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1、Unit1 My cousins and I汉阳区铁桥小学 彭莺背景分析 学生是学习中各个环节的主体,以学生为中心的会话教学理念即在口语交际中最大限度地发挥学生的主观能动性以及已有知识经验,通过会话培养学生的创新精神,使其口语表达能力更具发散性,创造性和实践性。整个教学过程中我根据我校学生实情,尽可能地创设接近于学生生活实际的情境,通过创设良好的语言环境和提供大量的语言实践机会,使学生更加乐于学习。 其次是“情境”教学法。英语课程提倡采用既强调语言学习过程又有利于提高学生学习成效的语言教学途径和方法,尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。因此,教师要通过创设接近实际生活的各种语境,采

2、用循序渐进的语言实践活动,以及各种强调过程与结果并重的教学途径和方法,培养学生用英语做事情的能力。通过本节课,笔者对如何运用电子白板让学生真正参与到教学活动中进行了一些有益的教学实践尝试。教学目标:1、知识目标1能听懂、读懂有关Ma Taos aunties family的简短对话,并朗读对话;2能在理解对话的基础上,根据对话内容判断句子正误。3能在理解对话的基础上,运用4b中的六个核心句型谈论Ma Taos aunties family的基本情况。2、技能目标1能听懂谈论个人信息的对话并选择相应问题的答案。2能熟练运用”How old、How many、What、Where”等特殊疑问词引导

3、的句子与他人交流个人及家庭成员的相关信息。3、情感态度目标 1培养学生合作学习的意识。 2激发学生乐于交流的意识。 教学重点:能在理解对话的基础上谈论Ma Taos aunties family的基本情况。教学难点:熟练掌握并灵活运用Where、When、What、Who、How many、Why等句型与他人谈论自己的堂表兄弟姐妹及家庭成员情况。教学过程:Step1: warming up1 Greetings2 Free talk教师使用透视功能让学生猜照片。T: Guess, who are they? T: What did we do?T: When did we go skiing?

4、出示照片全貌。T: My cousin and I had a happy Spring Festival in Beijing. We went skiing and ate fine food.Step2: Presentation1 Listen and thinka Did Ma Tao have a good time at Spring Festival? b How do you know?(板书: Ma Taos aunties family)2 Listen again and think:a How many peoples are there in Ma Taos aun

5、ties family?b Who are they? (板书: aunt, uncle/Martin , Liza, Bill)T: Who are they?学生认读人物名称。3 Listen and read4 Tick and checkStep3 Practice1 Understand the dialogue1 Learn the first parta Play the matching game in groupsb Show time教师使用无限克隆功能让学生边展示边操作。2 Learn the second parta Practice in groups. b Show

6、 time3 Answer the question “Why did they come to China?”2 Act out the dialogue.Step4: Consolidation1 Conversation practicea. The teacher shows a photo of cousin, and then discusses it with the pupils.b. The pupils talk about their cousins in pairs2 Show time板书:Unit1 My cousins and IWhere ( place) Sy

7、dney,AstraliaWhen (time) before MaTao was bornWhat (job) a nurseWho (family members ) uncle cousinHow many (people) twoWhy (thing) for Spring Festival 阅读第一部分,完成配对游戏并设计问句。Where ?( place) When ?( time ) What ?( job )Question?1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ?6. ?阅读第二部分,向小组中的其他成员询问Ma Taos aumts family 的情况。(可以重复使用疑问词

8、。) Cues Where, Who, How many, How old, Can, Havegot, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 星级活动:借助Tips了解小组其他成员的cousins。看看你能拿到几颗星。加油!TipsGood ./Hi/Hello/.Who is he/she?Where is he/she from?When was he/she born? He/She was born .How many people are there in his/her family?What does his/her father/mother/. do ? He/She is a/an .What about he/she? He/She pretty/lovely/clever/outgoing/.What does he/she like/love? What can he/she do? What do you often do?We often do .I took lots of photos. Come to my place andhave a look. Will you?OK!



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