外贸英语 函电商务英语应用文写作课后答案

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《外贸英语 函电商务英语应用文写作课后答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸英语 函电商务英语应用文写作课后答案(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外贸英语 函电商务英语应用文写作课后答案Business English Correspondence -商务英语应用文写作 Review Subject 一单词互译 二汉译英 1. 我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。 My company is the one of the leading importers of electronic products, we would like to take this opportunity to consult with you, hope to establish business relat

2、ion with you. 2. 我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。 My company has been running the imports and exports of machinery and equipment for many years, our products had enjoyed great popularity in many countries. 3. 承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称和地址。 Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counsellor of my Emb

3、assy in Beijing,we come to know your name and address. 4. 我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。我们有一客户想要购买贵国化妆品,如能立即航寄目前所能供之货的目录及价格表,我们将不胜感激。 We understand that you are the manufacturer of Daily Chemical . One of our customers is in the market for cosmetics in your country. We shall appreciate it if you will enclose a c

4、opy of your catalog covering the goods available at present and the price list. 5. 有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行咨询 For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China , Shanghai Branch. 6. 请报你方最优惠的上海到岸价,包括我方3%佣金。 Please quote us your best price, CIF Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commission. 7. 如果你方价格有

5、竞争力的话,我们打算订购30万码棉布。 If your price is competitive, we intend to order 300,000 yards cotton. 8. 我方有一家客户对贵国青岛海尔电冰箱感兴趣,请电开400台伦敦到岸价4月船期的报盘。 One of our customers has interest in your Haier Brand Refrigerator, please call to open the 400 sets CIF London in April offer shipping schedules. 9. 为了便于你方了解我方的产品,

6、我们立即航寄样品书两份。 To enable you to have better understanding of our products, we are sending you by air a sample book immediately 10. 为报答你方x月x日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参考。 To requite your enquiry of April 28, we enclose a copy of our lastest price list for your reference. 11. 我们正在仔细研究你方报盘,希望将此盘保留到月底有效。 We are car

7、eful study your offer, we hope that this offer will remain till the end of the month. 12. 我方的产品质量好,价格合理,因此相信贵方能大量订货。 Our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price ,so we believed that you are able to place a large order with us. 13. 如果你方能订购5000打或5000打以上,我们将给予10%的折扣。 If you can

8、 order 5000 dozen or over 5000 dozen , we will give a 10% discount. 14. 关于支付条件,我们通常要求保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。 The terms of payment, we usually require confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit by sight draft . 15. 请接收此难得再有的报盘。最近可望有大笔订单子美国方面来,届时将导致价格猛涨。 16. 如果x月x日之前收到你方订单,我方将报5月上旬船期的实盘。 If receiveing

9、your order before March 10, we will submit to the early May shipment of a firm offer. 17. 由于此货的需求量甚大,所以该盘的有效期不能超过五天。 Because the goods in great demand, so the offer will be valid not more than five days. 18. 兹报实盘,以我方时间x月x日星期二下午5时以前复到位有效。 19. 如果你方能给我方5%的佣金,我方将试购500台。 If you can give us 5% commission,

10、 we will place a trial order of 500 sets. 20. 我们正在执行你方678号订单。请相信我们定将在你方所规定的期限内安排装运。 We are implementing your Order No. 678. Please be assured that we will arrange shipment within the stipulated time limit. 21. 由于大量承约,许多客户的订货都未发出,因此我们目前只能接受10月船期的订单。 Since a large number of commitments about,many cust

11、omers about the order was issued, so we can only accept october shipment orders. 22. 因为存货售罄,我们不能接受新订单。但是一矣新货源到来,我们即去电与你方联系。 Because stock sold out, we cannot accept the new order。However, as soon as the new supply coming, we will call to contact with you. 23. 该货需分三批装出,每月100吨,从8月份开始。 The goods need t

12、o put on three batches, 100 tons per month, starting from August. 24. 品质、数量和重量的异议与索赔:货到目的口岸后,买房如果发现货物品质及/或数据/重量与合同规定不符,除属于保险公司及/或船公司的责任外,买房可以凭双方同意的检验机构出具的检验证明向卖方提出异议,品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,数量/重量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出。 Quality, quantity and weight of objections and claims: goods to the port of destinatio

13、n, the buyer found that the goods if the quality and / or data / weight are not in conformity with the contract, except those which are insurance companies and / or the shipping companys responsibility, the buyer can agree upon by both parties. The inspection agency issued the challenge test to prov

14、e to the seller, the quality of opposition to the port of destination in goods within 30 days from the date, quantity / weight of objection to the goods at the destination within 15 days from the date made. 25. 仲裁:凡因执行本合同或与本合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,应有双反通过友好方式协商解决。如果不能取得协议时则在被告国家根据被告国仲裁机构的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁决定是终局的,对

15、双方具有同等约束力。仲裁费用除非仲裁机构另有决定外,均由败诉一方负担。 Arbitration: arising from the execution of this contract or with the contract dispute matter what happens, there should be dual-friendly manner through consultations. If settlement can be reached in the defendant country (region) of the respondent State (region) of the arbitration body for arbitration procedural rules of arbitration. Arbitration decision is final and binding upon both parties. The costs of arbitration unless the arbitration body decides otherwise, by the losing parties. 26. 信用证345号,请修改 长吨改为公吨 adjust Lo


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