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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 【重点词组】1. used to过去曾经 2. be afraid of the dark惧怕黑暗 3. from time to time时常 4. get good scores取得好的分数5. deal with对付|,应对6. get tons of attention得到大量的关注7. read books on European history阅读有关欧洲历史的书8. African culture非洲文化 9. be alone独处 10. give a speech in public作一个公开演讲

2、11. paint pictures画画 12. be nervous about tests 对考试感到紧张13. influence his way of thinking影响他的思维方式14. be proud of ./take pride in 为感到骄傲 15. be absent from classes逃课 16. fail the examinations考试不及格 17. make a decision下决心18. talk with sb in person 亲自找某人谈话 19. to one surprise使某人惊讶的是 20. feel good about on

3、eself对自己充满信心 21. a general self-introduction一个简要的自我介绍 22. in the last few years在最近几年 23. remain silent 保持沉默 24. have a great influence on sb 对某人有很大的影响【重点句式】1. -You used to be short|, didnt you? -Yes|, I did.-你过去个子矮|,是吗?-是的|,我是。2. -Whats he like now? -Hes tall now.-她现在是什么样?-她现在很高。3. Paula used to be

4、really quiet|, she was never brave enough to ask questions.波拉以前很文静|,她从来不够勇敢来问题。4. Its three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.自从我们上次见到我们的初中同学以来已有三年了。5. Emily didnt use to eat a lot of vegetables|, but now she loves carrots and tomatoes.艾米丽过去不吃许多蔬菜|,但是现在她喜爱胡萝卜和西红柿。6. -I used to be

5、 nervous about tests all the time. What about you?-Yes|, me too. And I used to hate P.E class.-我以前对考试一直感到紧张|,你呢?-是的|,我也是。 并且我过去还讨厌上体育课。7. My life has changed a lot in the last few years.我的生活在近几年改变了许多。【重点知识】Section A(1a 2d)a. 词汇包: be interested in对感兴趣该短语后接动词-ing形式、名词或代词|,其主语必须是人或其他有生命的东西。它相当于show/tak

6、e/have/feel (an) interest in|,其中interest为名词|,意为“兴趣”。其中be可换用get或become以强调由不感兴趣到感兴趣。【备课例句】Shes interested in collecting shells. =She shows an interest in collecting shells. 她对收集贝壳感兴趣。He became very interested in science when he was ten. 他十岁时就对科学产生了兴趣。(以前不感兴趣|,十岁时开始)【横向辐射】interesting & interest1.intere

7、sting作形容词|,有主动意味|,意为“令人有趣的”|,作表语时|,主语通常是物。作定语时|,既可修饰人|,也可修饰物。【例句】The story is very interesting. 这故事很有趣。This is an interesting book. 这是本有趣的书。2.interest作不可数名词时意为“兴趣、趣味”。作动词时意为“使(人)发生兴趣”|,其主语多为事物。【例句】Theyre all places of great interest in China. 它们都是中国的名胜。Your story interests me. 你的经历引起了我的兴趣。【课堂变式】I ha

8、ve _ to tell you. Maybe you will be _ in it.A. interesting something|; interested B. something interesting|; interestingC. something interesting|; interested D. something interested|; interesting 【解析】形容词修饰不定代词时|,应该放在其后面|,可先排除A。另外|,修饰某物时要用interesting|,可排除D。第二空的you是人|,故要用be interested in结构。答案选择C。b. 句式

9、包:1.Mario|, you used to be short|, didnt you? 马里奥|,你过去很矮|,对吗?used to do sth 意为“过去常常做某事”|,特指在过去经常发生的动作|,而现在已不再发生|,其中used to 可以看作情态动词|,用于各种人称。【备课例句】He used to play soccer when he was young. 他年轻时经常踢足球。(现在不踢了)She used to be an English teacher. 她过去是一位英语老师。(现在不是英语老师了)1.其否定句为didnt use to do或used not to do|

10、,used not可缩写为usednt。【备课例句】Mr. Li didnt use to drink beer. =Mr. Li usednt to drink beer. 李先生不常喝啤酒。2.used to 的疑问句形式是“Diduse to do?”或“Usedto do”。【备课例句】Did she use to get up early?=Used he to get up early? 她过去经常早起吗?3.used to 的反意疑问句也用助动词did(nt)或used(nt)构成。【备课例句】Mario used to be late for school|, didnt/us

11、ednt he? 马里奥以前上学经常迟到|,对不对?【横向辐射】be used to do sth & be used to doing sth.1.be used to do sth 表示“被用于做某事”|,是被动结构|,强调主语是动词use的承受者。【例句】Wood can be used to make desks. 木材可用来制作书桌。Stamps can be used to send letters. 邮票可用来寄信。2.be used to doing sth意为“习惯于做某事”|,其中to是介词|,后须接名词或动词-ing形式。【例句】I was used to the har

12、d life here. 我习惯这里的艰苦生活。He is used to working before six in the morning. 他已经习惯每天早晨六点以前干活。【课堂变式】1. She used to_ in the morning|, but now she is used to _ at night.A. read|; readB. read|; readingC. reading|; readD. reading|; reading【解析】前一空是used to do sth结构|,后一空是be used to doing 结构。若第二空采用be used to do

13、sth结构|,主语she不能成为use的承受者。另外|,由but now可知前一句说的是过去的情况|,后一空说的是现在的情况。正确答案是B。2. I used to go outside on weekends. (改为否定句) I_ _ to go outside on weekends.【解析】本题考查used to do的否定结构。其否定句为didnt use to do或used not to do。正确答案是didnt use/used not。2.What did his friends used to look like? 他的朋友过去长得什么样子?What does sb lo

14、ok like? 只用来询问某人的外貌长相|,相当于What is sb like?|, like在句中作介词|,意为“像”。【备课例句】What does Tom look like? (=What is Tom like?) 汤姆长得什么模样?He is very much like his father|, tall and dark. 他非常像他的父亲又高又黑。【横向辐射】What is sb/ sth like?& What does sb like? 1. What is sb/ sth like?What is sb like? 还可用来询问某人的品质。What is sth. like?用来询问事物的性质|,特别是用来谈论天气状况|, like在句中作介词|,意为“像”。【例句】What is Lily like? 莉莉是怎样的一个人?Shes a very nice girl. 她是个非常好的女孩。Whats the weather like? 今天天气怎么样?Very fine. 很晴朗。Whats this book like? 这本书怎么样?Very interesting. 很有趣。2.What does sb like?


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