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1、 UNIT 1 READINGPassage ANOTES1. Anna Greenspan (the author)Anna Greenspan works as a Shanghai-based independence scholar in the areas of digital culture and globalization. She has published a book entitled “India and the IT Revolution: Networks of Global Culture” (Palgrave:2005) as well as a number

2、of articles on the rise of India and China.An associate research scholar with the Globalization Institute at McMaster University in Canada, Ms. Greenspan is currently teaching a course on Western political thought to members of the Shanghai government.She is also a mother living in Shanghai who will

3、 soon have to confront questions about cross-cultural learning directly in the education of her young son.Ms. Greenspan has a PhD in philosophy from the University of Warwick, United kingdom. 2. Howard GardnerHoward Earl Gardner (born July 11, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania) is an American psycholog

4、ist who is based at Harvard University. He is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligence is an idea that maintains there exist many different types of intelligences ascribed to human beings. In response to the question of whether or not measures of intelligence are sc

5、ientific, Gardner suggests that each individual manifests varying levels of different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique cognitive profile. The theory was first laid out in Gardners 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and has been further refined in subsequ

6、ent years. In 1999 Gardner lists eight intelligences as linguistic, logic-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal.3. conformistConformist is a person who suspends his self-determined actions or opinions in favor of obedience to the mandates or

7、conventions of ones peer-group, or deference to the imposed norms of a supervening authority. One manifestation of conformism emerges in the practice of going along and getting along with people who appear to be more powerful. Conformism holds that individuals and small groups do best by blending in

8、 with their surroundings and by doing nothing eccentric or out-of-the-ordinary in any way.4. “The tall nail gets hammered down”It is a Japanese adage, which means an individual who stands out in a crowd would face harmful consequences. (枪打出头鸟)5. group-thinkGroup-think is a type of thought exhibited

9、by group members who try to minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Individual creativity, uniqueness, and independent thinking are lost in the pursuit of group cohesiveness, as are the advantages of reasonable balance in choice and thought

10、that might normally be obtained by making decisions as a group. During group-think, members of the group avoid promoting viewpoints outside the comfort zone of consensus thinking. A variety of motives for this may exist such as a desire to avoid being seen as foolish, or a desire to avoid embarrassi

11、ng or angering other members of the group. Group-think may cause groups to make hasty, irrational decisions, where individual doubts are set aside, for fear of upsetting the groups balance. The term is frequently used pejoratively, with hindsight.团体迷思(亦作团体盲思),指团体在决策过程中,由于成员倾向让自己的观点与团体一致,因而令整个团体缺乏不同的

12、思考角度,不能进行客观分析。一些值得争议的观点、有创意的想法或客观的意见不会有人提出、或者是遭到忽视及隔离。团体迷思可能导致团体作出不合理、甚至是很仓促的决定。部份成员即使并不赞同团体的最终决定,但在团体迷思的影响下,也会顺从团体。一般认为团体迷思这个概念由美国心理学家艾尔芬詹尼斯(Irving Janis)首先提出。但William Safire于2004年8月8日纽约时报杂志撰文指出,团体迷思一词实为 William H. Whyte 于1952年在财富杂志中首先提出。6. home-schooledHomeschooling or homeschool (also called home

13、 education or home learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in a formal setting of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family o

14、r community, homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to formal education.Homeschooling is a legal option in many places for parents to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to publicly-provided schools. Parents cite numerous reasons a

15、s motivations to home school, including better academic test results, poor public school environment, improved character/morality development, and objections to what is taught locally in public school. It is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations or living temporarily ab

16、road.Number and percentage of homeschooled students, by reason for homeschooling: 1999, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)Reason for homeschoolingNumber ofhomeschooled studentsPercents.e.Can give child better education at home415,00048.93.79Religious reason327,00038.44.44Poor learning environment at school218,00025.63.44Family reasons143,0001


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