2. -Whats Millies school like?-_ A. Its colorful. B. Its big and beau

9、tiful. C. Shes like her mother. D. Shes tall and slim. ( ) 3. Millie, _his mother, _watching TV.A. likes; like B. like; likes C. like; like D. likes; likes( ) 4. Walking to school is slower than _a bus.A. take B. to take C. taking D .taken ( ) 5. Which month is _ in your country , June , July or Aug

10、ust ?A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest( ) 6. Mary eats _ food every day in her class , so she is very thin .A. less B. the fewest C. the least D. the most ( ) 7. This book is _ that one , but _ .A.as cheap as ; useful B. more cheap than ; more usefulC. cheaper than ; more useful D. more che

11、aper than ; more useful ( ) 8.The farmer has _ than that one.A.few sheeps B. few sheep C. fewer sheep D. fewer sheeps( ) 9. The weather in Beijing is different _.A. from Nanjing B. as Nanjing C. from that Nanjing D. from that in Nanjing( )10. Of the six students, Jack scored _ points.A. least B. the

12、 least C. fewest D. the fewest( ) 11. The maths problem is very difficult, so _students can work it out. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( ) 12. Mr Wu together with his two sons _ every early morning. A. practice running B. practices running C. practises to run D. practise to run ( ) 13. He wo

13、nt _ play basketball for three months. A. is able to B. able to C. can D. be able to( ) 14. The cars in Japan are much cheaper than _in China. A. that B. it C. those D. ones( ) 15.Finally he passed the exam .He thought he was _ in the world.A.luck B.luckier C.luckiest D.the luckiest(二)完形填空(10分)It 16 a Sunday afternoon. Jim finished 17 his homework and he wanted 18 a


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