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1、word2014 年专业英语考试试题与参考答案Part Vocabulary and Structure(130 points)Directions: There are 30 inplete statements in this partYou are required to plete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER

2、SHEET.1. Would you please give him the key as soon ashe?No problem.2. He isnowconfinedthe hospital byillness.A.inB.toC. with D. at3. Having no key to the door, thepoorboyanxiously in the rain for one anda half hours, and he would wait till the motherarrived.A.waswaitingB. had beenwaitingC. had waite

3、d D. would wait4. Trying towild life is a job that concerns all ofus.5. The20yearold tennis players dreamis toChina at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.6. The residents living in these apartmentshavefreeto the swimming pool,the gym and otherfacilities.7. Therearetwomajorproblemslinkedwith atomicpowerplant

4、s,thefirst concerns nuclearwaste.A.ofwhichB. of thetwoC. of them D. of the plants8. Whatsthatnewlybuiltbuilding?the studentshaveoutofclass activities, such as drawing andsinging.A. It is thebuildingthatB. ThatswhereC. It is in which D. The building that9. Tom has been most helpful to us; in fact I d

5、ont knowwhatwewithouthim.A.have doneB. will havedoneC. had done D. would have done10. fromhearttroubleforyears,ProfessorBlackhastotakesomemedicine with him wherever hegoes.C. Having suffered D. Being suffered11. While Tony was walking in the street,hecamean old classmate ofhis.A.intoB. acrossC. onto

6、 D. upwith12. Neverbeforeavailableforquickandeasyaccessinsomanydifferentfields ofstudy. / A. so much freeinformationwereB. were so much freeinformationC. has so muchinformationbeenD. so much free information hasbeen13. Footballplayersaremales, though there are somefemales.A.mostB.mostlyC. much D. al

7、l14. Theuseof militaryforcefacesstrongopposition amongkeyUSallieswhere opinionpollsshowmajorities of the populations support a peacefulsolution.15. , the next problem was how to make a goodplan.A. Having madethe decisionB. The decision having beenmadeC. Has the decisionbeenmadeD. The decision has be

8、enmade16. The whole world is now clearly awareoftheto which global warming has affected the earth.17. Tim, , but your TV is going tooloud.Oh. Im sorry. Ill turn it down right now.A. Id like to talkwithyouB. Im really tired ofthisC. I hate to say this D. I need your help18. Humanbehaviorismostlyaprod

9、uctoflearning,whereasthebehaviorofan animal depends mainly on.C. impulse D. reaction19. She said she liked dancing but was notinthefor it just then when it wasso noisy in thehall.20. It is generally believed thatgardeningisit is ascience.A. an artmuchasB. much an artasC. as an art much as D. as much

10、 an art as21. Youre the managers relative, butthatdoesntyou to a free meal in our restaurant.22. Wehadenough Russian to be able to read theinstructions.A. set upB.pickedupC. taken up D. madeup23. Why! I have nothing to confess. you want me tosay?A. What isitthatB. What it isthatC. How is it that D.

11、How it is that24. His salary as a bus driver is much higherthan.A. that ofateacherB. those of ateacherC. these ofateacherD. this of ateacher25. Thepanymanyfinepromises totheengineerin ordertogethimtowork forthem.A.heldupB. heldonC. held out D. heldonto26. She did not know whether to sell her booksor

12、.A. to keep them forreferenceB. keeping them forreferenceC. if she should keep them forreferenceD. to be kept forreference27. Quite a number of NBA players have theexperienceoffrom one team to another.28. Im sorry I broke your favoritecup.Oh, really? .A. Its OKwithmeB. Dont besorryC. I dont care too

13、 much D. It doesnt matter29. Thepetitionfromexperiencedstaffmembers,someofwhomarehigherin rank, to mydisadvantage.30. The rapid development China has achieved in thelastdecadethat the future is likely to be veryexciting.A. makeit clearB. it has madeclearC. it makes clear D. has made it clearPart Rea

14、ding prehension(220 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or inplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, CandD.You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWERSHEET.Google

15、, theInternetsearchengine pany, has announced that it will give morethantwentyfivemilliondollarsinmoneyandinvestmentstohelpthepoor. The pany says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve theirlives.the part of the pany that gives money to good causes. He said the panys first project will help identify whereinfectious(传染性的)diseasesaredeveloping.InSoutheastAsiaandAfrica,for example, Google.org will work with partners tostrengthenearlywarning systems and take action against growing healththreats.s second project will invest i



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