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1、马渠乡九年一贯制学校八年级英语讲学稿系列 第八单元课题Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?(period 1)课型新授主备郑兵兵审核班级姓名时间学习目标知识与技能:1.通过自学小组合作学习及录音教掌握p57-p58的新单词。2.用本课的重点句型-Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake?-First,peelthebananas过程与方法: 利用对话,以小组合作的形式与他人交流,获取相关信息。情感目标:学会用英语描述事情发生、发展的过程。重点祈使句和名词的数量修饰语难点学会制作奶昔、沙拉并描述其过程学习过程学(教)记录【自助学习】

2、(我尝试自学)一. 翻译1. 剥香蕉皮_2. 最后_3. 切碎_4. 打开搅拌器_ 5. 把放进_6. 一勺糖_7. 倒茶_ 8. 两瓶奶_ 9. 关掉_ 10. 制作奶昔_二. 单选( )1. Please pour _ milk into the tea. Sure.A. anyB. a C. some D. many( )2. Yang Jie wants to be a singer. She thinks its an interesting _.A. work B. job C. works D. jobs( )3. Bring some butter and put _ over

3、 the bread.A. itB. themC. these D. they( )4. You must _ the bananas before eating them.A. pourB. putC. peel D. cut( )5. I want to watch TV. Please _ it _.A. turn, off B. turn, on C. turn, down D. turn, up( )6. _ are these oranges? Five yuan.A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long( )7. You s

4、hould _ your exam paper carefully before you hand it in.A. passB. lookC. check D. send( )8. The guide has _. She will show them to us.A. some old paperB. some special foodC. a new jacket D. some beautiful pictures( )9. Lets make vegetable salad. _. A. Thank youB. Never mind C. Here you are D. Good i

5、dea( )0. _? Boil the noodles.A. Whats the matter B. What should we do nextC. What do you think of the noodles D. What did you have for breakfast【互助探究】(我参与互研)一、自主学习 学习任务一: 熟悉掌握本单元单词和短语1.自读并记忆单词5分钟2.组内练习,相互提问3.尝试独立完成SectionA 图片填空内容。学习任务二:根据SectionA 1b的信息,和同学模仿写一篇关于苹果奶昔的制作食谱。学习任务三:口语练习以Go shopping.为话题运

6、用how many、how much和同桌练习对话。【求助交流】(我愿意分享)_【补助练兵】(我能用新知)一. 很据首字母和汉语提示完成句子。1.Letsmakeabananamilks_.2.P_thebananasbeforeyoueatthem.3.DaMingusuallyhasabowlof_(noodle)forbreakfast.4.Hes_themilk_theblendernow.(把倒进).5.LetLucy_bananas.(把切碎)6.Heoften_(开)thedoorand_theTVfirst.7.Pleasegivemesome_(盐).二. 单项选择()1._

7、doweneed?A.HowmanyyogurtB.HowmuchcupofyogurtC.HowmanyyogurtsD.Howmanycupsofyogurt()2.Itscoldoutside,youdbetter_yourcoat.A.putonB.putupC.putdownD.putinto()3.Imhungry.Pleasegiveme_.A.abreadB.somebreadsC.apieceofbreadD.twopiecesofbreads()4._you_apear?Yes,please. A.Do/likeB.Would/likeC.Are/likeD.Does/li

8、ke()5._doyoumakeabananamilkshake? A.HowB.WhatC.HowtoD.Which()6.Shefound_ontheInternet.A.aninformationB.informationC.pieceofinformationD.apieceofinformation【共助反思】(我收获新知)课题Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? (period 2)课型新授主备郑兵兵审核班级姓名时间学习目标知识与技能:1掌握本节重点词汇;sugar ,cheese ,popcorn, corn, machine,

9、dig, hole2运用:first,next,then,finally描述制作食物的过程过程与方法:创设情境,开展活动,让学生在活动中练习关键句型。情感态度与价值观:继续练习用英语描述做事过程。重点学会可数名词复数的变化规则并完成相关练习。难点用英语描述做事过程。学习过程学(教)记录【自助学习】(我尝试自学)一. 翻译1. 两茶匙酸奶_2. 挖坑_ 3. 种树_ 4.一片奶酪_5. 做爆米花_6. 一勺盐_二. 单选( )1. Two _ walk didnt made me tired.A. hourB. hoursC. hoursD. hours( )2. The mother over

10、 there is _ mother.A. Julia and MaryB. Julia and MarysC. Julias and Marys D. Julias and Mary( )3. Li Mings handwriting is better than _ in the class.A. anyonesB. anyone elseC. anyones elsesD.anyone elses( )4. Food and _ are daily necessities(需要)for the people.A. clothB. clotheC. clothesD. clothing(

11、)5. He was an _ in the government _.A. office, officialB. official, officeC. officer, office D.official, officer( )6. I saw many _ seated in the corner reading something.A. JapaneseB. JapanesesC. of Japanese D. of Japaneses( )7. Father went to his doctor for _ about his heart trouble.A. an adviceB. adviceC. advicesD. the advices( )8. We are _ and they are _.A. Englishmen, Germans B. Englishmen, GermanC. Englishmans, GermansD. Englishmen, Germen( )9. Ill have to buy _ trousers.A. aB. two C. a pair of D. a


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