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1、撰写人:_日 期:_感恩的英语演讲稿十篇 感恩的英语演讲稿 篇1 The s no nlight, nowarmth o lif; therei o ain, nogai ofFengdn; n waer, terewl beolife;no aent, terewould e uo family ies nd iendhip, worlwud e onely and dak. Theseae veryi-m-l rut, o one would understand, but we ftenack eologial and psychoogical Tansgivng. Womade the

2、heart-nch gra, at thre Chunu, Who nows, AJurny int,whichi oftenwhe ree the pm, s to talkbout hanksgivng.Tewer-n,ongquaphae repord; itl itchgras, reprted faor of tese ioms s bntellingus is o Takgiving Parents toge ulives,we should now hoo Thnksgiving ad th actual ctiontortrn them; her ives u theknwle

3、g, esoul now ow ohaksgivng ndto return theiraccmplshments; motherlad gives t eace andtanquilityof a soi, we should no hwto ivehir Thaksgiig d naualy gveWe ope hat we shouldkno how to Thanksgiving ad ove o rturn. hugh elf tkDa, but hnsgivingis no only keepimin,t soin te lint ay Youud k othank e peope

4、who mbe the expressi o th i, becauseti not onlyexpresed his gratiue, but also a spritua exhage In this xchage, e willbe result of uc息息相通the worda ecomvry beutifl.Faous sientistQin oheran in der o retrn his ters exfeeding, rejeed the US. oveent hired im andal te honory tite,ecded o etuno overy andbak

5、warnof emothand, a ngaged in science, emodenizatin of Chinas natina deensbuildingoustandng otrbtioPoplwh no how to Thanksgig,there a moest eron hid; peope won wto hanksvn, thee s fear of heart; th peope knwThksgivig i adeep undstanng lfeperon. nstitueof Tanksgivig, weknow ho to lov; Intiut of Thnksg

6、iving, tinkig leaned; Inse o Thnkgiving, it isounderstadthe orld nd le. 感恩的英语演讲稿篇2 repect eah aprisal comitee tacer, scholmate, eerboy i god,i m ass ofxxx, tody m oic s hanksin everywhee. the brd are feding situaton, sheepmilk e kneelin grce , hmn, aastrs f heuiverse,lo tee isratitue, gatitude. anks

7、givn is the ouce o ower, love of th root,th orage ofthe et us lar to thaksgiving, hvestein differentliferst of all,e soul be rateul for orpres.ecuse te lve paets, ecme tothiswod. weive t love, love isto arry out, e teorld b ull of loe, lt he worl is ful of graiue.ouren, not nly cause the broghts t t

8、hisworld, bt base theare sllss love, has rised s up, the edtion ofurlie, orreosiblity,share h burdn, happy wi our hinss.ants, i or ife willalys e the one, eenif we alays with gaitude.thn, we ant toieife o grtitudebecause olie,leus grow. i tis press, wey xperen mor ailure, ut bcause ofa falreagain an

9、again,otatw wll ecommore slendidsucces,swe hould pprecate, hak yo for thesteacs uhow to ave etrif fail, thankso tese ae r lif mor brillian success. thanks to ife, let uexprience agan he storfesh, let us perece ore rich. aks o life, le us kno tansgvingi vlua.becausehansgivng,we rouphppily. then,we wa

10、n hank freds what is rienfriend is ho grows wit us, is he mos lving hng and thepele you share. frend are thosin yourflyhhvery ast wh,not sceaming fo you, no abt hw you bdl, but to wory yo wont fa o, hen yo d torpr te peoplebecase fthfriend, we ca only e rcless to brak hough,t fgt, as we know, ourfnd

11、wl be ehi h strongfortress. therfor, e ul be friends. to friend,nd finds hap owhfrhmore, t thank te w haveletyu row, m you strong, you once they snu s.beause of them, o let youhve aftr nlli pesndea. they wil tink of yu for thingttack,is te socale iticism will haveprres.threfore, woften criticzd in t

12、he growth,make rogres, be hpindfferenc of th popl, thanyou ver lookown on me, so id notbow, lve re onderulfnal,ento tankyour.only you rell knw hat they want, can owhat, hs bn hodinon t somehing.ma e mny pople misuderood,mindtood.at thttme, only thei most rned,and nl kow bet. theref, their hanksgving,anyurpatince,nsist, your success. in h grtho the road, let us havea thafu her, thnkvig, anksgingsocity, thewold to le ifef grtitude,hanku my he! than ou. 感恩的


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