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1、基本信息年级高中二年级学科英语教学方法教师宋莉莉单位镇江崇实女子中学课题名称高中二年级英语必修5第一课时教案学情分析 This is the first period of Module 5Unit1 .The topic is about friendship.The welcome part discuss about the question;what does friendship mean to you? The reading part includes two letters to editors complaining their puzzle on how to get al

2、ong with friends. Friendship plays an important part in students life, so they may long for true friendship and they may have the same puzzle .So , I focus on the emotional education on what are the good characters of a good friend and how to save a broken friendship.Since different students have di

3、ffeent ideas and puzzles, it is a good way to let them work in group .教学目标 Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:a. . Let students learn the importance of friendship and learn about some English idioms of friendship. 2.Ability aimsa.grasp the reading strategy of reading to understand the feeling .3. Emoti

4、onal aims:a. Develop students sense of forgiving and sharing in friendship building. Help them to build up a positive attitude towards disagreement between friends.标题Module 5Unit1 Getting along with others教学过程Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in1.Play a song shingfriends as background before class to c

5、reate an enjoyable atemosphere and indicate Ss the topic they will discuss this class.2.Have a free talk about their summer activities with their friends, since they just come back to school.Thats a warming-up activity.3.Ask them to discuss about the idioms about friendship and exchange ideas about

6、the idioms with their partners . Then encourage them to guess the meaning of some English idioms .4.Discuss in group :sometimes friends may break up,what may cause a broken friendship?This part Ss need to discuss and exchange ideas with other classmates, through group work ,we can .develop students

7、sense of cooperative.Step 2.Detailed reading of Sarahs letterThis part ,the teacher may design some reading activites1.Predict the problem according to the title.2. Read for some detailed informations.Questions: Why could Sarah and Hannah be good friendship before? Why did Sarah tell Hannah they wer

8、e not going to be good freinds any more? What might be the cause of their broken friendship?Step3. Reading strategy Read the letter again to find out the problem and Sarahs feelingStep4. Group Work Let students to work in group to find out Andrews problem and analyse the cause of the trouble.Encoura

9、ge students to give their advice to Andrew.Step 5. After reading Do comprehensive exercise to check whether they have grasp the two articles.Step 6.ConsolidationTeacher gives advice in how to make a long-lasting friendship.板书设计 Module 5Unit 1 Getting along with others A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend is easier los tthan found. A friend without fault can never be found .作业或预习Write a summary of the first letter in 30 words ,then analyse her problem and give your advice to her in 120 words.自我评价各方面的准备都很充分,自我感觉良好:)导师评议: 单位:姓名:日期:



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