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1、第二版新视野大学英语读写教程4第四册课后答案nitne III . ile usify 3. diout 4 distinc 5. inte 6acud7. object .cntinate 9. susai 10. worshp V. 1. accusing.f 2. end up 3. ame upon 4 atherwos.payfor6. ru a ris of 7 prtcpat in 8. otertan 9. object t/objcted .t betV 1 K 2 G 3. 4.E . N 6. 7. 8. L 9. 10. D Cllocation I. 1. dely

2、pan .hardp 4.suferin 5.feve 6. deeat poery . tatent 9nose .aonod ilng V. 1. juiy 2. lorify3.eemliis4. ssified .puied ntensify 7. idnti 8. terfied VIII. bravery 2.jeer 3.elivry 4. mainr 5. robey 6. nursry 7. sen .discoverySetece StrucreX. 1. otan fr unrl and wdgs 2.other than tolvan inepnenli 3 ttan

3、tatty ppled to is eye . .4butotherhan that, ll eatjst abou verhin . ohe an that itssomwhen the wn cener 1.shoudn hv ben to cnema asnight .wold ha; toldhimhe aswer 3.hey needn hve gone t 4. ut have hd to muh wokto d 5. mighthae beninjured seriosy rasltn XI.- 1. The plan oes notgrowwellin soisoteranth

4、e ei whch i has eeneeoed. 2. Researh finds show hatwe spen abut to hrs deamig every ight,nater what we may hve done urig h da 3.om peopletnto jti their faiue bylaing ohers fo not tryingei es. 4W min r t orcomitmnt: Whatevwe promse to do; we would d it.5.Eve eehoenfather iscounted thessiblity tht his

5、o would ond ecome th graes musicin in theworld.Teame is u Edion, wseemed is taheto be quite dul. Thy werauedb aurities o treaening the tate scuiyXI. l.出入除自己家以外的任何场合时,如果你带有宠物,一定要理解有关宠物的规定。 2某些女性完全可以不待在家里,而是去工作,挣一份不错的工资。但是为了家庭,她们放弃 了工作。 3.你怎么为这样粗鲁的行为辩护?你将会为此付出沉重的代价,由于她们己经以低毁名誉的罪 名起诉你了。 4批评有其重要作用;我们也许当

6、时不喜欢它,但是它能鼓励我们去做更伟大的事情。.她毫不让步的行为遭到公众的反对,这使得她陷人了精神上崩溃、经济上破产的境地。 .虽然你失败了,也不要被失败伤害,更不要被失败左右。记住:失败是学习过程中必要的一 步;它不是学习、的结束,而是学习的开始。 CoeXIII. 1 B 2.A 3C 4D 5.B 6A 7.B 8.A9.C 1. II. 1. 13 D 14.A 15. 16.D17.B 1CI9 A 0.DSctio Reng Skis.1.I was blac anws loked dwn on becauseftelyshdofracsm n 976. 2 Itmeas tha

7、the an as differetrmthers o hewashonst an paid ets. 3.The frmersattitude owrd e hanged when e leared tha wthe onofnhonest man ho as diffeent from othe blacs.4 Because Aerian social oralitha cnged frtheworse. 5.Because pple blee in honet nd thi helps me i my lf.ompreensinofth Text II.1F 2.T3 4.TT6.T

8、7F .T Vocauary 1 eted 2. retore 3 iitiae 4. oblitin, 5.inue 6. ls 7.relief 8. furis 9.qire10. mehile ExesesonWeb cousenly: 11. depoi 1: innt13 beave1.amused 15. glue I 1. ept his wor2: shuggedoff3.meltedaay quir in 5. coo o6. pve the wa for . hld up8. ll apat . wipe away 1. o ceit unit2Stion ACopren

9、sio o ft text. He ived a po adierale lfedurin hs childhood2.Because no oni itain appeared tapciate his alent orcomdy Hi comic figures di notconfo toBt tndrds3. Beaus hisdres an bhvir didnt sem t ish.4It wa the fitmovien whchChaplin spok.5.He usd sphysical sense to inventhi ar a hen alg wihot a rpaed

10、script.6 His ranformtio f liles bjets int othr kin of ojects, plus h sklthwich heeecute it agan and aan.Sh brouhstabilty and hppness toim anbcme a enof clm i is fay.8 Cmic.VocbularyII1.oase 2 btraye3. incidet 4.psponed 5. execute.srndin 7. apls 8. exraoinay 9.clsy 0. spredI.fo.agan 3. up 4. about .u

11、p. 7. don 8. own9. n 1.oV.l. I .J 3.B. 5.6.G F 8L 9.0.ColloatonV.1. service . help/hnd 3. nen guarate5 viit6 span . welcome 8. spi . duies 10. uldngsWrdBilding. atst .terrost3.noveist ctivs5. bilogis 6dalist 7.cptlts 8. ourstVII.1.trrism 2. indurialsm. realism4. idaism. criticism 6. herois 7. racsm

12、Moernismsenece stutreIX1.IfI hadnown that yo wre comng,Iwould hae mt yu a the airprt2. I e hadtried toev the cuntr, hewol ve ben stopped a thebore.3. If e had fu imearlier, we cul hae sad his life.4. If Ihugh ttpan, I wd avebee kiled in te ai crash. If e had eeni ood ha,he coud hae wrtten may boks.X.1.itis a wondert


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