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1、新概念英语青少版初级期末测试卷Nme Score LiseningI Lsteand irc圈出听到的单词。().(Thee hose)are dnky 2. ( Theyre They aet )ty.3.Thre (re arent )cows in the field. . I( an cnt )dan.5(isThat) a rbbit 6.Thy (ouyour)shoes. ( We ou )arehappy. .es( hgy ity) .9. There are ( eighe ieen)ons. 10.Dnt ( shout sing). .Chooe根据所听问题选择答案(1

2、0) ( ) . . Hes inhekithen. B. Hes my fied, Ma ( ) . A. e, e s. B Yes, i s. ( ) 3. A. es,there i. B. Yes, teee() 4 A. hreare fivbidn te tee. ey are fie. ( )5. A.es, am ., Ican.( ) 6 A 5642 B.5642 ( )7. A. Its e. . Its a bag.( )8 I am fne. B m 11. ( )9. A. Te are chicke. B ti a chicen.iingI.写出下列单词的复数形

3、式及意思。(10)1. knif - 2.cicken- 3.at- 4.sheep- .box- 6.chid- 7.gas- pao - 9.sandwic- 10strawberry- II.写出下列单词的相应词:(5) 1.this- _ 2 mother - _ 3.thoe-_ 4 site-_ 5 uncle- _ 6 hgry- _ 7. hot- _ nw- _ . dry- _ 1. cean-_III. 根据数字算式写英文:(5) 1.+ 6=60 _2.4638= 84_3.26+44= 0_4. 1+52 68_5. 3+3=100_IV.选择题 (15)( ) 1.

4、Ar you ugry? . s,I a. .Yes,yu are. C. No,yournt.( ) 2. rethese ows? A.Y,e re. .Yes,teyre. Co,itisnt.( ) 3 Whatarehes? .The arebox. B.Tyare boxes. C.It isa box.( ) 4. trouss a ty? A.hose BWho C Wha( ) .ryo o? A.Ys,w ae. B.es,e i .o, w snt( ) 6re ther hop n thecunrie?A.es,i i. .Ye,thee are. C.,they ar

5、ent( )7.an yo ay the violin?AYes,yu re BNo,youarent C.Yes, I cn( )8Ishe ateacher?A. Yes,iis B.Yes, is .Yes,she i.( )9. I she thirsty? A.Yes, i. B.s,he s. C.Yes,h s. ( )10. Ists a goa? A.Yes,it i. B.Y,he is. N,t is.( ) 1hat ime sit? .Its eit clock. .Yes,tey e. C.Thye potatoes. ( ) 12. o an boys are t

6、hee? A.Tere artwle B.Yes,I cn. .ts in mbag ( ) 13.Whatolour is your dr? . Theyremy mums shos. B. dont know C. Its rd.( ) 14Wose boksar those? A.Ye,ca. B. They dd. C. There areninenos ad rl. ( )15. Canyomot_? . pla he otbal B.p vioin C. pla the pianoV.按规定改写句子。 (10)1.Theseare amb. _(否认句) 2. H s my ath

7、er. ?(一般疑问句)3.eca playthe piano. ?(一般疑问句)4. The ar iv cow i he eld. ?(划线部分提问)5. His new bike is u ?(划线部分提问) 6. Catc te ball, pease. _(否认句)7i is Mikes frm. _?(划线部分提问). 有一盏台灯在课桌上。_(汉译英). 这些是她们的马。_(汉译英)10. 不要在卧室里唱歌。_(汉译英)VI.用所给词的合适形式填空((0) 1. Th bok_ (e) .2.lease _ (ot eat) inclass.3.Canyu_ ( sing ) so

8、?4. here_(be) rdbon i dsk.is i_( )ters car.6._ (that) a his rotersThisimy _(uncle) fam.8._( she) ant a teachr. Teearesi _( orse)netto the house.10 Are thse _( yu) jackets?II. 阅读理解:(1) ( A) My name i Ma and Im nine Imin cass atscho I ca edande Engli The is ootbll and nni a or school Icn pa tenns. Icatl footall. Our tachr isa mn.Hes tal and hn. Hes nice I agoddanr but I ant dane hip-hop! I ca plthe pin ad I cn sn lot of sons. ( ) 1.What is your nme? A. Myname isMa B.M ame is Kim. C. My a is an.( ) 2 I sh in


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