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1、wordMEANINGS 义项1.MOVE TOWARDS SB/STH 朝某人/某物移动来;来到;降临Let me know when they e. 他们来了就告诉我。+ in/into/out of etcThere was a knock on the door and a young woman came into the room. 有人敲了一下门,然后一个年轻女人进了房间。+ to/towardsI could see a figure ing towards me. 我看到有个人影向我走来。+ across/down/up etcAs they came down the tr

2、ack, the car skidded. 他们的汽车在小路上行驶时打滑了。e to do sthIve e to see Philip. 我来看看菲利普。e and do sthIll e and help you move the rest of the boxes. 我会来帮你搬其余的箱子。e running/flying/speeding etcJess came flying round the corner and banged straight into me. 杰斯从拐角处飞跑过来,和我撞了个满怀。e to dinner/lunchWhat day are your folks

3、 ing to dinner? 你爸妈哪天过来吃饭?here es sb/sth (=used to say that someone or something is ing towards you)某人/某物来了Ah, here es the bus at last! 啊,公共汽车终于来了!2.GO WITH SB 与某人同行Were going for a drink this evening. Would you like to e? 今晚我们打算去喝酒,你愿意一起去吗?+ withI asked Rosie if shed like to e with us. 我问了罗茜是否愿意和我们

4、一起去。+ alongIt should be good fun. Why dont you e along? 应该很好玩。你也一起去怎么样?3.TRAVEL TO A PLACE 行至某地Which way did you e? 你从哪条路来的?Have you e far (= travelled a long way ) today? 今天你走了很长的路吗?Ive e a long way to see you. 我赶了很远的路来看你。+ through/across/by way of etcThey came over the mountains in the north. 他们翻过

5、北边的山来的。+ fromLegend has it that the tribe came from across the Pacific Ocean. 传说这个部落是从太平洋的那一边过来的。e by car/train/bus etcWill you be ing by train? 你打算乘火车来吗?e 50/100 etc miles/kilometresSome of the birds have e thousands of miles to winter here. 一些鸟飞了数千英里来这里过冬。4.POST 邮寄A letter came for you this mornin

6、g. 今天早晨有寄给你的一封信。The phone bill hasnt e yet. 费账单还没寄到。5.时间或事件到来;发生At last the day came for us to set off. 我们出发的日子终于来到了。The moment had e for me to break the news to her. 是时候了,我应该把这消息告诉她了。be/have yet to e (=used when something has not happened yet but will happen)还没到来The most exciting part is yet to e.

7、最激动人心的一刻还没到来。6.always + adv/prep to reach a particular level or place够到,达到某一高度或位置+ up/downShe had blonde hair which came down to her waist. 她留着齐腰长的金发。7.BE PRODUCED/SOLD 制造出/售出always + adv/prep 备有货,可提供+ inThis particular sofa es in four different colours. 这种沙发有四种不同的颜色。Cats e in many shapes and sizes.

8、 猫科动物体形各异,大小也不一样。+ withThe puter es plete with software and games. 这台电脑配有软件和游戏。8.always + adv/prep 位于,处于某一位置+ before/afterP es before Q in the alphabet. 字母表中P在Q之前。e first/second etcShe came first in the 200 metres. 她在200米比赛中名列第一。9.e open/undone/loose etc松开,解开His shoelace had e undone. 他的鞋带松了。The rop

9、e came loose. 绳子松开了。10.e to do sth 开始感觉到某事;开始有某意见;偶然地做某事He came to think of Italy as his home. 他开始把意大利看成自己的家了。I came to believe that he was innocent after all. 我开始相信他还是清白的。Can you tell me how the body came to be discovered? 你能告诉我这具尸体是怎么发现的吗?e to be doing sth I often wondered how I came to be living

10、in such a place. 我常常在想,我怎么会住到这种地方来。11.e and go来去自由,来去随便The students can e and go as they please. 学生可以来去自由。断断续续,时断时续The pain es and goes. 疼痛时断时续。12.take sth as it es对某事随遇而安,对某事听天由命We just take each year as it es. 我们每年都是随遇而安。He takes life as it es. 他对待生活的态度是听天由命。13.have sth ing (to you)你活该承受某惩罚恶果,你咎由自

11、取I do feel sorry for him, but Im afraid he had it ing. 我确实为他感到难过,但恐怕他也是罪有应得。 nice/as stupid etc as they e极好的/极蠢的等My uncle Walter is as obstinate as they e. 我的叔叔沃尔特非常固执。15.for years/weeks/days etc to e在未来的很多年/周/天等里This is a moment that will be remembered and celebrated for years to e. 这一时刻将永远被缅怀

12、和纪念。n years/days to e将来,未来In years to e, some of the practices we take for granted now will seem quite barbaric. 到了将来,我们现在的一些被认为理所当然的做法会显得相当野蛮。17.have e a long way有长足进步,有极大开展puter technology has e a long way since the 1970s. 电脑技术自20世纪70年代以来已经取得了长足的进步。18.e as a surprise/relief/blow etc (to sb)使某人惊奇/松

13、一口气/受到打击等The decision came as a great relief to us all. 这个决定让我们大家都松了一大口气。The news will e as no surprise to his colleagues. 他的同事对这个消息一点都不会感到惊奇。19.e easily/naturally (to sb)对某人而言很容易/自然Public speaking does not e easily to most people. 对大多数人来讲,公开演讲不是件容易的事。20.e of age 成年,达到法定年龄Hell inherit the money when

14、 he es of age. 他到了法定年龄就可以继承这笔钱。开展到高级阶段,开展到成功的形式Space technology didnt really e of age until the 1950s. 空间技术直到20世纪50年代才真正趋于成熟。21.e right out with sth/e right out and say sth坦言某事,直截了当地说出某事常指出人意料地You came right out and told him? I dont know how you dared! 你直截了当地对他说了?我不懂你怎么敢这样!22.e clean老实交代,全盘招供+ about

15、I think you should e clean about where you were last night. 我觉得你应该老实交代昨晚去了哪儿。23.因事情过多而不知所措,毫无头绪I dont know whether Im ing or going this week. 这个星期我脑子乱得一团糟。24. e good/right圆满完毕Dont worry, itll all e right in the end. 别担心,最后一切都会好起来的。25.e to pass一段时间以后发生It came to pass that they had a son. 后来,他们生了一个儿子。26.SEX 性informal to have an orgasm达到性高潮SPOKEN PHRASES 口语短语1.e in!进来!对敲门人说 e?怎么会?3.e to think of it/e to that刚意识到或想起还有,说起来4.e July/next year/the next day



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