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1、Unit 1 Thats what friends are for! P2 2 Conversation A Listen and practice. Chris: Do you have a date for the party yet? Kim: Actually, I dont Do you think you could help me find one? Chris: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like? Kim: Oh, I like guys who arent too serious and who have a good sense of h

2、umor. You know . like you. Chris: OK. What else? Kim: Well, Id prefer someone I have something in common with who I can talk to easily. Chris: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him? Kim: No, I dont think so. Chris: Let me arrange for you to meet him, and you can tell me w

3、hat you think. B Listen to Chris and Kim discussing Bob after Kim met him. How did Kim like him? Chris: So, whats the Verdict? What did you think of Bob? Kim: Well, I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings, I thought he might turn out to be one of those guy

4、s who are into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Chris: But hes just a regular kind of guy, right? Kim: Yeah, we got along really well! Chris: I just knew youd like him. Kim: Yeah, I do, and hes really funny. He had me laughing hysterically during dinner. I think the people

5、 sitting next to us in the restaurant thought we were crazy. Chris: So, are you two going to get together again? Kim: Definitely, in fact, were going to a concert tomorrow night. Chris: Thats great. P4 Listening What are they like? B Listen to conversations about what the people above are like. Writ

6、e down two adjectives for each person. How similar were your guesses? 1. Andrea A: So, have you seen Andrea lately? B: Yeah, I see her pretty often. We work together at a caf latt. A: Hows she doing, Ive been meaning to call her. B: Well, to be honest! Ive always thought shes a little difficult. But

7、 these days, I find her impossible. A: What do you mean? B: Oh, you know how she is. She has such strong ideas about everything. If you dont agree with her she lets you know what she thinks of you. A: Yes, thats true. But thats why we love her, right? B: Yeah, I guess so. But shes changed a lot sinc

8、e she started college.She talked about herself all the time and she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does. A: Hmm. Maybe I wont call her after all. 2. James A: Are you going to James party on Saturday? B: Of course, James always gives the best parties. And there are always

9、 lots of interesting new people to meet. A: Thats true. I dont know where he manages to find them all. B: Well, you know what hes like. He makes friends very easily. He really likes talking to people, and he loves inviting people over. A: Ur Ur, he invited me for dinner last Saturday, what a feast!

10、B: Yeah, hes a great cook too. A: After dinner I offered to help clean up, he told me not to worry about it. He said hed take care of it in the morning. He was like. Its nothing, no big deal. B: Yup, that sounds like James. 3. Mr. Johnson A: Have you met the new apartment manager? B: Mr. Johnson? Hm

11、m. Yeah, I met him last week. Hes a little strange. A: Yeah, he is. Im not sure I like him. Hes hard to predict. Sometimes hes pretty cheerful and talkative, and the next day he doesnt even say hello. I think he must have personal problems or something. B: I think youre right. And have you noticed t

12、hat half the time when he says hes going to do something, he never actually does it? He told me three times hed come to fix the light in my kitchen, and he still hasnt done it. P5 8 Conversation Roommates A listen and practice. Dave: Hello? Jim: Hi. My names Jim Hunt. Im calling about the ad for a r

13、oommate. Dave: Oh, right. Jim: Are you still looking for someone? Dave: Yes, we are. Jim: Oh, good. Im really interested. Dave: Well, there are four of us, and its a fairly small house, so we want someone whos easy to get along with. Jim: Im pretty easygoing. Dave: Great! So can I ask you a few fair

14、ly straightforward questions about yourself? Jim: No problem. I like it when people are direct. B Think of three questions that Dave might ask Jim. Then listen to the rest of the conversation. What questions did Dave ask? D: What do you do, Jim? J: Oh, well, Ive had a lot of different jobs, but Im n

15、ot working right now. D: Oh? J: Yeah, I got fired from my last job about six months ago, so Ive been looking for something else. I havent been very lucky so far. D: Uh-huh. Well, the rent here is $1,200 a month uh, thats $300 a month for each person. J: Oh, Uh . D: Will you have enough money to pay the rent every month? J: Yeah, I probably will if I can find a job. D: Yeah. Uh, look, where are you living now? J: Well, Ive been staying with a friend for the past couple of weeks. D: Uh-huh. J: Yeah, but hes asked me to leave by Friday, so I really need to find a place t


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