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1、2022年考博英语-江西财经大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. You should write your answer on the Answer Sheet.41. The crucial point is this: labor, land and money are essential elements of industry; they also must be organized in market; in fact, these markets for

2、m an absolutely vital part of the economic-system. But labor, land and money are obviously not commodities. Labor is only another name for a human activity which goes with life itself, which in its turn is not produced for sale but for entirely different seasons, nor can that activity be detached fr

3、om the rest of life, be stored or mobilized; land is only another name for nature, which is not produced by man; actual money, finally, is merely a token of purchasing power which, as a rule, is not produced at all, but comes into being through the mechanism of banking or state finance. None of them

4、 is produced for sale. The commodity description of labor, land and money is entirely fictitious.【答案】关键在于:劳动力、土地和金钱是工业的基本要素;在市场上,它们还必须以组织有序的形式呈现;事实上,这些市场构成了经济体系中绝对重要的一部分。然而劳动力、土地和金钱显然不是商品。劳动只不过是一种与生命相伴的人类活动的别名。这种人类活动不是为了出售而产生的,而是顺应不同季节而出现的。并且这种活动也不能与生命体的其他活动分离开来,无法被储存和调用。土地只是自然的另一个名称,它不是由人类产生的;实际的货币

5、仅仅是购买力的一种表征,一般来说,这种购买力根本无法被生产,而是通过银行或国家财政机制形成的。它们都不是为销售而存在的。对劳动、土地和金钱的商品性描述完全是虚构的。2. 单选题Theres always intense media coverage of airplane crashes and that can really play into peoples fears and skew their perceptions of how safe it is to fly. The underlined part means( ).问题1选项A.misconceiveB.distortC.

6、changeD.preoccupy【答案】B【解析】考查近义词辨析。A选项misconceive“误解,误会”;B选项distort“扭曲;使失真;曲解”;C选项change“改变”;D选项preoccupy“(使)全神贯注;提前占据”。句意:媒体总是对飞机失事进行密集报道,这真的会加剧人们的恐惧, 他们对飞行安全的认知。根据句意和常识可以推断,当媒体大量报道某事时,往往会误导、曲解人们对该事件的客观认识,因此B选项正确。3. 单选题When the Italian poet Dante was ( ) from his home in Florence, he decided to walk

7、 from Italy to search for the real meaning of life.问题1选项A.exiledB.expiredC.exemptedD.exerted【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项exile“放逐,流放;使背井离乡”;B选项expire“期满;终止;死亡;呼气”;C选项exempt“免除,豁免”;D选项exert“运用,发挥;施以影响”。句意:当意大利诗人但丁被逐出他在佛罗伦萨的家时,他决定从意大利步行去寻找生命的真正意义。固定搭配“exile from使流亡;把从流放出去”, 因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Humans differ from othe

8、r species( )we possess history as well as prehistory, hundreds and hundreds of diverse cultures and subcultures, and the possibility of informed, conscious choice.问题1选项A.granted thatB.such asC.inasmuch asD.in that【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项granted that“即使;假定”;B选项such as“比如;诸如”;C选项inasmuch as“由于,因为”;D选项in th

9、at“因为;由于;既然”。句意:人类不同于其他物种, 我们拥有历史和史前史,数以百计的不同文化和亚文化,以及知情的、有意识的选择的可能性。由句意可推测出空格处应为“因为”,C选项、D选项均有“因为”的意思,但C选项inasmuch as前需要有逗号,因此D选项正确。5. 单选题Many of the successful men, had they be enable to choose for themselves, would have selected some quite different professions( )they have made fortunes.问题1选项A.fr

10、om that in whichB.from whichC.in whichD.from what【答案】A【解析】from that in which 相当于(different profession) from the professions in which they make fortunes in sth“靠致富”。只有A正确。6. 翻译题41. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (15)US businesses responded with alarm to President Donald Trumps announce

11、ment of wide-ranging tariffs on imports from China, warning that they would raise costs for American consumers and risked provoking a damaging trade war. Business groups from a range of industries expressed a common view: they shared Mr. Trumps concerns about intellectual property violations and unf

12、air trading practices by China but thought his decision to use tariffs to address the problem would be counter-productive. One of the strongest responses to the plans came from the National Retail Federation, which said the tariffs would “punish ordinary Americans for Chinas violations”.【答案】【参考译文】美国

13、总统唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)宣布对中国进口产品广泛征收关税后,美国企业纷纷表示震惊,他们警告,关税将提高美国消费者成本,并有引发破坏性的贸易战的风险。来自不同行业的商界组织表达了共同的看法:他们认同特朗普对中国侵犯知识产权和不公平交易行为的担忧,但认为使用关税解决问题的决定可能适得其反。美国零售联合会(National Retail Federation)是对关税计划作出最强烈回应的机构之一。该机构指出,征收关税将“让普通美国人因中国的违规行为而受到惩罚”。7. 单选题In 1784, five years before he became president of the

14、United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw, having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.Thats a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, m

15、any historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nations early leaders and the fragile nature of the countrys infancy. More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Father


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