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1、2022年考博英语-中国科学技术大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题An anonymous letter _ police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport.问题1选项A.imposedB.alertedC.warnedD.informed【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. imposed 使(别人)接受自己的意见 B. alerted 向报警,使警惕,使戒备(警告某人危险或紧急情况)C. warned 提醒注意(可能发生的事),使警惕(以便于避免某事,尤指可能发生的危险或不愉快的事情) D.

2、informed 知会,通知(尤指以官方的方式告诉某人某事)【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】横线处和police构成动宾搭配关系,指的是有人匿名向警察报警,说可能会有人袭击机场,alerted符合语境,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合语境。【句意】一封匿名信提醒警方注意机场可能会发生恐怖袭击。2. 填空题Three broad categories of terrorist crime may be distinguished, not in legal terms, but with intention.Foremost is the use of violenc

3、e and the threat of violence to create public fear. A B C D【答案】C with intention改为by intention【解析】【考查点】被动语态。【解题思路】根据be distinguished,可知此句为被动语态,by intention指的是通过意图来区分。【句意】恐怖主义犯罪的三大类可以通过意图而不是法律术语加以区分。其中最重要的是使用暴力和暴力威胁来制造公众恐惧。3. 单选题Black and Latino boys commit plenty of violence in school, of course, but

4、 theyre more likely to assault an individual whom they know.问题1选项A.intrudeB.violateC.attackD.battle【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. intrude 闯入,侵入 B. violate 违犯,违背(法律、协议等)C. attack 袭击,攻击 D. battle 搏斗,奋斗,斗争【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】assault的意思为“袭击,侵犯人身”,指的是黑人和拉丁裔男孩有可能攻击他们认识的人,attack与之词义相近,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】

5、当然,黑人和拉丁裔男孩在学校犯下了很多暴力行为,但他们更有可能攻击他们认识的人。4. 单选题Our visual perception depends on the reception of energy reflecting or radiating from that which we wish to perceive. If our eyes could receive and measure infinitely delicate sense data, we could perceive the world with infinite precision. The natural l

6、imits of our eyes have, of course, been extended by mechanical instruments; telescopes and microscopes, for example, expand our capabilities greatly. There is, however, an ultimate limit beyond which no instrument can take us. This limit is imposed by our inability to receive sense data smaller than

7、 those conveyed by an individual quantum of energy. Since these quanta are believed to be invisible packages of energy and so cannot be further refined, we reach a point beyond which further resolution of the world is not possible. It is like a drawing a child might make by sticking invisible discs

8、of color onto a canvas.We might think that we could avoid this limitation by using quanta with extremely long wavelengths: such quanta would be sufficiently sensitive to convey extremely delicate sense data. And these quanta would be useful, as long as we only wanted to measure energy, but a complet

9、ely accurate perception of the world will depend also on the exact measurement of the lengths and positions of what we wish to perceive. For this, quanta of extremely long wavelengths are useless. To measure a length accurately to within a millionth of an inch, we must have a measure graduate in mil

10、lionths of an inch; a yardstick graduated in inches is useless. Quanta with a wavelength of one inch would be, in a sense, measures that are graduated in inches. Quanta of extremely long wavelengths are useless in measuring anything except extremely large dimensions.Despite these difficulties, quant

11、a have important theoretical implications for physics. It used to be supposed that, in the observation of nature, the universe could be divided into two distinct parts a perceiving subject and a perceived object. In physics, subject and object were supposed to be entirely distinct, so that a descrip

12、tion of any part of the universe would be independent of the observer. The quantum theory, however, suggests otherwise, for every observation involves the passage of a complete quantum from the object to the subject, and it now appears that this passage constitutes an important coupling between obse

13、rver and observed. We can no longer make a sharp division between the two in an effort to observe nature objectively. Such an attempt at objectivity would distort the crucial interrelationship of observer and observed as parts of a single whole. But, even for scientists, it is only in the world of a

14、toms that this new development makes any appreciable difference in the explanation of observations.1. The primary purpose of the passage is to _.2. According to the passage, quanta with an extremely long wavelength cannot be used to give complete information about the physical world because they _.3

15、. The author uses the analogy of the childs drawing (Para. 1) primarily in order to _.4. The author implies that making a sharp division between subject and object in physics is _.问题1选项A.discuss a problem that hinders precise perception of the worldB.point out the inadequacies of accepted units of measurementC.compare and contrast scientific hypotheses about how the world should be measured and observedD.suggest the l


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