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1、Lesson11:Australia教案设计 执教者:曹建丽一、教学目标1、学生能够掌握关于澳大利亚的国家名称,首都,地理位置,国旗,名胜等英文表达方式并且能够听说读写kangaroo Australia beach inside 以上几个单词。2、能够正确运用以下句型进行简单交流,培养学生的语言表达能力。-Whats the capital city of Australia ?-The capital city of Australia is Canberra .-What do they speak in Australia ?-They speak English .The flag

2、of Australia is red white and blue .3、使学生了解中外文化,扩充视野,增长知识。培养学生的创新思维以及良好的学习习惯,帮助学生建立自信,体验到学习英语的快乐。4、通过对本课的学习,使学生能够综合运用语言,加深对本单元其它几个国家的认识。二、教材分析:Australia是冀教版小学英语三年级起始版第五册第11课。这是一篇介绍国家(澳大利亚)的课文,学生通过学习课文,能够初步了解各国的相关知识,比如首都,国旗,语言,名胜,地理位置等,丰富并扩大了学生的知识面。积极引导学生采用小组合作的学习方式,培养学生自主学习的良好习惯,并且充分调动了学生学习的积极性,力求做到

3、在快乐中学英语。教学重点:学生读、写、说出并听懂Australia,并用英语和别人进行交流。教学难点:灵活运用所学知识,培养学生的语言表达能力。教学准备:一张世界地图、一张澳大利亚的地图、Australia国旗、袋鼠、海滩等图片三、教学方法:小组合作学习 四、教学过程:GreetingGood morning boys and girls .Today we will learn a new lesson .Its about one country .First, lets play a game(Guess riddles).猜谜游戏。a.)The capital city is Beij

4、ing.这个国家的首都是北京。Its flag is red and yellow .It has five stars.它的国旗是红色和黄色,国旗上有五颗星星。People speak Chinese.人们讲汉语。It has Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum.这个国家有天安门以及故宫。请学生猜它是哪个国家:What country is it?(China.)b. The capital city is Ottawa.它的首都是渥太华。The flag is red and white. It has a leaf.它的国旗是红色和白色。Peop

5、le speak French and English.人们讲法语和英语。It has Niagara Falls and the Rockey mountains.这个国家拥有尼亚加拉大瀑布以及落基山脉。请学生猜它是哪个国家:What country is it ?(Canada.)c.)The capital city is London . 这个国家的首都是伦敦。People speak English .人们讲英语。It has kings and queens .它拥有国王和王后。It has Buckingham Palace .它拥有白金汉宫。请学生猜它是哪个国家:What co

6、untry is it ?(the U.K.)d.)The capital city is Washington ,D .C . 这个国家的首都是华盛顿。People speak English .人们讲英语。The flag is red white and blue .国旗是红色白色和蓝色。It has Statue of Liberty .它拥有自由女神雕像。请学生猜它是哪个国家:What country is it ?(the U.S.)step1 请学生看一张图片:Let look at a picture . Whats this ?这是什么?(Its a map .这是一张地图。

7、)Look at the yellow country of the map ,(Its Australia .是澳大利亚。) 告诉学生今天我们将学习一些有关于澳大利亚的知识:Its a map of Australia .Today we will learn something about Australia .出示学习目标,领读目标及新单词小组合作学习第一部分并回答问题(合上课本回答):answer my questions .a.)Whats the capital city of Australia ?澳大利亚首都是什么?(Canberra is the capital city o

8、f Australia .)b.)What do people speak in Australia ?人们讲何种语言?(They speak English .)c.)What colour is Australias flag?(red white and blue)step2Lets play a game .让我们做一个游戏。(教师给出各个国家的英文名称,请学生尽快说出对应的首都。)Teacher I say the countries and you should speak out the capital cities as quickly as you can .以上游戏环节引入

9、竞争机制。将班级按男生女生分成两组,如果答对一题,给学生所在的组加一颗星,比一比哪个组星星多,多者获胜。 teacher the U.S.student Washington ,D.C.teacher Canadastudent Ottowateacher Australia student Canberra teacher China student Beijing teacher the U.K.student London boys girls * * * * TeacherAll of you did a good job !(鼓励性的语言。)step3 针对澳大利亚有哪些著名的东西提

10、问:What does Australia have?Lets look at some pictures .展示关于袋鼠的图片边拍手边说Kangaroo ,kangaroo ,a kangaroo .边拍手边说Kangaroos ,kangaroos ,many kangaroos .展示关于海滩的图片边拍手边说Beach ,beach ,a beach .边拍手边说Beaches,beaches ,many beaches .Lets chant!说歌谣!(一边有节奏地拍手一边说。)Kangaroo ,kangaroo ,a kangaroo .Kangaroos ,kangaroos ,many kangaroos .Beach ,beach ,a beach .Beaches,beaches ,many beaches .step4 Lets do some exercise , fill in the blanks .请学生做练习,填表格。countrycapital cityflaglanguagefamous thingsChina Englishred,white and bluekangaroos and beachesOttawa五、课堂小结六、作业布置



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