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1、THE ST. REGIS SHANGHAI 上海瑞吉红塔大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task:Daily Sales Briefing任务:每日销售会议Code 序号: OH-SM-RM-D002Objectives:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to provide a highly Focused approach to the day to day selling and sales planning for each Individual sales associat

2、e.目标:课程结束后,每一个学员将能够集中精力做每日的销售工作和制订 销售计划。Standard:The DOSM or deputy will conduct daily sales briefing every working day. The daily sales briefing will last no more than half an hour.All sales associates will attend the briefing and a representative from Rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department

3、will be invited to participate.标准: 市场销售总监或其代理将主持每日销售会议,会议将不会超过半小时 所有的销售部员工必须参加此会议,房务部及餐饮部将派代参加。Resources: Whiteboard, Flip Chart, Sales call reports form, competitor information form 培训器材: 白板,翻转展示板,销售报告表格, 竞争对手信息表Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间Ice break打破僵局Introduction介绍Raise interests提高兴趣Lecture

4、讲解Explanation and demonstration解释和展示Contents内容ExerciseRole play练习角色扮演Summary总结Music Loud and the trainer in uniform of sales manager standing straightly and smile.大声音乐,训导师着销售经理服装微笑着站在学员面前。Self-introduction and give a warm welcome.自我介绍并向学员表示欢迎Question to test the trainees level: 提问学员测试水准Does anyone a

5、ttend the sales briefing?谁参加过销售会议?W.I.F.M: 我将从中学到什么?we know our competitor and us each other, we will lead that market, we will win in every target.知己知彼,百战百胜。This course should divided in two parts:课程将分为两部分:What is we need prepared before sales briefing?销售会议前需要准备什么?What should we follow up after sal

6、es briefing? 会议结束后我们需要跟进那些事情?All standard & procedure be written in the flipchart and showing to trainees:所有的标准和程序将写在白板上并展示给学员。Explain the S&P item by item(refer to S&P)逐条解释标准和程序(参照标准 和程序)showing the sales call reports and competitor information form at same time同时展示销售报告和竞争对手信息表格。.Divided trainees i

7、nto two groups to do daily sales briefing and other group will critique after role-play.分两组做每日销售会议练习,然后评估。Question:What should we follow up after sales briefing?会议结束后我们需要跟进那些事情?all answers will be written in the white board and then explain item by item.所有的答案将写在白板上,然后逐条解释。Review all key points which are listed on Flip Chart 回顾所有翻转展示板上的要点5 minutes10 minutes10 minutes30 minutes15 minutes10 minutesTotal 80 minutes


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