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1、Cabrge同义词替代大全同义词替代(剑四)ST TEST 2 TT 3TEST 4 同义词替代(剑五)TST TES2TES 3 TEST 4同义词替代(剑六) TET 1 TST 2 TET TT 同义词替代(剑七) E EST 2 TES 3EST 4 同义词替代(剑八) TST 1 ES2 EST 3TS Camrdge4 TES11. inore=pa noattntn=not pay ny attntion=tak otce=no ae any notic忽视,忽视 v2. ecouerfae=conrontet碰见,遭遇v.3. isakevie=misconcetion错误的观

2、点.4. eas to h=acessible容易达到的j.5. chan=moify(modiication) 变化v.6. estrucio=esoy=loss毁坏n.7. invtigte=make inquires=enqiries= nto=prb=ook it 调查v.8. whregeorpcllca 表地点9. mportantil=estilcucial重要的adj10. resn=causeactor=riginsrot=tmulus=ipus因素.11. c=guar=safegud=el=consrvn保护v.12. nespapers, telison=media媒体

3、.13. where tlive=habitat居住地n.14. ewarmer=glol wrmin变暖.15. onrie to=pla art有助于v.16. srvive=coninuin exitence幸存,活下来v. 17. curriulum=coursesylas课程18. lnto=bconnected wt=belid with把和相联系v19. uderdevelodgeratd=udimentary不发达的adj.20. poor=badadly=no vergoooodat someneak贫穷的,可怜的adj.21. eptoal=ood=xcelet=ouand

4、ing=briliant=mressive=dmiabe超常的,例外的aj.22. matin=curts交配.23. ollw=trackail=shdo=houn=sl=stalr跟随,跟踪v24. od ision bliy=v is ooly mor useful好的视力 25. best=ell=gates=finet=del = number n=ultite=optimm=definitiv=unsupassed=ecord-brekng极好的adj26. surprsed=amaz=astonish=astode=be taen abackstartd感到惊讶的a.27. ol

5、ueersubject实验研究对象.28. smiarreseble=lke=alk相似的adj.29. blid=an not se瞎的adjambride4 TEST1. nitiateon our n/y rself=indepenently=on our own initivender your ownsea=obe he peswho start somethgplan=law积极的,自发的ad. 积极权n.2. ncras=goup=risegrw=clmbgainecaae=ick upwidenben theinreaeintens=expad=build up上升,增长v.3

6、. teach=ducae=train=cahinstuct=bringu教学v.4. rethan one language=bilingalsb send angae多种语言n5. etrminesbih=ideni=pinoint=ine 决定v.6. oun pol=tenar=th=i your teens=doescnt=in年轻人.7. omuty=all the people n a paticular area, cit, cntry etc.群体,团队,社区n.8. tradiionaol-fashioed=outdated=umodeunfasionabl老式的dj.9.

7、 fai=ailre=t suceedusucceul=ai=fruiless=uroducte=be a aiurego rong=no wor=do nogoodfa trugh失败v. 10. enanger=t ut somneor somethg indang f beng hurt=dmaged=destoe危及,使危险v. 11. diverse=vaed=vriety=de-rngin=ixed多种各样的dj.12. inevitable=certain to hppen and mpossibe t avod不可避免的adj.13. ffr omnsl与不同v.14. rel

8、cn=wlng=not illng=drg or eet=e lah t do sthing=cnservative勉强的aj.15. consult=ak ombdyice=eek adice=e/obtin advice资询v.16. altenatve=anoterotedifert=new=evrai=ariant另一种 17. therapst=someon whohas ben trined to gv a partiular form o treatentor hysia oreal lness临床医学家n.18. retain=tking course再教育v19. salar

9、=pay=ae=incme=earnings=fee工资,收入n.20. log-term=chonic=log-runn=log-standin=sti=lifelongprlonedlngi=nduing=abding=incrl长期的adj21. omnt=cplamake a complaint=protest=obet=cmai抱怨n22. lles=dsese=viru=ictio疾病 n.23. conection=rltionship=linkcrrelin联系 n.24. benecl=e good foryou/ do someby good=wolome=uritious

10、=nourihg=healu有益的 dj25. insighcpeenson=understading理解,见解 n26. hyscalelating to hebdyodily身体的 dj.27. zrd=ri=dangr=hret障碍,危险n28. acmpay=withoeher=along whcome wit陪伴,随着 29. menlrelating to the halt o statofsoeonesmid精神上的,心理的 adj.30. pssible=psbility=can=poentia=te is a hance/possibli也许的adj.31. euio=dec

11、rese=op=fal=cut 减少 .32. class=typekind=sortsle=ctgoy=vaty种类n33. rehearsl=praticetranigru-thugh=xeris排练,演习 n.34. peer=you peersae theeople ho rthesmage s you, r wh hav the same type of job, socil clas etc同伴n.35. defiveuse or ntend toprtec omeon or smething agint attak防御n.36. srateg=way=thod=apprach=t

12、chnqu=sste=tactics 措施,功略n.37. sst=hlp=id=it the aidof协助 v.38. specfi=give(somoy) mor etis=exand o=eare on=ginomorgrar etai=morespecfic=emore eplici=eaborate特定的j.39. ubsancprtiular type soi, luid, r as 物质 .40. srondin=evronment=ircmsance 环境n.41. gageve omeody a jempo=takeo=ppitecuit=sig up雇佣 .42. coin=mx=trbeatblnd=hisk=ilue联合.43. ival=the sate of cotinuingto lv or exist幸存n.ambid TT31. quottn= setene or phrase om book, pec t hih you rea in peech r pece o ritin becauseit is


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