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1、牛津初中英语9A Unit1 Star Signs导学案Period One (Welcome to the unit )学习目标1.判别代表十二星座的标志。2.了解代表十二星座的动物名称。重点难点Words: bull centaur Phrases:worryabout be angry Notes:1. Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper, Hobo. 霍波,你帮我把报纸拿来真是太好了。It is +adj.(形容词)+ of sb.+ to do sth. 表示我们对某人某种行为的看法。e.g. It is kind of him to

2、help me.It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.2. It says Ill have lots to eat and drink today. 它(报纸)上写我今天有很多吃的、喝的。It says 表示报纸上“写道”,我们通常不说 It writese.g. The radio says it will rain tomorrow.3. Well, you shouldnt worry about not having breakfast then. 那么,你不应该为没有早饭吃而担心了。worry about

3、 “为而担心”;worry about doing sth. “为做担心”e.g. Dont worry about your study. Lily is worrying about swimming.课前预习根据提示或首字母写出下列单词:1. Mike is very _(谦虚的) even though he is the top student in our class.2. Tom was born on 22nd August. He is a strong and _ (feels certain of his own ability) person.3. Bill is go

4、od at doing things. He is _ (动手能力强的).4. I was born on 26th March. Some people think Im a little _(自私的).5. Kitty likes to take part in school activities. She is an a_ girl.6. Edison was very i_ when he was only a child.7. She doesnt want to do her homework, so she is not a h_ student.8. Sandy always

5、gives money to charities. She is g_.9. Suzy was born on 26th January. She should be kind and w_.10. Peter loves dreaming about every. He is very c_ and imaginative.课堂互动用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. My cousin is a _(practice) boy. He always pays attention to details.2. Tom is an _(act) man and you can find him in

6、many school _(act).3. Sandy doesnt like to going fishing. She is an _(patient) girl.4. If you want to be a inventor, you must be _(imagine).5. Cheng Yanqian is a _(success) player. 6. He is very stubborn. You cant make him give up _(easy) 课后巩固句型转换;1. He is a strong and confident boy. (划线提问)_.2. Jack

7、 always worries too much at times. (一般疑问句)_.3. I like to dream about everything. (划线提问)_.4. Mr. Wang divides us into five groups. (被动语态)._.5. David is curious. He asks his parents many questions every day. (同义句)_.6. My sister is very kind. She likes to take care of others. (同义句)_._.完成下列句子:1. 你不应该为没有

8、吃早饭而担心。_.2. 一年分为12个月。_.3. 我们不能轻易放弃学习。_.4. 你不应该太在意细节,对你的身体不好。_.5. 她爱好和平,不喜欢和别人争论。_.6. 我热爱生活,很有幽默感。_.7. 她经常炫耀她的新衣服。 _.8. 你不原谅别人的过错是很傻的。_.9. Lucy足够耐心地等待别人而不生气。_.10. Bill够大方,他为希望工程捐了许多钱。_ Period Two (Reading 1)学习目标1. 认识和了解与性格有短的词汇。2. 掌握描述人物性格和品质的知识。重点难点Words: energetic imaginative Phrases:pay attention

9、to /argue with / keep secret / enough to Notes:1. A year is divided into 12 different star signs. 一年分为12个不同的星座。be divided into 是一个被动语态,表示“被分成”e.g. Our class is divided into six groups.All things can be divided into two.2. Some people think that you are selfish at times. 有些人认为你有时自私。at times 相当于 somet

10、imes, from time to time3. You are patient and do not give up easily. 你有耐心,不轻易放弃。give up “放弃”,表示“放弃做某事”要用 “give up doing sth.”e.g. Jacky never gives up studying. His dream is to be the leader of his country. 4. You are a curious and clever person. 你是一个充满好奇心、聪明的人。curious “好奇的”,“想知道一切的”My brother is on

11、ly 5 years old, but he is very curious.5. You like saving money and cooking. 你喜欢省钱,喜欢烹饪。save 节省, 如 save time6. You like to buy your friends nice gifts. 你乐意给朋友买好看的礼物。buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物 上句也可写成: You like to buy nice gifts for your friends.gift 常表示“小礼物”,“正规礼物”常用present 表示7. You are pr

12、actical and you always pay attention to details. 你心灵手巧,总是注意、在意细节。e.g. Dont pay much attention to these details. It is not good for your health.8. You love peace and do not like to argue with others. 你爱好和平,不喜欢和别人争论。argue with sb. “和争论”e.g. Tom often argues with others. He needs to be more modest.9. You are patient enough to wait without getting angry. 你足够耐心地等待别人,不生气。be +adj.+ enough



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